Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1993, Page 12, Image 23

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► Fighting against the left
When gas tights .il \ andrthlit l pushed t«*! a
wAUill ulirilt.tlM»ll .mil haiassiliettl * laiise til liu si h**d s
e ftltillM l * (Hit Roll kentieds .Hid hells \\<||| dee itie ti
tin V li Ij.u1 .ell I ill | will tie .tJ coim Hies* dies f emlef lake
1 hr i e still' t hr Atrrui ,e e onsets atisr litw spape l t •*
h milded In kelllleds .end Wolf |i> e t»m|K*te* vvlth Vsii.lt lhr\
\h hen r n (hr nx »i c III k-i .el t am jit in pa|x ». I hr HuslJn
\ .Hide dull o In no mean* alone 1 h* past vt\( i .el vr.ih
h.in* vni |hr I>n tie of .i elne ol *. ohmivatnc ttr*%spa|»ef *
nil t ulle^t « .lint >i» s< s .turns lh* i t mill I n W hr! Ilf i nr 11
established ot tindrigiotind mails .it) die |).t|M h Mrlli
lioin die- beliefs of thru founder* ih.tt dir maiioli* tut
inrdi.t just <it m l get n
I lie le s .ill attempt - HKlinh In |»mp|e • *U die led! It!
limiltiee S|K(I It, ke nned* savs 11 s .t 1 e al pile‘in Mix
IX ill ( >1 .ill |>|.u es. the t edie ^r e ailtpus should In the most
I ire enough. K« ntieelv *a\* let make I o* Mil t«*t lIRllt
vsiti^ < .iiiiims jmhlx .tii"iis let lij^lit tiirtii.i that hmndris
s.i\ skew IK K rptlon* let die* lllx I .il agenda
I’hilip Sussei is die i elite tl id I hr hulfpnutmt t'nsfn U.r. .»
e onset's .HIM* pa pel .it 1 I* *1 iei.1 Stale' 1 I II M published
lie .ills live* \ c.il s ago. die papri e r.tsrd piloting lot t**o
m .ii n, .iixl Vi'M i tire ielrei il was dine luiniir il
( >nt nhidr idea is to give- out die- <i»n*eivatn< and 111►
(I (.111.111 \ levs jx hi its saw Sassci, .e sophottlote a I I Si
“\e»U don't gel te» he al a lot id il anmixi S.osrt Ik he*\r*
ho j».ij»< i fills a venet left In othrt outlets on campm and
has I Kell | >!t a see I with I eaeie*is i cai lions ' W « eloii I have
a iral sine I agenda." hr saw “ Hut I dunk it's poptil.ii
Ih i .him' il s haul In ge*l a Ixdd ed
( <>iiM't\atl\e’ views ale* I tot as ehtlie lilt to gel he del *d at
I iais.tid l In fae I. die s ilte iallv alt ele live tee) X»eve in sill
tie-ill’s de m nslrp / hr Hun uni Saltrnt o el oil l hi I teat lot sen
u ne let gi .telltale’. a jit at lie e* I elite>t I into < .ailtx m Uluses
lx I ps te * keep the < emscisaltsr viewjHunt 111 the* public rsr
/ hr Stthrul o a sets trslXe led jmhltt atlon <>n * atnpus
e ve n though Haivaitl o Mill pie tiemunantlv hU lal the
liars aid jinn*u saw Hut dine s oiils so mans iniiiels voti
e an * halite ■ Joel Risberg, Honda Hambrau. Honda
Slate* l .
