Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1993, Page 2, Image 2

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Last chance; write
your own editorial
Two yoars ago, the Emerald mado a bold move to abol
ish student apathy on campus. It allowed students to fire
themselves up and write their own editorial — on any
subject they wanted.
Tho opinion could be poorly constructed and point
less. Judging from tho average lettor-to-the editor author,
it would be. One could even follow the time-honored
newspaper tradition of mlnutes-before-deadline opinion
spitting panic that occurs when you've written countless
editorials on the same damn topic — a topic no one on
campus seems to care about.
Howover. one look around campus will tell you that
aside from the hardcore EMU crowd, apathy remains. It’s
everywhere; In the shower, lurking behind doorways,
oven sitting on your lunch tray. Our ploy didn’t work.
So we'll try again. No more apathy. Watch It evaporate
as you angrily deride whatevor campus organization you
want (the Emerald excluded; we’re above criticism).
Apathy begone. Dammit.
Suggested topics;
•The IFC (There’s always something fun to say about
the IFC.)
• Multiculturalism (But don’t criticize anybody
involved with it; everyone will hate you and label your
opinions knee-jerk and racist.)
• Folk music on campus (Who needs it?)
•Tho virtues of soap (Folkios could use it.)
Headline goes here
Oregon Daily
3' t uv4 HI 0«tGO
The Oregon D»»y f merald « pubhahed derfy EAxvlay through fr«My du>«ig the achool
year and Tueaday and Thuraday duong the aumme' by the Oregon Darty Emerald
Putrfcaiung Co Inc at in* lln>vererty of Oregon Eugene. Oegon
The Emerald ope>aiae rndeoenoenify Ol the Univerady «r»th offcea at Suae 300 ol the
Em Mentonai Union end n a member ol the aaeoctaied Prea*
The Emerald .» jyivate property The untewtut removal or uae o< papera » proaecutabie
by le
Editor: Pat Malach
Nm Editof
Editorial Editor
QrapMcj Editor
Entartatrvnant Editor
Jaka B« g
Martin r i*h«r
Je« Paatay
Etaya Horn
Frwalanca Editor Mandy Baucum
Editorial Editor Rw*» Jan***"
Sport* Editor Dava Chartxx«eau
Sopptomanta Editor Caday Andaraon
Night Editor Martin hiiw
Aaaooala Editor*: Tammy Batay. StuOont GovommoniActimiot Dara'yn Trapp*
Commomfy. Co«o«n PohAg, >*Vn*' fducthon. *dm<*t* tfion
Now* 8t*« Ooatar A**n. Mall Bandar Juahn Brown. Sarah Dark. Mag Dadoiph Amy
Oavanport Jan Efcaon, Amanda Tamm. Anthony Tomay, Bath rtago Taraaa hkmtamgar.
Hatmcca Marr.ll Slav* Uni Katy Moa«a> Trffcn. Muoflar. Tn«u Nod. E»an Shaw, fnck
Siudancfca. Marwn SoAot Handy Thwban, Mcham Thompaon Agumr. Amy Van Toyt. Todd
VVJfcam* Dayton Vae
Qanaral Man agar Judy Rm<* Production Man agar Mchata Hoaa
Advartlalng: Tom Loach Sa<a* AMnagar Shawn Barvan. OK* Managar Jan* Irota.
TwaM ladDdl* Prut* Johnaon H, Chna Kano*. Jaramy Maacm Van V OUryan 8. G*an
Oh Hacnaal Tru«. Angm Wmtpidm
CUaaHtad: flacky Merchant Manager Bany Logan Sharon Sauva
CMatrtOuUon: Brandon Andaraon. N«c* Mannmng. Oraham Smtpaon
Buautaaa: hath, Coition*. Supanaaix Ardy Conno*y
Production: Ingid Whit#. Production Coordruuc* Knatme Orangar. Oaa McCotaO Stacy
MtchaK Jannrtar Hotand. Jennifer Smith
■uafewM Offic*.
