Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1993, Page 2, Image 2

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IFC no-shows shirk
elected obligation
The Incidental Fee Committee has taken a lot of heat
on this page during the past few months. And it will
continue to get heat until it cloans up its act.
Last Thursday, the IFC canceled its second budget
hearing of the week because only three members
showed. The committee — which after Zoe Pargot's res
ignation has only six members — is supposed to have
at least four representatives present at a hearing to qual
ify as a legal quorum.
The committee s latest cancellation is ridiculous. The
missing members — Lydia Lerma. Jose Balderas and
Efrem Mehretab — know when to show up. Committee
meetings have boon scheduled for every Monday and
Thursday since January. Presumably the members also
know how to use a phone to make sure other members
will be there in case of an emergency. Committee mem
ber Anne Wagoner justifiably showed her frustration at
the other members when she said. "If they’re not here,
they should be held responsible.''
The problem with missing meetings is that the IFC is
not the only organization affected. IFC screw-ups affect
everybody who has vet to appear before the committee.
On Thursday, tho EMU budget was due for scrutiny.
EMU Director Dusty Miller and his staff were inexcus
ably loft waiting at the IFC altar for tho third time this
This means once again the IFC must reschedule the
EMU for a hearing, which in turn will lead to the
rescheduling of several other groups. Now the EMU staff
must put off any post-budget decision making, creating
more inefficiency within its own department. In addi
tion. the IFC will probably have to have several quick,
ill-prepared meetings to make its May 24 budget dead
This latest misadventure proves the point University
President Myles Brand made when he proposed restruc
turing IFC power. Brand was concerned that the IFC was
abusing its responsibility by reviewing budget notes
from various EMU groups even though doing so is not
within the IFC's jurisdiction.
Now the IFC. after trying to over-stretch its authority,
is moving in the opposite direction by shirking its
duties. How can the IFC campaign for more power when
it can't handle the power it has?
IFC Chairman Steve Masat must solidify the commit
tee for the rest of the year by clarifying that the hear
ings will not be missed and will be conducted profes
sionally. Missing meetings is reprehensible, especially
when members were directly elected by the student
body to delegate funds.
Lerma, Balderas and Mehretab must also take the
blame for their most recent actions. They must either
confess their irresponsibility and show up to the rest of
tho meetings or resign. Although their individual excus
es may have been solid, they must take the entire group
into consideration. It is their duty as IFC representatives.
Oregon Daily
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2 Oregon Daily Emerald Monday. April 12. 1993
FtoB: Woman in
" navy 'mi
Is pornography defensible?
Pornography rapes
women’s respect
By Shoshanah Oppenheim
Sex. porn and all ihul jazz I hope 1 got your
attention I want to introduce myself before
we get to the topic at hand. 1 am one
woman, with one opinion. I have one voice, and
I choose only to speak for myself However. 1 rec
ognize there are women who both agree and dis
agree with me I believe this editorial needs a dis
claimer so these words and opinions are not
exaggerated, taken out of context or wrongly
1 ait's gel right to the point Pornography in my
world view is bad. Pornographers such as Play
boy. who come to recruit at the University, or any
institution, are bad as well. Contrary to the belief
of this fine publication (the Oregon Daily Emer
ald). neither I nor any of the women with whom
1 have talked about this subject have ever criti
cized the women who choose to pose for any
pornographic magazine
I fully acknowledge the fact that we as women
know what is best for ourseive., and that the
choices we make are ours alone I would never
dare to make a decision or deliberately limit
another woman in her decisions
The problem with pornography is not that
women an* modeling for magazines; the problem
is that the magazines exist, and pornographers
are making $22 million a day using women as
1 do not ' scorn’' the women who pose because
I understand that we lis t* in a six lety where there
is an imbalance of (rower and opportunities, and
that women are the victims of such a system of
patriarchy and misogvnv
This unbalance in power is crystal clear in the
sex industry Who is making money off women's
nudity? The models sure aren't pulling in the rev
enue. The Emerald reported that college women
can make $500 for posing nude; why didn't it
report the magazine's gross profits from the Pac
10. Big 10 and other college issues'TWhy didn't
the Emerald report what it means to be (curt of the
sex industry and how profits are made exploiting
women's bodies?
Pornography can be defined as the marketing
of women's sexuality, bodies and lives for male
consumption and entertainment. There is a mar
ket for sex in our society, and Playboy cashes in
along with magazines such as Penthouse. Juggs
and Swastika Snatch. These are only a few of the
magazines available: the list goes on.
Playboy is one facet of the world of pornogra
phy that cannot be separated from the so-called
“hard-core" porn. Furthermore, pornography is
on a continuum of violence against women. Pow
er is exerted over women by the constant objecti
fication of women's bodies and the sexualization
Turn tp RESPECT. Page 3
Double standard
for pornography
By Joe Huston
lot of letters have been written lately
about pornography From what I hove
JL jLseen. many of those writers condemn the
negative aspects of pornography on society,
specifically asserting that pornography leads to
the perpetration of physical or sexual abuse of
women and children.
Most refer to a body of evidence that links
pornography to these crimes. However, no one
seems to Ihj forthcoming and specific about this
evidence. Some simply assert that the connection
is obvious. Look at Ted Bundy’s own confession
for Christ's sake.
As a student of science and someone who has
managed to go through life with his eyes pretty
much open. I have a hard time accepting anecdo
tal evidence. I believe it was Calileo who was
judged a heretic and cast out of the Church
bei nuse he went against the beliefs of both the
common and the wise of the time.
"Of course the Sun turns around the Earth.
Look — here it begins its orbital path in the
morning, and over there it finishes it at night
flow else could it be7" I'm not trying to dispute a
link between pornography and violence, if one
exists I just want to look a little closer at the evi
dent.e before I take freedom from a group or
groups of people You know — choice and all
that stull.
Along the lines ol victimizing women and chil
dren. domestic violence among them. 1 have
made some observations of my own. There seems
to he a relationship between alcohol use and
these crimes. Granted my observations are unsci
entific. gathered from friends who are police or
who are in other branches of the judicial system
and social support system.
There are also numerous hooks written by
social workers, psychologists and. yes, even a few
psychiatrists, detailing the adverse effects of alco
hol on family members, such as women, children
and even the occasional man.
Yes. it seems that some women become alco
holics too. wreaking abuse on their children and
even on their spouses (as incorrect a picture as
that may seem). 1 wonder why there are not any
protests against alcohol as a source of violence
against women and children Why don't those
posters say "Prohibit Pornography. Abolish Alco
hol." Hmmm ...
Now I am really going to go out on a limb and
wonder what effect drug-addicted parents have
on their children and their spouses. All that steal
ing and prostituting to get money to buy those
And what about those nasty come downs? 1
hear they can turn a person's behavior downright
Turn to HYPOCRISY. Page 3