EDITORIAL Last chance; write your own editorial Two yoars ago, the Emerald mado a bold move to abol ish student apathy on campus. It allowed students to fire themselves up and write their own editorial — on any subject they wanted. Tho opinion could be poorly constructed and point less. Judging from tho average lettor-to-the editor author, it would be. One could even follow the time-honored newspaper tradition of mlnutes-before-deadline opinion spitting panic that occurs when you've written countless editorials on the same damn topic — a topic no one on campus seems to care about. Howover. one look around campus will tell you that aside from the hardcore EMU crowd, apathy remains. It’s everywhere; In the shower, lurking behind doorways, oven sitting on your lunch tray. Our ploy didn’t work. So we'll try again. No more apathy. Watch It evaporate as you angrily deride whatevor campus organization you want (the Emerald excluded; we’re above criticism). Apathy begone. Dammit. Suggested topics; •The IFC (There’s always something fun to say about the IFC.) • Multiculturalism (But don’t criticize anybody involved with it; everyone will hate you and label your opinions knee-jerk and racist.) • Folk music on campus (Who needs it?) •Tho virtues of soap (Folkios could use it.) Headline goes here Oregon Daily Emerald 3' t uv4 HI 0«tGO The Oregon D»»y f merald « pubhahed derfy EAxvlay through fr«My du>«ig the achool year and Tueaday and Thuraday duong the aumme' by the Oregon Darty Emerald Putrfcaiung Co Inc at in* lln>vererty of Oregon Eugene. Oegon The Emerald ope>aiae rndeoenoenify Ol the Univerady «r»th offcea at Suae 300 ol the Em Mentonai Union end n a member ol the aaeoctaied Prea* The Emerald .» jyivate property The untewtut removal or uae o< papera » proaecutabie by le Editor: Pat Malach Nm Editof Editorial Editor QrapMcj Editor Entartatrvnant Editor Jaka B« g Martin r i*h«r Je« Paatay Etaya Horn Frwalanca Editor Mandy Baucum Editorial Editor Rw*» Jan***" Sport* Editor Dava Chartxx«eau Sopptomanta Editor Caday Andaraon Night Editor Martin hiiw Aaaooala Editor*: Tammy Batay. StuOont GovommoniActimiot Dara'yn Trapp* Commomfy. Co«o«n PohAg, >*Vn*' fducthon. *dm<*t* tfion Now* 8t*« Ooatar A**n. Mall Bandar Juahn Brown. Sarah Dark. Mag Dadoiph Amy Oavanport Jan Efcaon, Amanda Tamm. Anthony Tomay, Bath rtago Taraaa hkmtamgar. Hatmcca Marr.ll Slav* Uni Katy Moa«a> Trffcn. Muoflar. Tn«u Nod. E»an Shaw, fnck Siudancfca. Marwn SoAot Handy Thwban, Mcham Thompaon Agumr. Amy Van Toyt. Todd VVJfcam* Dayton Vae Qanaral Man agar Judy Rm<* Production Man agar Mchata Hoaa Advartlalng: Tom Loach Sa