► Bouncers blamed in death
StuilriiI Ixhmu <1 v .11 .1 |h.|ml.ii mglilt lull on tin- liingr
til llu Soul Inin 111111 ■ >l i t i .i 111| ills x.i\ .1 li Him MUili ill
nlm dii-(l ■ ml Mill tin tut <hi .< I tiii.n titglil in I rliru.iis
v,.is nut "I i unitiit I In 11hiun i l.iii i u jn Htrtl ill.ii ilii
Nii nit-1 ii x llltllXIl .11 It III l«-\ I' I ".lx 1 In H l' 11 II' lfg.ll I III 111 \llli
|H ill! «■ (lllllril (llllllll I 111 N III I \t I NNlll llllll- list'd 111 ihr
In mm r i n .ig.unxt iln 'lllili nl
llui ,il i In- lir.ii 11 il tin mullet. .hi SI I Nil nil in i tin I
\llll NIX l |lljll< Hl'I'N III ( lll-l kl'|S, .1 ll.llll C I lull 111".II lilt"
( .11 In Hitl.lll i .1111(11 IN, HI 11- llllIII li lt I III l ll.ll gl N I 'I lint llllll
I.IIX II1 .11 IN I ,| 11 ^ 11 If I .mil I.Ill- 11(1 til till- 11.11 N 111 (II iNtlll ll
llllllll It’ll.
\i i unlmg in lIn- i hi mu i n u (itii i 111 nIiiii.in 11ini
\\ .oglu iliril I i'li i limn .i l.u k nl iixiurn m tin- In .mi
11 It-i^t-i I lx ,il till' Ii.iihIn til 1 lit- nigliti lull In min 1-in in tin
(■l.u ril Iiiiii in .i no kinilt!
siuiliniN .nr tlnii.iiitling i In- 11 m Ii .ilium Ii in ilr .uli
\\li.U iIh i in gelling ' ii'm huh Krni.i \ i i.i in tin- mil
.inmini It sri'ins like .i lot ul (icojilr .ur Using to »tij>
(lii-NN iin. using In n.ii 'Don't In- .ingti linn l l.ikr ll mil tin
till- 1 ill'll i.iIn Ih-i .him- it ‘n mil .11 lll.tlll llllll l.itili n!ic Ntll
"I tit>n'i tirlirir ili.it .it .ill "
In icstMiuv- Ntmlrnt leaders li.nr nu t null i its ullii ul'
.uni ni.in.igox ul ihr i lull in Itililn (m ntn (min irx th.it
iMiiilil luu i- In Hint ft' in It.in linin.it (mlii r ti.lining
\i itliri tin- litiiiiu o' ui (min i seem m luxe a i li-.ii
legal uiulrtNt.itiiliUK -1' 1‘* "lu ll "I turn |ili\xn.il lour in
1(1(11 11(11 l.lll " N.I1N Willi.111! Il.lll, .1 gl.lllll.ltl- 'llllll ll!
■ I ill'll- IN .111 l IS ft .ill (X'li rplltlll I mill nil .mil till l .HI I |H IN
tli.u tin- In-xi irtlK-ils to iiiiii I ul .11 ruxvtl m (hiviii in (iIinm
i ,il lour ■ Jcrrnis l-inlry, Dailx t'g\f>han. Southern
Illinois l .
Even the most obnoxious thrasher abides by the unwritten rules ot pit etiquette: Pull the others up and keep them there
Students grab onto mainstream slam dancing craze
Bv PaUvann Jones, The Falcon, Seattle Pacific U.
trgg IheTtnan, .« vnu»i .«t thr l «»l Mi* higan. «alls
_ H a ll.Uloll.il South dalle c
\Vhate*se i
just »l<»n i i .ill n i Srattlr tiling Slam dam mg has Iiti!<
lode» with SrMltlc* ansmeite* now that it's a nalion.i! south
clam r .» Ii«t toim Hailing from ( hajM I Ihll to \ustm to
H* HM‘
l se n it the music isn't punk m haul i*h k. |K*oplr m i in
to do it anvwas. just U*i .iust it s Ix-e oinr the thing to do.
