Incidental Fee Committee One Year Seat Candidates Trade Earwood I am a junior in Psychology anti a member of the Univcnily of Oregon Ski Team My purpose in running for the IK’ is lo become more involved in University process and to represent the interests of my group as well as other students. In my previous tw-o years at this University 1 have felt left out of the inner workings of the processes that affect me directly In high school, I was very active in cstra curricular activities and did not espenence this sense of helplessness I have resolved that many students probably feel as I do. and these are the students whom I would like to represent In addition. I would like to become a lawyer ami any governing experience I gain can only be helpful to me in the future. Esther Wong Student empowerment is in JF-OPARDY. The University is rclooking at the Clark Document (the document which gives students the power to allocate our own fees to programs), to reduce student empowerment, and diminish our voices as students What this means is we as students need responsible, committed, and experiences students to sit on the I PC. to protect our student rights am) keep our programs running The allocation of $4 6 milium dollars is no small task As Co-Director o( the ASUO Women's Resource A Referral Center. I have the first hand krniwledge of how the ASUO Executive, the IK', and the ASUO programs work As a senior majoring in f inance. I understand money management I have worked closely with many student groups and find that I share many of their visions I want to help student programs meet their goals in the most fiscally prudent manner As a student working my way through college I know many of us cannot afford any increases in student fees Thus. I won't make any fiscally or constitutionally impossible promises which I can't keep. Instead. I will promise to keep student fees at a reasonable level while giving the students the program* and services they need. So don't go the wring way . go the WONG way’ Braden D. Kelley I hasc lieu