Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 05, 1993, Page 13, Image 13

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    ‘Oregon Daily
Emerald Spoil
Veterans carry men to win
Freshman Ray Livingston set a PR at this
height, earning him first place in the pole
vault Saturday against Washington
j Oregon seniors turn away
Washington in dual meet
By Dave Charbonneau
lust when il seemed Washington might
upset Ort*non at Saturday s tra< k and field
dual meet, the veterans stepped it up.
leading the Dm ks to <i 90-67 viitorv ,il
Mm ward Field.
Midvv.iv through the meet, the Huskies
were well within striking distant e ol the
|)ti< ks. but Oregon seniors I rik Vlitalo.
Devon Hosev. lason W ilton and Ronnie
Hittris all i ante through with lug points as
the Dm ks pulled awav down the slreti h.
Washington watched a seven-point
deficit grow to Hi when Villain led an
Oregon sweep in the 400-meter hurdles
The Dm ks lead grew larger moments hit
er when Hosey. Knk Balstrom and Todd
Ble.iknrv took the top three spots in the.
triple jump
Walton then set a meet rm ord hy dear
mg seven feet in the higfi lump, and Har
ris wrapped up an impressive individual
meet performam e by finishing first in the
200 to give Oregon an insurmountable
"it was .1 good team effort." Oregon
coat h Bill Dellinger said 'The experiem e
of some of our older guvs showed today
Although it was the Ducks veterans
that notched the victory, it was the new
guvs that kept Oregon in the meet early
Junior transfer I f’ Thurman opened the
meet with a surprising vis torv in the ham
mer throw Freshman deiathlete Kav Liv
ingston guve Oregon fans a taste of his tal
ents hv setting a I’R and taking first in the
pole vault at 16-4 ,t 4
Freshman lamar Williams took first in
the till hurdles, and Ireshman Patrick
Kfioo won the 4IK) and ran an impressive
third leg in the Ducks victorious 4x100
relay team
But it was Harris w ho stole the show for
Besides his v ii torv in the 200. Harris
also took lirst in the 100 with a wind aid
ed 10 56 and blew past Washington s
Ashondi Dixon in the final leg of the
4x100 relay
"1 wanted to get points for the team.
Harris said I dm idetl to drop down and
i oncenirate on the 40(1 next week (at
Washington State)
The most disappointing as pm t of the
meet was Oregon's distance runners f in
Dm ks failed to take a first plat e in the
800, 1.500. 5,000 or the steeplechase
"I was disappointed w ith our (distance)
runners." Dellinger said. "Our 1.500 was
espec ially disappointing "
111 that race, the Ducks expm ted a one
two finish, but favorite Tracv Hollister
tailed to plac e in the tup three and tresh
muh Goss Lindsey was only able to sal
vage third place in the race
Besides Ins victory in the hammer
Thurman also finished third in the discus,
ahead of teammate Heath Howmgton
Howington rebounded from a disappoint
ing fourth place in the hammer to win the
shot put
Wednesday, April 7th
Upstairs 4-6 pm
l/rian Jacques (pronounced Jakes), author of the engrossing
Red wall series adventure tales will be here to sign copies of his newly
released fifth book of the series entitled, Salamandastron.
HWf '
»•* ote» Oy M** "*J 4,
Oregon s LaReina Woods won the 100, ZOO and ran a leg In the Ducks victorious
400-meter relay team Saturday against Washington
Women sprint past Huskies
j Oregon dominates
sprints in dual meet
By Erich Studemcha
£A*“> t metjtid
liven head coach lom lleinnnun
hud lu he impressed with th** quality
of per formant e of the women's trai k
I (Mill ill its i li'i | M v c HH 4H dual meet
victory over Washington Saturday
afternoon at Hayward field
As Kh h Brooks (Oregon football
i oai III would say . A lot of good tilings
happened today. Heinoiien s.ud
Doing lln* good tilings on (hi* tt.n k
for lln> Din ks was sophomore sprinter
l.aKeina Woods Woods dashed to
wins in the 1(1(1 and 2IIII inulnrs and
was port of the w inning 4110• m«l**r
rulav team that won in 4i ?K. a time
only 0*> off NCAA provisional quali
Wooils said slm w.is more ext tied
than disappointed with narrow ly
missing the relay qualifying mark
'We re three weeks ahead of when*
we were Iasi season.’ Woods said As
long as we keep healthy. I think
women's sprinting at Oregon will
Kelly Blair looked fully rei overed
from last week s s< hool-ret ord effort in
the heptathlon last week, as she won
Both the long jump and the high jump
Her ;ump of 20-I was the longest of
fier career and gave her fourth plat e on
the all-time (fregon list
Blair had a momentary seifiai k as
she was disqualified in the 100 muter
hurdles l>et ause of a false start. I nit she
rebounded to break open the milli
meter relay with a ri4 1 clocking for
her 40(1-meter leg. the fastest of any
Oregon team member
fulie Beck was Oregon’s other dou
file-winner in the held as she won the
shot put |4T>-1) and disi us (I4‘1-2|
I'lm l>rs! solo offort nl iln' .iftiirnoon
ludongi'd in 1.00(1 motor runniir Nk oli>
Woodward Altar dropping >i 11 ul Inn
i om|M-liliifs v\ oh ii hlislormg 2 2 I first
HIM) motors. tin' si'innt ili-.l.im i• s|,ir tm
isliod in *1 22. |usl missing tin* N( A A
automatu ipiuhlving murk of 0 O'
I louionoti vml Woodward s (*".1 r.n os
uro in llio fuinro
I u.is sinm kod that \n olo i mill! run
th.it fust 1 {oiniiiion said Shot,m rim
was fnslot in Ihn right i iri unisl.niins
with nlhor jiooplo
Iuiiioi t.umaru sot llio moot
roi tint in llio IDO motors w itli llio filin'
ut >4 Oti .mil .liso r.m n log on tlio 11.00
motor roliiv loum vs tin h litnslioil with
u sonstiii host Ohio ot t 41.
loot's sunl sho vvasti t ilis.i|)|)iiiiitoil
with lior limo. vvlm h w ns 1 lM) soi oihjs
■ iff ol hor si (mill ris oril iif a07 sot Inst
v our .it tlio N( AA i h.iinpitirishi(is
I itIIin t lliivii to strugglo to got n VI.
it vs,is rout rulusnd mill ousv (olios suit!
"Murk ISlrttnin. llio Orogon assist,ml
i nut h| toll) mo to i oik oiilrnlo on colas
mg unit it paid off
l.iko Woods |oilos is on ilod uhout
tlio (frogon rolnv litmus
"Wo vo liottoriul out flint' in ovorv
moot, suit) (olios I think liotli llio
4s too and tho 4s400 motor loluss
i mild cpialifv lor llio \t A \ moot
Aslilos Solniun lookod to ho at homo
on tin- Hayward I told insolm runvvus
ns sho lot ortlotl a loss ol 1 701. to dofo.it
Washington's Monika I’arkor by a t om
fortahlo 1H foot After transferring from
I 'M , tlio win was Solinun's lust as a
I ha k
In tho hatflo for ( urlsmi Iannis brag
ging rights, W ashington s I urn sinus to
havit bouton out (begun s loniltt I aru
■ hullongod Oregon's l.riku Klein in llio
I Mill. but had to soltlo for sis olid Ion
ii.i was mils atilo to tniislor a fourth
plai o in tho H00motor run which was
won bs lluskv Hinds lohnson in 2 too
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