|lie*t man sass " 1 tin «• s no |w>mi ti * it ansmou
\t one time- though, thru* s%as .»jjomt to dam dam mg
\nd at le ast m some* t 11« lev slam dam mg »s still thr
hum|m i < ai dam r «»t tin ash
1 Iiom in the know < all it moshmg Hinging about with a
dr limit i hs thin I hose- not in tin know might e all it
Slam dam mg he-gan as a phrmimrnon ot dir Hntish
punk s<rne in tht* mid 70s I hr oitgmal lhitish punk
lo« ke is wrir. loi thr most pait. smu king t lass kiels imahlr
to find Jobs and fiusiratrd hv a ssstrin that termed
stae krd against thrill a lot like tiwias s giungrstris I hrs
lire elrd a ssas te> rrlrast some- *»( thru agglrssioiis. ami
Im *tli thr music and thr moslung providrd a trlea.sr
“ 1 hr music vs as so puiging and thr atidirucr ssas so
align that thrs had to do somrthing te> irlir\r thr ten
sum. and the pit ssas boin sass Michelle Moirrll a
m i»ioi at S« attic- Pae itic l
1 he pit" is the- \losh Pit. the plat r sshrir dam ris e e»m
girgatr in limit “I thr stage m a svsiiimg sra ot ImmIic-s in
motimi, like some- genetic e \}M iime-nt golir wild soille
ss hrir between gt at nitons invasion ol jM iMUial spae r and
e ontiollrd siolriic e
\nd it it l«M»ks hkr a not, that's 1k< .him- the Mosh Pit
stai trd .is a i ie >t le »ng lx-t« u r the*\ e alle-el it dam mg
" 1 hrs stai ted lias mg I»«»ls at she »sss sass ( linton Smr,
a S< aiile music tan sshe» tiae rs thr io«#»ts ol slain dam mg to
rai Is punk kinds like* the* ( **i ms and Hl.u k I lag “lit amt
up at atmul tin* saint* Umr as Hashing the shows In gan to
Ik- {Mijml.ti I think a lot of it tame up Ik-Ioic I'*HO <m vi
hut the* stage div ini' in new
\ndgetting«>I« 1 rathe* faM
"It’s getting to lw .1 diag h»f the hands.* n.i\n Mh hael
M11Kthill manager ot the- < ampus tadio station at thr l
(»l MlN\4 11111
\N» get moit ami more hands who just stop and l>eg
the t towd to just tjui!
\\ hat liie hands ti\ to stop and what some still em out
age in stage diving, whi te a moshei tilt s to it ath the
Mage hv diving thiongh the ( nmd oi being paNved to the
stage ill th<- Hint I elt lied hands oi the 11 owd
1 heie aie two unwiitten laws in the m« *sh pit II there’s
someone below von. von pull them up and it then n
Notueotie above sou. von keep them up, savs Seattle
I'a* ilit n Mon ell, a longtime lollowei of the Seattle imisn
si cur
S« > what n the attiai lion' Moshmg in no elemental — it n
total legiesNioii hai k to the animal Mate Morrell savs
I line n a leal feeling oi ioiutiuitlttN in a inosh pit — it
movi N as a unit I he average teiu|>eiatme of the pH is at
least JO degiei N htghei than in the hat k of the t luh, and
the tomhtnatmti oi heat, eneigv and eveitloii means the
pit is no plat e (til the weak oi heal t
“Moslieis weai then bruises like ti opines." Morrell savs
“I iememlH-1 one guv tushmg ha» k to his ineuds. veiling.
( in in (oinc ll s hoot hit me in the late, and im ineuds
i(*s|M>nding, ( *h»1. man
hut m a sense, todav s slam dam mg is a tai t iv iiom
moshing oi the- past "It » not reallv as violent as it was.
Sme N.IVN I think it anvthmg. it s Irrrn redtsi oveieil
Kedisiovi ted to a |hhiii. Missouri s Mulvihill vivs. that
moshmg has Ikm ome too mainstream
"In this pai t of tlu* rountrv it’s so prevalent, it’s at tnalls
getting annoving It used t(» Ik* that people were taking
out then aggiessions and it was lealh lathartn \«»w it’s
more alx»ut fashion \t tins point. jK-ople are just l«*ok
mg (or an e\i use to do it Q