Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 31, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
f*olo by Ja** Btr'9
f/re victims and their triends talk to officials Monday outside of a fire-gutted house that was rented by three University seniors
Fire burns house
late Monday night
j Smokers’
carelessness may
have started blaze
By Jake Berg
Oregon Etner&kJ
Three University seniors
were sitting at Taylor's College
Side Inn listening to tnusii
Nlonda\ night when someone
ran in and told them that their
house was on fire
"I was like, 'Nice joke."’ said
Kristian Hansen, a 22-year-old
It wasn’t
Hansen and senior room
mates fcgen Mo«, 21. and
Mil hue I Hoopaugh. 22. quit k
|y ran to their home to find the
street lined with fire depart
Turn to FIRE. Page 5
Prnxooy Ja»« 8*9
This couch was ona ot many Items destroyed In the tire.
network set
to transmit
j Statewide broadcast
system will make long
distance education possible
By Scott Andre
I-rum a simill television sluciio in the
northwest corner of knight Uihrary, .1
professor simultaneously lei.lures
students in Ontario. Mend. Coos Hay.
Kosehurg and Medford
Near the end of 1 lass, the students 1 all
in quest ions to the professor, who in
turn provides answers and clarifies nnv
points of 1 onfusion.
A scene from the far-off future of
higher edu< utiou in Oregon?
Not quite
educators 1 .ill it "distant e od\n ation
and lilt' technology required to make it a
reality is already in pint e in the form of
|;|) N’t. 1 Oregon's slateyvide
telei innmunu alums sy stem
Here at the University , administrators
and ediu alors are considering using I I)
Nf-ri to teach students in distant 1 orners
of the state, hut ohstai les remain
A statewide network
l-.slahlished hv the Oregon Legislature
in 1<ihiI and funded by lottery money
LI) NFT consists of two television
broadcast networks and an on line
computer information network. Every
community college, four year college
and university in Oregon tan receive
and transmit on the system.
'It provides ns with the opportunity to
open up act ess to people who normally
wouldn't have educational resources in
their community, said Jon Knot. I I)
NIT coordinator tor the Oregon Stale
System of Higher education
HI) NKT's two television networks are
the key to providing mi reused access to
higher odu< atom Network I is a
satellite-transmitted, broadcast quality
Turn to NETWORK. Pago 3
UFO believers not alone as group discusses experiences
j Organizer says meetings provide
educational service to those interested
By Jake Berg
Francesco Fagliaro paused fora moment in the middle
of his opening presentation and. leaning over the podi
um where his crossed arms rested, he looked into the
40 pairs of eves before him
"How many of you have seen a 1 K() or know someone
who has seen a UFO?" he asked the group assembled in
a comer room of the Eugene Puhlic Library on a Satur
day in January.
The onlookers fro/e for a moment, and then, cautious
ly. a dozen raised their hands halfway. After glancing
around to the rows of [Miopia behind them, the hand-rais
ers let their arms extend all of the way
I'agliaro smiled, and the dozen let their raised hands
return to their laps or notepads
The people came here to listen to I'agliaro, the orga
nizer of tins unidentified flying objod contat t group, and
to hear theories and stories from the other two speak
i'agliaro, who owns n Kugene bag-making < oinpany.
brings people together every six to uighl weeks |o talk
about I U-'Os. with one of thu goals Iming to < omfort those
who hove hud possiblti UFC) exponent os I !•• said people
urtr more at ease being surrounded In those who may
behove, rather than question. Ul'O tales
"Nobody's going to come out in publii and say. 'Yeah.
Turn to UFO. Page 4
Increasing clouds overnight
should produce light rain
throughout the southern valley
Highs near hO
Today is the last day to pay
tuition without a SSO late fee.
Payments are collected in the
EMU Ballroom
ULYSSES. Neb (AP) - The coi» gave birth to three calve*, and vetennan
an Frank FJutein thought she was done. But they kept (arming and coming.
After helping deliver quintuplets;. Ekstein looked up the animal science
record books. The odd* of call quints, he found, range 'anywhere from a
high of one in 15 million births to a real low incidence of one in 60 million
births '
Ekstein has delivered two sets of triplets in 18 years of practice This
time, he said. T thought she was probably done after three But I went
hai k to re-examine and I kept finding more.'
There were four males and a female One calf died at birth.
Stephanie Warren, a two-year starter for the Oregon
volleyball team, has been dismissed from school for
academic reasons, the school announced Monday
A native of Gresham. Warren paced the team in kills
with a 156 average last fall and was s»* ond in digs
Two years ago as a freshman, she was named to the all
Pacific-10 Conference freshman squad and pit ked up
Oregon s Newcomer of the Year Award
Warren, who would tie a |unior next fall, plans to
reapply for admission to the school in the future