ScnKTO*. r
The* international Students
Association would like to
express its greatest appreciation
to one and all who have put in
time and effort in making our
.10th International festival
another feather added to our
From the opening with Fil
ipino Night, through the Conti
nent Days and World Forum
Day and culminating with Inter
national Night, we must admit
that it would not have been as
successful as it was without
your participation. More impor
tantly, we would like to thank
those of you who have come
back year alter year to give us
support in one way or another
As for anyone who was
unable to buy tickets, or to
whom any inconvenience was
caused, please accept our sm
cerest apology. Once again,
thank you for your enthusiasm
and hard work
Chi* W*i Shing
International Students Associ
Rape education
I understand many of the frus
trations surrounding the alleged
rape by a Phi Kappa Psi fraterni
ty pledge. 1 don't believe there
can ever be enough done to
revoke the violations that their
pledge member committed, nor
am I satisfied with the level of
regret many of the fraternity
members voiced However, I do
not believe the recent allega
tions and possible lawsuit
against the fraternity are war
ranted or constructive.
I have confirmed with the
Student Conduct Coordinator
that the fraternity has kept its
good faith promises as outlined
in its contract. I can attest mem
bers did 34 of their 100 service
hours for me by writing letters
to their senators in support of
the Violence Against Women
Act. speaking to other fraterni
ties about this legislation and
distributing several hundred
rape education posters.
Their work has obviously not
solved the problem — they were
not always respectful to those
conducting the seminars — but
they were faithful to their con
tract, and we must recognize
I'd also like to add that the
then acting-president. Kevin
Govern, offered us volunteers,
regardless of their obligations to
the contract. I hope Josh
Schweitz will reconsider his
wish to "let this whole thing
die" and recognize, as his pre
decessor did. that they did not
exorcise rape from their house
because they put in a couple
hundred hours to save face
The question isn't "How can
we end this'" hut rather "How
ran we prevent it from over hap
pening again?"
Caitiiin Twain
ASUO Safety Affair* Coordi
From the "most-interesting
nding-the-Univarsity" depart
A young man in a T-shirt
emblazoned with the words
"Celebrate Diversity" shouting,
"1 wish I had a gun!" to a man
giving a pro-Christianity sermon
in the EMU Courtyard.
Kim Challia-Roth
Guilty verdict
The staff of The Student
Insurgent said their May 11
back page display pillorying
five University faculty members
is not an accusation hut merely
a question.
I say that's not true and is par
ticularly naive and foolish.
These faculty memliers' cogent
ly expressed intellectual and
moral disagreements with the
revisions proposed for the mul
ticultural curriculum require
ment are not racism, and no
amount of name-calling in
disingenuous guise will make it
The Insurgent has shown with
perfect clarity that it is staffed
by individuals who are pos
sessed of almost total ignorance
who find solace and salvation in
simple solutions, no matter how
wrongheaded or ineffective
those solutions might be. Even
for nil alternative publication
that prides itself on controversy,
this exercise in hate-mongering
and intellectual censorship is
contemptible and embarrassing.
Michael E. Stamm
Graduate Secretary
English Department
Be consistent
No one should like being
called a rac ist, or be implied us
being one. The recent edition of
The Student Insurgent should
not have listed the names of fac
ulty while rhetorically question
ing their attitudes simply
because they have been outspo
ken with their concerns about
multiculturalism and/or the
proc ess for the course require
ment. Provost Norm Wessel's
response to the Insurgent * irre
sponsibility (ODE. Muy 14) was
immediate and appropriate; I
just wish his indignation wasn't
so selective.
Proponents of multicultural
ism have long been aligned with
Adolf Hitler, political correct
ness, faculty intimidation and
anti-Semitism (see almost any
copy of the Oregon Commenta
tor. among numerous other dia
tribes circulating the campus).
Yet I have yet to read or hear
anything in comparative
response from the Provost. By
remaining relatively silent, he
has allowed those unfair accusa
tions to hang on many of us for
so long that they have taken on
a life of their own.
The current campus battle
over multiculturalism is not
simply academic politics when
top administrators sit on the
sidelines and select what values
to enforce. It is wrong to put
labels on people; it is even
worse not to speak out about it.
Clarence Spigner
Assistant Professor
Ethnic Studies
The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters
containing comments on topics of interest to the University
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250
words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must
be verified when the letter is submitted.
The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or