‘Oregon Daily Emerald Spoil Veterans carry men to win Freshman Ray Livingston set a PR at this height, earning him first place in the pole vault Saturday against Washington j Oregon seniors turn away Washington in dual meet By Dave Charbonneau lust when il seemed Washington might upset Ort*non at Saturday s tra< k and field dual meet, the veterans stepped it up. leading the Dm ks to t metjtid liven head coach lom lleinnnun hud lu he impressed with th** quality of per formant e of the women's trai k I (Mill ill its i li'i | M v c HH 4H dual meet victory over Washington Saturday afternoon at Hayward field As Kh h Brooks (Oregon football i oai III would say . A lot of good tilings happened today. Heinoiien s.ud Doing lln* good tilings on (hi* tt.n k for lln> Din ks was sophomore sprinter l.aKeina Woods Woods dashed to wins in the 1(1(1 and 2IIII inulnrs and was port of the w inning 4110• m«l**r rulav team that won in 4i ?K. a time only 0*> off NCAA provisional quali Ivmg Wooils said slm w.is more ext tied than disappointed with narrow ly missing the relay qualifying mark 'We re three weeks ahead of when* we were Iasi season.’ Woods said As long as we keep healthy. I think women's sprinting at Oregon will explode Kelly Blair looked fully rei overed from last week s s< hool-ret ord effort in the heptathlon last week, as she won Both the long jump and the high jump Her ;ump of 20-I was the longest of fier career and gave her fourth plat e on the all-time (fregon list Blair had a momentary seifiai k as she was disqualified in the 100 muter hurdles l>et ause of a false start. I nit she rebounded to break open the milli meter relay with a ri4 1 clocking for her 40(1-meter leg. the fastest of any Oregon team member fulie Beck was Oregon’s other dou file-winner in the held as she won the shot put |4T>-1) and disi us (I4‘1-2| I'lm l>rs! solo offort nl iln' .iftiirnoon ludongi'd in 1.00(1 motor runniir Nk oli> Woodward Altar dropping >i 11 ul Inn i om|M-liliifs v\ oh ii hlislormg 2 2 I first HIM) motors. tin' si'innt ili-.l.im i• s|,ir tm isliod in *1 22. |usl missing tin* N( A A automatu ipiuhlving murk of 0 O' I louionoti vml Woodward s (*".1 r.n os uro in llio fuinro I u.is sinm kod that \n olo i mill! run th.it fust 1 {oiniiiion said Shot,m rim was fnslot in Ihn right i iri unisl.niins with nlhor jiooplo Iuiiioi t.umaru sot llio moot roi tint in llio IDO motors w itli llio filin' ut >4 Oti .mil .liso r.m n log on tlio 11.00 motor roliiv loum vs tin h litnslioil with u sonstiii host Ohio ot t 41. loot's sunl sho vvasti t ilis.i|)|)iiiiitoil with lior limo. vvlm h w ns 1 lM) soi oihjs ■ iff ol hor si (mill ris oril iif a07 sot Inst v our .it tlio N( AA i h.iinpitirishi(is I itIIin t lliivii to strugglo to got n VI. it vs,is rout rulusnd mill ousv (olios suit! "Murk ISlrttnin. llio Orogon assist,ml i nut h| toll) mo to i oik oiilrnlo on colas mg unit it paid off l.iko Woods |oilos is on ilod uhout tlio (frogon rolnv litmus "Wo vo liottoriul out flint' in ovorv moot, suit) (olios I think liotli llio 4s too and tho 4s400 motor loluss i mild cpialifv lor llio \t A \ moot Aslilos Solniun lookod to ho at homo on tin- Hayward I told insolm runvvus ns sho lot ortlotl a loss ol 1 701. to dofo.it Washington's Monika I’arkor by a t om fortahlo 1H foot After transferring from I 'M , tlio win was Solinun's lust as a I ha k In tho hatflo for ( urlsmi Iannis brag ging rights, W ashington s I urn sinus to havit bouton out (begun s loniltt I aru ■ hullongod Oregon's l.riku Klein in llio I Mill. but had to soltlo for sis olid Ion ii.i was mils atilo to tniislor a fourth plai o in tho H00motor run which was won bs lluskv Hinds lohnson in 2 too “30 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota -GERMAN - AUTO SERVICE, INC. I 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon, 97402 DON'T GIVE UP THE SEARCH! TRY LOST AND FOUND IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION