NhKVMHh ► Fighting against the left When gas tights .il \ andrthlit l pushed t«*! a wAUill ulirilt.tlM»ll .mil haiassiliettl * laiise til liu si h**d s e ftltillM l * (Hit Roll kentieds .Hid hells \\<||| dee itie ti tin V li Ij.u1 .ell I ill | will tie .tJ coim Hies* dies f emlef lake 1 hr i e still' t hr Atrrui ,e e onsets atisr litw spape l t •* h milded In kelllleds .end Wolf |i> e t»m|K*te* vvlth lhr\ \h hen r n (hr nx »i c III k-i .el t am jit in pa|x ». I hr HuslJn \ .Hide dull o In no mean* alone 1 h* past vt\( i .el vr.ih* vni |hr I>n tie of .i elne ol *. ohmivatnc ttr*%spa|»ef * nil t ulle^t « .lint >i» s< s .turns lh* i t mill I n W hr! Ilf i nr 11 established ot tindrigiotind mails .it) die |).t|M h Mrlli lioin die- beliefs of thru founder* dir maiioli* tut inrdi.t just 1 .ill |>|.u es. the t edie ^r e ailtpus should In the most lire I ire enough. K« ntieelv *a\* let make I o* Mil t«*t lIRllt vsiti^ < .iiiiims jmhlx .tii"iis let lij^lit tiirtii.i that hmndris s.i\ skew IK K rptlon* let die* lllx I .il agenda I’hilip Sussei is die i elite tl id I hr hulfpnutmt t'nsfn U.r. .» e onset's .HIM* pa pel .it 1 I* *1 iei.1 Stale' 1 I II M published lie .ills live* \ s ago. die papri e r.tsrd piloting lot t**o m .ii n, .iixl Vi'M i tire ielrei il was dine luiniir il ( >nt nhidr idea is to give- out die- !t a see I with I eaeie*is i cai lions ' W « eloii I have a iral sine I agenda." hr saw “ Hut I dunk it's poptil.ii Ih i .him' il s haul In ge*l a Ixdd ed ( <>iiM't\atl\e’ views ale* I tot as ehtlie lilt to gel he del *d at I iais.tid l In fae I. die s ilte iallv alt ele live tee) X»eve in sill tie-ill’s de m nslrp / hr Hun uni Saltrnt o el oil l hi I teat lot sen u ne let gi .telltale’. a jit at lie e* I elite>t I into < .ailtx m Uluses lx I ps te * keep the < emscisaltsr viewjHunt 111 the* public rsr / hr Stthrul o a sets trslXe led jmhltt atlon <>n * atnpus e ve n though Haivaitl o Mill pie tiemunantlv hU lal the liars aid jinn*u saw Hut dine s oiils so mans iniiiels voti e an * halite ■ Joel Risberg, Honda Hambrau. Honda Slate* l . ► Bouncers blamed in death StuilriiI Ixhmu <1 v .11 .1 |h.|ml.ii mglilt lull on tin- liingr til llu Soul Inin 111111 ■ >l i t i .i 111| ills x.i\ .1 li Him MUili ill nlm dii-(l ■ ml Mill tin tut (lii-NN iin. using In n.ii 'Don't In- .ingti linn l l.ikr ll mil tin till- 1 ill'll i.iIn Ih-i .him- it ‘n mil .11 lll.tlll llllll l.itili n!ic Ntll "I tit>n'i tirlirir .it .ill " In icstMiuv- Ntmlrnt leaders nu t null i its ullii ul' .uni ul ihr i lull in Itililn (m ntn (min irx iMiiilil luu i- In Hint ft' in (mlii r ti.lining \i itliri tin- litiiiiu o' ui (min i seem m luxe a i li-.ii legal uiulrtNt.itiiliUK -1' 1‘* "lu ll "I turn |ili\ lour in 1(1(11 11(11 l.lll " N.I1N Willi.111! Il.lll, .1 gl.lllll.ltl- 'llllll ll! ■ I ill'll- IN .111 l IS ft .ill (X'li rplltlll I mill nil .mil till l .HI I |H IN tli.u tin- In-xi irtlK-ils to iiiiii I ul .11 ruxvtl m (hiviii in (iIinm i ,il lour ■ Jcrrnis l-inlry, Dailx t'g\f>han. Southern Illinois l . I 5 Even the most obnoxious thrasher abides by the unwritten rules ot pit etiquette: Pull the others up and keep them there BRAINS TURN TO ‘MOSH’ WHEN THE PIT HEATS UP Students grab onto mainstream slam dancing craze Bv PaUvann Jones, The Falcon, Seattle Pacific U. trgg IheTtnan, .« vnu»i .«t thr l «»l Mi* higan. «alls _ H a South dalle c \Vhate*se i just »l<»n i i .ill n i Srattlr tiling Slam dam mg has Iiti!