Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 12, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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    Events will focus on assault issues
By Daratyn Trapp*
OtQan Oa>\ l I'WH.t .1
The stale’s first conference dealing solely with sexual assault
issues will take place at the University this week The events will
focus on the safety of women not only in this area but around the
Erin Collier, program coordinator for Sexual Assault Support Ser
vices, whit h is sponsoring the conference, said it has been "a life
long dream” of many of the SASS staff members to have a confer
elit e just on sexual assault issues. With such a defined focus, those
who attend will !«• able to get a great deal of information about very
spet.ifit issues, she said
The events for "Empowering Survivors of Sexual Assault Stir
vices for Change." ns the t (inference is called, begin Thursday at
noon and com lude Saturday night Participants tan attend part or
all of the conferent e.
Thursday 's m hedule int hides several workshops and two forms
of entertainment The plat Parallel Lives will lie performed, and
Irene Farrera will sing
Friday's events begin at H am and go on through 11 p m with
two panel discussions on diversity and hacklnsh. workshops and
the annual "Take Back the Night" march
Self-defense instructor Nadia Telsey will give the keynote
address at 12:30 p.m Telsey runs her own business, called Self
Defense From the Inside Out
The march, which will begin after a 7:30 p.m. rally on the steps
ol Prince l.ncien Campbell Hall, has its roots in San Fram is< o. Col
lier said.
In 1<I7H. 5.000 women man bed through that cilt demanding
respect and an end to violence They managed to shut down the
city's pornography strip fora night. Collier said. Locally, the march
is also organized to give women a sense of empowerment
"We do this to give women and children a taste of freedom." she
said, "We want to be able to walk at night and not lie afraid about
going to placet! that on* traditionally dangerous to go to '
The conference {.loses Saturday vv dh attention turned to Bosnia
Workshops begin at 9 a in and im lude a forum on the rapes and
murders of women in Bosnia
"For people who work in the movement of violence against
women, we know we can t lust look at the United States (.oilier
Tor people who
work in the
movement of
violence against
women, we know
we can’t just look
at the United
States. It’s part of
a global movement
to stop violence.
What's happening
in Bosnia is the
same thing that
happens every day
in this country.’
Erin Collier.
SASS program coordinator
said 11 s pari ol a global mint'
meat to slop violent e What's
happening in Bosnia is the same
thing Ihal happens every dav in
this i ounlr\ So working to help
them is part of a global commit'
1 he i unfertile e i loses Saturday
night with .1 dinner prepared bv
B*'t t v Tumlja. .1 native of Botin in
Writer Susan Conley will share
her ns ent experiem es m Bosnia
Ihe dinner wilt he in the IAU
from 7 to 9 p in
I he money raised at the dinner
will tie used to send an adv ih ate
to Bosnia to help the women who
have heed victimized and that
person will train others to do the
same sort of work (.oilier said
All events e\iopt the Saturday
night dinner will tie at the
Casanova Center SASS prefers
that [MHiple register ahead of lime,
but tickets can bn purr hosed .it
the door eat ft day Tin* fee for the
tmtm' i onferenc e. excluding the Saturday night dinner. is S III'. I-or
one day only, excluding tin' dinner, the cost is $40 I he dinner is
For more details or lo register, rail NASS .it 4H4 07*11
leader to talk
today at EMU
A member of the Ni< araguati
National Assembly and loader of
a grass roots farming and nuu h
ing assiM tation yvill speak at 7
p m today in the LMU Cum
wood Room
Rentgna Mendiola w ill address
property issues, is oiiomii alter
natives and the work of yvomen
i imperative farmers
Women play a great role in
Nicaraguan politic s. particular
ly on the issue of land owner
ship " said I rit Latham,
spokesman for the ( aunmiltee in
Solidarity yy itli tfie (enlral Alltel
u an People
Henigna Mendiola will idler
insight on the pnlitii a I and e< o
noiitii situation in Nicaragua.
