Events will focus on assault issues By Daratyn Trapp* OtQan Oa>\ l I'WH.t .1 The stale’s first conference dealing solely with sexual assault issues will take place at the University this week The events will focus on the safety of women not only in this area but around the world. Erin Collier, program coordinator for Sexual Assault Support Ser vices, whit h is sponsoring the conference, said it has been "a life long dream” of many of the SASS staff members to have a confer elit e just on sexual assault issues. With such a defined focus, those who attend will !«• able to get a great deal of information about very spet.ifit issues, she said The events for "Empowering Survivors of Sexual Assault Stir vices for Change." ns the t (inference is called, begin Thursday at noon and com lude Saturday night Participants tan attend part or all of the conferent e. Thursday 's m hedule int hides several workshops and two forms of entertainment The plat Parallel Lives will lie performed, and Irene Farrera will sing Friday's events begin at H am and go on through 11 p m with two panel discussions on diversity and hacklnsh. workshops and the annual "Take Back the Night" march Self-defense instructor Nadia Telsey will give the keynote address at 12:30 p.m Telsey runs her own business, called Self Defense From the Inside Out The march, which will begin after a 7:30 p.m. rally on the steps ol Prince l.ncien Campbell Hall, has its roots in San Fram is< o. Col lier said. In 1 Police i ontacted the two students in connei lion with a series of hike thefts that were reported May 5. When officers contacted the suspects, they found stolen prop erty in the suspects' residence. Police found a $WI5 hicy i le. a $20 motorcycle helmet and a compact disc, all of which had been reported as stolen property • A 4 1-year-old man was arrested for burglary and criminal mischief at the Outdoor Program, Room 37 KMU, May tl The suspec t entered the KMU ahout 1 a m through an unlos ked door and discharged a fire extin guisher in the Outdoor Program's uffii e The snsjas t told l>olice he sprayed the extinguisher to attract the attention of the polo e and said he "just gives up. The chemical dust from the extinguisher caused S500 damage to the office's computers. • A 37-year-old man was cited for disorderly conduc t on the 12t)() block of Alder Street May 7 An off-duty polit e officer and his wife were walking from their car on Alder Street when the suspect approached them and said. "Excuse me, cun I guard your hubcaps7” The officer said the susprn t was trying to get money fur watching the hubcaps of cars parked on the street The officer said he wasn't interested, and the cou ple tried to pass the suspect nil the sidewalk Tht* siisptM ! blinkrd I hi* sidewalk and rt?pt*■ reports As titc offi< er ordered ihe man to move, three friends of the suspect approached the couple from behind The offit er said the men were transients and appeared lo lie intoxicated I lie officer and Ins vvife were allowed to pass after the men recognized the officer, who had cited them in the past Tile man was cited w hen the offii er t ante to work Ihe next day and disc overed the stixpei I was in jail for another c harge I he offic er added the disorderly (.(induc t charge while the suspc* I was lieing detained • A 72-year-old man was i iled with furnishing alcohol to minors on tin* 'too bloc k of hast I 1th Avenue May 7 Police were responding to a loud party at the address When offic ers arrived, they saw people outside of the house drinking I he offic ers said many ol the peopla were less than 71 years of ago The officers contac ted the man who lives at the address and cited him after he said he knew underage drinkers were at the party. an ending to polic e reports • A University student reported a theft .it Lawrence flail. I l‘IO Franklin Hlvd . May H The student’s work area was broken into, and a (.1) player, some UI)s and a hook were taken The missing items were valued at a total of $5211 THOUSANDS OF FOR UofO STUDENTS I FACULTY FRAMES & PHIVTS INC. 1280 OM ft • MW 119 • <)**<** MOW-SAI Weekend Special s54.00 300 FREE MILES 72 Hours Friday to Monday A-WAV RENT A CAR 683-0874 HOW 6th (By the Hull CenterI Must Dt* 2' See Your Way To y The Automotive Professionals... Full Service European and Japanese Auto Repair At... 1917 Franklin Blvd., F.ugcnc • (Jose 10 (Campus •