< lode» with SrMltlc* ansmeite* now that it's a nalion.i! south clam r .» Ii«t toim Hailing from ( hajM I Ihll to \ustm to H* HM‘ l se n it the music isn't punk m haul i*h k. |K*oplr m i in to do it anvwas. just U*i .iust it s Ix-e oinr the thing to do. |lie*t man sass " 1 tin «• s no |w>mi ti * it ansmou \t one time- though, thru* s%as .»jjomt to dam dam mg \nd at le ast m some* t 11« lev slam dam mg »s still thr hum|m i < ai dam r «»t tin ash 1 Iiom in the know < all it moshmg Hinging about with a dr limit i hs thin I hose- not in tin know might e all it mvtm Slam dam mg he-gan as a phrmimrnon ot dir Hntish punk s rrlrast some- *»( thru agglrssioiis. ami Im *tli thr music and thr moslung providrd a “ 1 hr music vs as so puiging and thr atidirucr ssas so align that thrs had to do somrthing te> irlir\r thr ten sum. and the pit ssas boin sass Michelle Moirrll a m i»ioi at S« attic- Pae itic l 1 he pit" is the- \losh Pit. the plat r sshrir dam ris e e»m girgatr in limit “I thr stage m a svsiiimg sra ot ImmIic-s in motimi, like some- genetic e \}M iime-nt golir wild soille ss hrir between gt at nitons invasion ol jM iMUial spae r and e ontiollrd siolriic e \nd it it l«M»ks hkr a not, that's 1k< .him- the Mosh Pit stai trd .is a i ie >t le »ng lx-t« u r the*\ e alle-el it dam mg " 1 hrs stai ted lias mg I»«»ls at she »sss sass ( linton Smr, a S< aiile music tan sshe» tiae rs thr io«#»ts ol slain dam mg to rai Is punk kinds like* the* ( **i ms and Hl.u k I lag “lit amt up at atmul tin* saint* Umr as Hashing the shows In gan to Ik- {Mijml.ti I think a lot of it tame up Ik-Ioic I'*HO I« 1 rathe* faM "It’s getting to lw .1 diag h»f the hands.* n.i\n Mh hael M11Kthill manager ot the- < ampus tadio station at thr l (»l MlN\4 11111 \N» get moit ami more hands who just stop and l>eg the t towd to just tjui! \\ hat liie hands ti\ to stop and what some still em out age in stage diving, whi te a moshei tilt s to it ath the Mage hv diving thiongh the ( nmd oi being paNved to the stage ill th<- Hint I elt lied hands oi the 11 owd 1 heie aie two unwiitten laws in the m« *sh pit II there’s someone below von. von pull them up and it then n Notueotie above sou. von keep them up, savs Seattle I'a* ilit n Mon ell, a longtime lollowei of the Seattle imisn si cur S« > what n the attiai lion' Moshmg in no elemental — it n total legiesNioii hai k to the animal Mate Morrell savs I line n a leal feeling oi ioiutiuitlttN in a inosh pit — it movi N as a unit I he average teiu|>eiatme of the pH is at least JO degiei N htghei than in the hat k of the t luh, and the tomhtnatmti oi heat, eneigv and eveitloii means the pit is no plat e (til the weak oi heal t “Moslieis weai then bruises like ti opines." Morrell savs “I iememlH-1 one guv tushmg ha» k to his ineuds. veiling. ( in in (oinc ll s hoot hit me in the late, and im ineuds i(*s|M>nding, ( *h»1. man hut m a sense, todav s slam dam mg is a tai t iv iiom moshing oi the- past "It » not reallv as violent as it was. Sme N.IVN I think it anvthmg. it s Irrrn redtsi oveieil Kedisiovi ted to a |hhiii. Missouri s Mulvihill vivs. that moshmg has Ikm ome too mainstream "In this pai t of tlu* rountrv it’s so prevalent, it’s at tnalls getting annoving It used t(» Ik* that people were taking out then aggiessions and it was lealh lathartn \«»w it’s more alx»ut fashion \t tins point. jK-ople are just l«*ok mg (or an e\i use to do it Q