LETTERS She’s a Christian Throughout the s< hool year. I've noticed a number of letters to the editor and commentaries concerning Christianity and what it stands for lust rta entlv a column and a letter were published represent ing widely divergent points of view Stephanie Sisson [ODE. April 5) attempts to speak, as a Christian, for Christianity and Christians ns a whole. Meanw hile. Tim Wiest [ODE. April 8) expresses his concern that "so-called " Christians might he "perpetuating such evils against humanity" as dis crimination on the basis of race, ethnic group or sexual orienta tion. What both of them do is stereotype Christians Asa freshman. I happened to overhear tnv roommate dose rilie me to her boyfriend as "she's a Christian.” as if that immediate ly defined mv whole being and exai tl\ what I was like I'm tired of being labeled. Being a (Ihristian is not syn onymous with being conserx a tive, advocating pro life ideals, being ail OCA supporter, or am of the other tilings that are typi cally attached to that ideal I personally happen to lie liberal, pro-choice and believe that homosexuality is not wrong and shouldn't be discriminated against. And. believe it or not. there are other Christ inns who share those beliefs Please allow Chris tians the same courtesy as should be given to any group and listen to us (,et to know us on an individual basis before you decide who we are You might be surprised. Sarah Eakin International Studies Political Science Pride Week The Lesbian, Cay and Bisexu al Alliam e would like to thank everyone who partii ipated in Pride Week 1‘t'M We appreciate the support and interest by all the panelists presenters and people who attended events We would like to acknowl edge the hard work of (he LGBA volunteers who organized and staffed events, as well as the professionalism and courtesy of the KMC support staff, without whom we would not hove freon able to undertake sui h a large proje< t A spot ini thanks to Virginia Johnson and Cathy Cooks from scheduling. Jim Flwt k from set up. Mike Krniman from techni cal services. Mary l.ou Mans field from the FMU administrative offices, and Sharon \’az from the Oregon Daily Emerald Thanks again for a great Pride W ce k Sarah Ross Troy Shields Co-Directors LGBA Missed the point "Wrong Angles' would fie a more appropriate heading for Martin Fisher's Monday opinion pie< e on the current ASUOelei lions f isher seems to lie asking if the student elections warrant participation It he had hut paid attention to his rule as a journal ist. whit h is to apprise the com munity of events and issues, Fisher would have pushed the staff to answer that question well In-fore the election Unwittingly. I'm sure. Fisher exposes the three questions that all of our questions should have been asking situ e fall term 1) What is the AMT)' The Assot iated Students of the Uni versity of Oregon is you and me and the rest of the students 2) Who should I vote lor' An equitable press will not answer that question hut will provide in-depth coverage of candidates and present their t urrent atti ludes through intensive ques tioning .!) What issues are important to me' In a similar fashion, the press must stimulate discussion of the topical issues, sui h as these ballot measures No I, do we need a multicultural center' Nu I. Inis the family center proven to lie an asset to the i am pus i onitmmity' No 5. is there a need for a non-traditional stu f A7 ( ( KiX'O-f 11 ag /FM-EUGENE Njtvonn Public ftfedto ■ LCOtOSfM PtfWPOPT Robinson Theatre K:00 p.ni April 22. 23. 24. 30. and Ma> I. 1993 Matinee 2:00 p.ni April 25 Bos ofTiee. (5031 346-4191 The l nl versify Theatre Presents Chimera A theatre piece influenced by the culture of Bali. THOUSANDS OF POSIERS ALWAY5 20% OFF FOlUofOSTUOENTS 4 FACULTY KKVMKS4 IKIYTS IV 1280OAK St - Vou jnht got hit with thr aclvi rtifUttg jmwrr ot I hr Orrgon Dally KiiwraH Put It to work lor you t ,»ll our iwl ilr|Mi1itK*iit .it ,\4(* \7 \ ‘l ...Emerald ECKANKAR Religion of the Light and Sound of God Proivrtls o tree workshop on How to Become A Creative Dreamer Wednesday, April 2! 1S4 Straub Kali 7 30pm SpomoMKf by tw I gQnrw tcUnUt Sortrty 0 W*if UthA»* 141 June CRE and GMAT Last Chance lor your Best Chance! KAPLAN is#\ in Test Prep! Classes begin April 24 I SAT and MCAT classes also forming call 345-4420" KAPLAN The answer to thn tost qucNtion 140 West 8th. Eugene Do You Want Oood Teachers? I them if you liMVr luttl nn ost marlod or submitted by 1‘riday. Mu) 7 l or information, call 3UII. "OeWbrld. It's ABattlegrcurri. One World, Are We Going To Srrash It Down? One World, Cne World." •Twr ror wAii (hr Ivm.J bwilttv. «vf tw-"- .tin «nl Htii... >rl Ihn iw f **» Irom mu h'nw |.j*h yfll wf hmifkvn UHrnn j*tomh **< !»«*»• 0# ««-•* It*M * int.wr IK* ' | Jti fl(|i HD |muivli nt tr**h Ipf r»rt» »|»»in »4 nuiiiv mjmnal In «4(|r« f**r tl* HrgtU*f (.toid to juiol iltr VuoUy (Mjr« hr Itt irrHm, nrr H«*uund tmi tm* Kumlml lim muil b» cut tiown I low «uny ‘umUy* »«r llictc MIAMI >»# f (hit lllrri nl l»f« Thn |4iiwl i» M mm« Inwbir IhM |)ir AMffK*A ntowxtiy. *r»l tewr** ' >Ou c*n m* hr * dt Met core by llwnhw** jlntully »«d *. »>«»* Inr«ily < «rln i(*«iir>K m 4 awimunity #ffco*» u«ni|' (m II l«r gf* **)H ll* you ( *ii MMlU hr liar mm|*ln# I *»lh Wr»k Vhr