Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 21, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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She’s a Christian
Throughout the s< hool year.
I've noticed a number of letters
to the editor and commentaries
concerning Christianity and
what it stands for
lust rta entlv a column and a
letter were published represent
ing widely divergent points of
view Stephanie Sisson [ODE.
April 5) attempts to speak, as a
Christian, for Christianity and
Christians ns a whole.
Meanw hile. Tim Wiest [ODE.
April 8) expresses his concern
that "so-called " Christians
might he "perpetuating such
evils against humanity" as dis
crimination on the basis of race,
ethnic group or sexual orienta
tion. What both of them do is
stereotype Christians
Asa freshman. I happened to
overhear tnv roommate dose rilie
me to her boyfriend as "she's a
Christian.” as if that immediate
ly defined mv whole being and
exai tl\ what I was like I'm tired
of being labeled.
Being a (Ihristian is not syn
onymous with being conserx a
tive, advocating pro life ideals,
being ail OCA supporter, or am
of the other tilings that are typi
cally attached to that ideal I
personally happen to lie liberal,
pro-choice and believe that
homosexuality is not wrong and
shouldn't be discriminated
And. believe it or not. there
are other Christ inns who share
those beliefs Please allow Chris
tians the same courtesy as
should be given to any group
and listen to us (,et to know us
on an individual basis before
you decide who we are You
might be surprised.
Sarah Eakin
International Studies
Political Science
Pride Week
The Lesbian, Cay and Bisexu
al Alliam e would like to thank
everyone who partii ipated in
Pride Week 1‘t'M We appreciate
the support and interest by all
the panelists presenters and
people who attended events
We would like to acknowl
edge the hard work of (he LGBA
volunteers who organized and
staffed events, as well as the
professionalism and courtesy of
the KMC support staff, without
whom we would not hove freon
able to undertake sui h a large
proje< t
A spot ini thanks to Virginia
Johnson and Cathy Cooks from
scheduling. Jim Flwt k from set
up. Mike Krniman from techni
cal services. Mary l.ou Mans
field from the FMU
administrative offices, and
Sharon \’az from the Oregon
Daily Emerald
Thanks again for a great Pride
W ce k
Sarah Ross
Troy Shields
Missed the point
"Wrong Angles' would fie a
more appropriate heading for
Martin Fisher's Monday opinion
pie< e on the current ASUOelei
lions f isher seems to lie asking
if the student elections warrant
participation It he had hut paid
attention to his rule as a journal
ist. whit h is to apprise the com
munity of events and issues,
Fisher would have pushed the
staff to answer that question
well In-fore the election
Unwittingly. I'm sure. Fisher
exposes the three questions that
all of our questions should have
been asking situ e fall term
1) What is the AMT)' The
Assot iated Students of the Uni
versity of Oregon is you and me
and the rest of the students
2) Who should I vote lor' An
equitable press will not answer
that question hut will provide
in-depth coverage of candidates
and present their t urrent atti
ludes through intensive ques
.!) What issues are important
to me' In a similar fashion, the
press must stimulate discussion
of the topical issues, sui h as
these ballot measures No I, do
we need a multicultural center'
Nu I. Inis the family center
proven to lie an asset to the i am
pus i onitmmity' No 5. is there a
need for a non-traditional stu
<!<*nl offii e staff and dn««s the
Reluming Student Association
endorse this proposal7
If Martin were a true fisher of
nevw these questions would
have appeared as stories and
editorials low these past three
weeks And if Write Angles
were anything hut yellow tour
iialism. it would he used to
en< outage a higher percentage of
student participation instead of
student apathy
If you value the demot ratio
s\ stem, please vole
Michael Omogrosso
Women .ire not equal to men
They don't contribute as mm h
and probably never will Fhis
exemplifies Steve Mims men
talitv and the uneducated point
he tries to make in his t olumn
(OPh'. April t*l|
With his comment that .la
peri ent of the 1 niversity s .itIt
lelic scholarships go to women,
"well ahead of the Jti percent
not ion w ide." he tells women w e
should he happy with that and
should not have made waves at
the University Senate last
Wednesday A simple "shut up
and sit down" would have sul
ficed, wouldn't you say ’
In a time lor fighting for equal
ity. women are supposed to he
satisfied with t5 pert ent If I
were living ill l<ll.', I would ho
thrilled yxith that percentage
Hut Mims needs to lie reminded
that this is and women
will no longer he seen as
unequal, we will demand to set
equality t-spet i.illy in our insli
Mims' argument is that
women do not bring in as much
revenue as men Another fat I
that Mims should lit- reminded
of is that the women's basketball
team won as many Pacific tl)
Conference games as the men
did So obviously it's not a ques
tion of skill, but who has more
publicity Rightf
Teryl Pendergrass
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•Twr ror wAii
(hr Ivm.J bwilttv. «vf tw-"- .tin «nl Htii...
>rl Ihn iw f **» Irom mu h'nw
|.j*h yfll wf hmifkvn UHrnn j*tomh **< !»«*»• 0# ««-•* It*M * int.wr IK* '
| Jti fl(|i HD |muivli nt tr**h Ipf r»rt» »|»»in »4 nuiiiv mjmnal
In «4(|r« f**r tl* HrgtU*f (.toid to juiol iltr VuoUy (Mjr« hr Itt irrHm, nrr H«*uund
tmi tm* Kumlml lim muil b» cut tiown I low «uny ‘umUy* »«r llictc MIAMI >»# f
(hit lllrri nl l»f«
Thn |4iiwl i» M mm« Inwbir IhM |)ir AMffK*A ntowxtiy. *r»l tewr** <r iihnl* Iw Mj' >'
>Ou c*n m* hr * dt Met core by llwnhw** jlntully »«d *. »>«»* Inr«ily < <r*rin »ir I «rfh Ofty by
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you ( *ii MMlU hr liar mm|*ln# I *»lh Wr»k Vhr<lutr
'fnmiani l)w UnfO UHh Wwli ( t rrtn
krai th# ( jwjMrt Rm I «.«£»*«**