EDITORIAL Officer’s promotion sends bad message Criticism* of Oti* Scarborough, an officer at the Uni versity Office of Public Safety, are nothing new in the Emerald. People routinely write letters to the editor that deride Scarborough’s job performance — accusing him of over-zealously ticketing student* for minor infractions, such as riding bikes on small stretches of sidewalks. However, opinions of job performance are largely sub jective. Violations of University policy are not. Scarbor ough was disciplined last September for breaking the Uni versity’s sexual harassment policy — a claim that was detailed extensively in _ the Jan. 25 Emerald. Now, several months later, OPS is shockingly training Scarborough for a promotion to lead supervisor. The job is not his automatically — 90 days after his May appointment, the posi tion will likely be opened for a statewide search. Howover. by the end of the 90-day train ing session, Scarborough may well be the most qualified candidate, meaning he will proba bly be hired. Promotlont should be given to outstanding employees who exhibit a good work ethic and who represent their office with (Bgntty which Is certainly questionable In Scarborough% case. judging by this latest development, Scarborough’s original discipline given by the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee was clear ly not severe enough to make a dent in his personnel file. A letter of reprimand on an issue as serious as soxual harassment should be grounds for dismissal, not promo tion. OPS Director Carey Drayton should have tried harder to find an alternative to Scarborough. His only action was to appoint an internal committee of two supervisors and one officer to make the decision, people who have worked with Scarborough in the past and are more likely to over look any indiscretions. In addition. Drayton had a choice of three candidates for the position, yet he gave Scar borough the job anyway. Drayton and his office should have taken sexual harass ment, or any violation for that matter, more seriously. Promotions should be given to outstanding employees who exhibit a good work ethic and who represent thoir office with dignity, which is certainly questionable in Scarborough's case. This isn't to say that Scarborough should be punished for the rest of his life. If it had been several years since Scarborough's violation, and he had kept his record clean since that time, a promotion would be more realistic. However, it has boon only eight months, and that's not long enough. The fact that Scarborough is already being considered for a promotion sends the message to students that their efforts to report sexual discrimination are in vain and won't be taken seriously. Conversely, it tells staff and fac ulty they can do whatever they want — discriminate or sexually harass women or men. It probably won't mat ter in a few months when they're up for a promotion or tenure. Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Oariy F">»« 4 puNMhed derly Monday through Endey Amng the Know year and Tueaday and T hui»day during me iu«w» By me O'agon Daily Emerald PuBkafvng Co me el the Ikwerarty ol Oregon. Eugene. Oregon The Emerald operatae independently o< the LKwervty with oflreae at Suae 300 ol the ErB Memorial Ur»on and « a memeer ol the Aaaooatad Preaa The Emerald m private progeny The untawtui removal or um ol papera » proeecutade By law Editor: Pat Maiach Nawa Editor Editorial Editor QrapMca Editor EntertoMmont Editor J4*« Bros Martin Firm JOfl PiMy F'Ofi Horn Fraalancs tcHlof Mandy Baucum Editorial Editor Fbvwt Jansaan Sports Editor Oava CrMVtxmnaau Supptamants Editor CaSay Andarton Night Editor Pat Maiach Associate Editors: Tamm* Baiay Sfudsnr Govammanr Act»wfaj Da*aiyn Traope Communty Coaaan Pohhg. Mghar fca Manage* Jana iroia Twasa lyabaoa Ph><«> Johnson N. Chns Kano**. Jaramy Mason Van L OS*yan H. GVhan Oh Hachaai Tiu*. Anga *nh*n Ctassltlad: Bac*y March** Manager Barry Logan Sharon Sauve Distribution: Brandon Anderson. Graham S*mcaon ... QlDiN Hl&H IN APQH-, SOOT DOWN IN N\M, fivT W KNOW f'M 0»onNA CHANGE 7N4T TUovwe. iV S yotf \aAWT VOUft SAX ? > I] *«*« rvM0 'TTJ 7M