Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1993, supplement, Page 6B, Image 18

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One Year Seat Candidates
Trade Earwood
I am a junior in Psychology anti a member of the Univcnily of Oregon Ski
Team My purpose in running for the IK’ is lo become more involved in
University process and to represent the interests of my group as well as other
students. In my previous tw-o years at this University 1 have felt left out of the
inner workings of the processes that affect me directly In high school, I was
very active in cstra curricular activities and did not espenence this sense of
helplessness I have resolved that many students probably feel as I do. and these
are the students whom I would like to represent In addition. I would like to
become a lawyer ami any governing experience I gain can only be helpful to me
in the future.
Esther Wong
Student empowerment is in JF-OPARDY. The University is rclooking at the
Clark Document (the document which gives students the power to allocate our
own fees to programs), to reduce student empowerment, and diminish our
voices as students What this means is we as students need responsible,
committed, and experiences students to sit on the I PC. to protect our student
rights am) keep our programs running
The allocation of $4 6 milium dollars is no small task As Co-Director o( the
ASUO Women's Resource A Referral Center. I have the first hand krniwledge
of how the ASUO Executive, the IK', and the ASUO programs work As a
senior majoring in f inance. I understand money management I have worked
closely with many student groups and find that I share many of their visions I
want to help student programs meet their goals in the most fiscally prudent
manner As a student working my way through college I know many of us
cannot afford any increases in student fees Thus. I won't make any fiscally or
constitutionally impossible promises which I can't keep. Instead. I will promise
to keep student fees at a reasonable level while giving the students the program*
and services they need. So don't go the wring way . go the WONG way’
Braden D. Kelley
I hasc lieu<Jcd to run for a veal on ihc Incidental Pec Committee because I have
grown tircii of seeing this years committee ignore their campaign promises and
the will of the people I have publicly voiced my opinion on the issues of the
spending habits of this year's IK’. I will not. as members of the current I PC
have done, promise to lower student fees and then lead the charge towards
raising them further I w ill not. as a few members of the current body have
done, shirk the responsibilities of the office. It is because of actions by the
lurrent IK’ which have shown a lack of dedication and service to the students of
this university, that I am entering the race for a seat on the 1PC. and have
declared my candidacy hccausc I believe in backing up my words with actions
I think the lime is ripe for a person who strives towards integrity, to sit on the
Incidental Pec Committee. This year I have actively represented the students of
this university as an officer of the Student Senate I am ready to continue my
commitment to the students of this university by not leaving you holding empty
promises or empty wallets
David Swartley
In the past, many of the decisions made by the incidental l-cc Committee have
been controversial ami hastily made al besi As a candidate for the Committee. I
hope to bring fairness to you the student, the recipient of the funds being
allocated As the committee now stands, it docs not adequately represent the
student body at large, its scope is parochial al best If ciccied. I will rectify this
miustice ami bring equal and fair representation to the student body of ihe
University. I run knowing that unless changes arc made, the larger student
organizations w ill grow and ihc smaller groups w ill perish. No one wants
opportunities at the University to disappear, we all enjoy a university atmo
sphere that offers u* great diversity in its students programs, without which we
would lose all opportunity to he involved in things we enjoy as students. In
short I would like fund allocation to properly reflect the diversity of University
ol Oregon student organizations, an ideal that has not been achieved in the past
few years. Vote David Swartley for Incidental Fee Committee (I year position)
Christopher Alexander
I would like you to consider me for a position on the Incidental Fee Committee
(I yr ). I feel I am very concerned student and would like to have a chance to
help decide where the ASUO resources arc allocated. I am a fair and impartial
student. I would also consider all groups on campus without bias. I do not
consider liberal or conservative views only, but what I consider is what would
benefit the students at the University of Oregon the most. If you arc looking for
someone on IK' with a fair and open mind. I will be there for the students.
Jian Liu
The Incidental Fee Committee (IFC) is responsible for the allocation of 4.5
million dollars in student incidental fees to fund more than 80 student programs.
With measure 5 state wide cuts and decreasing enrollment, it is more essential
than ever that student fees arc manage properly and concern of the students are
being address.
As the IK' budget analyst I work hard to recommend IFC members not to
increase student Ices at an alarming rate without sacrificing the quality of ASUO
programs. Programs like the Mediation Program, I^cgal Service. Outdoor
Program, childcare facilities, and Recreation Center that benefits many students.
If elected to the IK'. I would work to insure student fees arc not mismanage. I
will make sure student groups arc funded properly but without further limiting
accessibility to low income students to an education by increasing fees. I will
work hard to insure there is communication between students and elected
student leaders
With my skills, experiences and open-mindness. I qualify for your vote for the
Jack Orozco
Much of my political involvement has been as a racial activist ami empowering
youth to work for social justice issues. I have worked in such organizations as
Witness For Peace. Multicultural Advocate ASUO intern, The lavender
Network. MF.ChA. Students of Color Building Bridges, and District 4J
multicultural unions, among other. My continued involvement demonstrates
that I am a supporter of progressive activism.
This last year I have been drawing upon my world view as a person of color and
my understanding of the dynamics of racism, to empathize with the pcrspec
lives and agendas of the other left movements, particularly the women's,
homosexual's and bisexual's I certainly recognize the diversity of our
experiences, as individuals and groups, but we all similarly have been relatively
excluded from formal forms of power
That means we have been excluded from positions of decision-making, channels
of power, allocation of resources and problem solving methods. But because I
empathize with these issues. I can bring an objectivity, a genuine objectivity that
other candidates cannot to the IFC board
Also some of the other IK’ candidates have said if elected, they would reduce
student fees But I oppose this strongly, rather than decreasing or increasing.
I PC should maintain these services at a current level Because cuts would result
in a loss of students who are dependent on these support services, like the
Counseling Center, legal Sers ices ami ethnic student unions
Duke Shepard
In these days of Ballot Measure 5. the Incidental lee Committee taccs a great
challenge in trying to allocate shrinking funds in an intelligent, fair, and
responsible manner. However the IFC as it now stands, is not up to this
challenge lam
A vote for Duke Shepard is a vote for intelligence, fairness, and responsibility
on the IFC, These are a few of the qualities that the IFC has lacked We tan
start to change that now
Vote for Duke Shepard.