Latham said
Mendiola. a leader in the San
dinista party. was tortured hy the
Somu/j National (iiiard and ■ up
lured lyyiie hy (.outra rebels
Mendiola yyas elected to the
assembly in loot)
A reception will follow Men
dtoiu's presentulton I'he event
is sponsored liy ( ISLAI’. the
I Ml Cultural I'orum and the
Nicaragua Network Kduiation
I mid as part of the annual Hen
Linder Memorial Commemora
The following incidents were reported to the Univer
sity Office of Public Safety and the Eugene polii e depart
ment May 1-7.
• A 46-year-old man was arrested for attempted theft of
a bicycle on the 2000 block of Franklin Boulevard May
An EPD officer observed a man lying under a Ini v< le
that was locked to a bike rack The officer noticed that
the cable locking the bike to the rack had been cut and
saw a pair of wire cutters lying between the suspet t's
The man admitted to trying to steal the bike and told
the officer, Look I have three kid . Give me a break
The suspect told the officer he was trying to take the hike
because he was out of work and needed money, accord
ing to police reports
• A 22-year-old man was cited for theft of a Universi
ty parking sticker May 5.
An OPS officer contacted the suspect when the stu k
er. which was reported stolen April 2f), was seen on the
suspect's vehicle The suspect told police he received
the stii ker from a woman lie said he could not remem
lair the woman's name and had no reason to believe the
sticker was stolen
Police said the suspect was not a student but was
using the sticker to park in University lots.
•Two University students were arrested fur theft on
the 800 block id East t5th Avenue May •>
Police i ontacted the two students in connei lion with
a series of hike thefts that were reported May 5. When
officers contacted the suspects, they found stolen prop
erty in the suspects' residence. Police found a $WI5 hicy
i le. a $20 motorcycle helmet and a compact disc, all of
which had been reported as stolen property
• A 4 1-year-old man was arrested for burglary and
criminal mischief at the Outdoor Program, Room 37
KMU, May tl The suspec t entered the KMU ahout 1 a m
through an unlos ked door and discharged a fire extin
guisher in the Outdoor Program's uffii e The snsjas t told
l>olice he sprayed the extinguisher to attract the attention
of the polo e and said he "just gives up.
The chemical dust from the extinguisher caused S500
damage to the office's computers.
• A 37-year-old man was cited for disorderly conduc t
on the 12t)() block of Alder Street May 7
An off-duty polit e officer and his wife were walking
from their car on Alder Street when the suspect
approached them and said. "Excuse me, cun I guard your
hubcaps7” The officer said the susprn t was trying to get
money fur watching the hubcaps of cars parked on the
street The officer said he wasn't interested, and the cou
ple tried to pass the suspect nil the sidewalk
Tht* siisptM ! blinkrd I hi* sidewalk and rt?pt*<il«’ulv
asked to guard I he < uuples hulx a [is. ai i urdmg lo [Kiln >■
reports As titc offi< er ordered ihe man to move, three
friends of the suspect approached the couple from
behind The offit er said the men were transients and
appeared lo lie intoxicated I lie officer and Ins vvife were
allowed to pass after the men recognized the officer, who
had cited them in the past
Tile man was cited w hen the offii er t ante to work Ihe
next day and disc overed the stixpei I was in jail for
another c harge I he offic er added the disorderly (.(induc t
charge while the suspc* I was lieing detained
• A 72-year-old man was i iled with furnishing alcohol
to minors on tin* 'too bloc k of hast I 1th Avenue May 7
Police were responding to a loud party at the address
When offic ers arrived, they saw people outside of the
house drinking I he offic ers said many ol the peopla
were less than 71 years of ago
The officers contac ted the man who lives at the
address and cited him after he said he knew underage
drinkers were at the party. an ending to polic e reports
• A University student reported a theft .it Lawrence
flail. I l‘IO Franklin Hlvd . May H The student’s work
area was broken into, and a (.1) player, some UI)s and a
hook were taken The missing items were valued at a
total of $5211
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