EDITORIAL IFC no-shows shirk elected obligation The Incidental Fee Committee has taken a lot of heat on this page during the past few months. And it will continue to get heat until it cloans up its act. Last Thursday, the IFC canceled its second budget hearing of the week because only three members showed. The committee — which after Zoe Pargot's res ignation has only six members — is supposed to have at least four representatives present at a hearing to qual ify as a legal quorum. The committee s latest cancellation is ridiculous. The missing members — Lydia Lerma. Jose Balderas and Efrem Mehretab — know when to show up. Committee meetings have boon scheduled for every Monday and Thursday since January. Presumably the members also know how to use a phone to make sure other members will be there in case of an emergency. Committee mem ber Anne Wagoner justifiably showed her frustration at the other members when she said. "If they’re not here, they should be held responsible.'' The problem with missing meetings is that the IFC is not the only organization affected. IFC screw-ups affect everybody who has vet to appear before the committee. On Thursday, tho EMU budget was due for scrutiny. EMU Director Dusty Miller and his staff were inexcus ably loft waiting at the IFC altar for tho third time this year. This means once again the IFC must reschedule the EMU for a hearing, which in turn will lead to the rescheduling of several other groups. Now the EMU staff must put off any post-budget decision making, creating more inefficiency within its own department. In addi tion. the IFC will probably have to have several quick, ill-prepared meetings to make its May 24 budget dead line. This latest misadventure proves the point University President Myles Brand made when he proposed restruc turing IFC power. Brand was concerned that the IFC was abusing its responsibility by reviewing budget notes from various EMU groups even though doing so is not within the IFC's jurisdiction. Now the IFC. after trying to over-stretch its authority, is moving in the opposite direction by shirking its duties. How can the IFC campaign for more power when it can't handle the power it has? IFC Chairman Steve Masat must solidify the commit tee for the rest of the year by clarifying that the hear ings will not be missed and will be conducted profes sionally. Missing meetings is reprehensible, especially when members were directly elected by the student body to delegate funds. Lerma, Balderas and Mehretab must also take the blame for their most recent actions. They must either confess their irresponsibility and show up to the rest of tho meetings or resign. Although their individual excus es may have been solid, they must take the entire group into consideration. It is their duty as IFC representatives. Oregon Daily Emerald IW’IUUI Mm E Allot e aiiot i*i E aiiot Otaphic* Eailot Entertainment Eailot In* Oregon DAlly Emeu*) u published da*i> Monday through Friday dur-ng the tchoo »«*( ana Tuesday a no Thursday during the summer by me Oregon Da. y Emerald f’ubttnng Co me . ai me Untvatlyty ol Oregon. Eugene. Oregon I Hyy fmtitaid op*ates independently ol mo U'vveruty with ont; Memon* Union and a a memoer ol Ihe Associated Press Th« f.mtu«I0 ■* privet# ptopwiy In* unlawful removal ot use o< papas •» ptosecuiatke by ii*» Editor: Pat Maiach Jaaa Bong Eteelance Eailot Hop# Neaison Mari n f,an* Edllotial Eailot Rv»i Janssen j*< Paeloy Sports Eailot Dav# Charbonne*. f toys Mom Supplements Eailot 0*Hry And*son Nigh I sailor: Jake B*g Assoclala Eailota: Tammy Bale*. Student Govemmeni Acl.nf.e». Dataiyn Trapp# Commvroy. Con#*’ P jhkg. t*gh#r [AicahonAan^sirshon Newt stall: Chtytlw As#n, Man Bander. Jo aim Brown. Sarah Ctam. Mag Dedotph Amy Oevenport J#n Eh. son Amanda I etna Anthony Eomey. Bern Hege. Teresa Munlsmget lisa Maun. Rebecca Mty-.tr. Slav# Mm* Katy Moe-m- T,Hm, Mu#n#t. Tnsla No*. ESan Shaw. Erick Studervcka. Manor Suitor Mch#t# Thompson Aguusr Amy Van Tuyl. Todd WWarnt Q#tt#ral Manager Judy Rwdl Production Manager Mch*« Ro*» Advertising Tom l##ch. Sharon Vat Sam Manager* Shawn Barven. Oce M#nag* J*y# Irota. Teresa lsab««e. Ph.tp Johnson #, Chra Kanc«. Jwam, Mason. Vah V Ottryan ll. Geiian Oh Racna* Truk. Ange Wm<»y*m. Bran WnJwm Classified Becky Me>chsnl. Manager Ba»y togan. Sharon Sauve Distribution Brandon And*ton N