Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1993 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 94. ISSUE 125 f*olo by Ja** Btr'9 f/re victims and their triends talk to officials Monday outside of a fire-gutted house that was rented by three University seniors Fire burns house late Monday night j Smokers’ carelessness may have started blaze By Jake Berg Oregon Etner&kJ Three University seniors were sitting at Taylor's College Side Inn listening to tnusii Nlonda\ night when someone ran in and told them that their house was on fire "I was like, 'Nice joke."’ said Kristian Hansen, a 22-year-old senior It wasn’t Hansen and senior room mates fcgen Mo«, 21. and Mil hue I Hoopaugh. 22. quit k |y ran to their home to find the street lined with fire depart Turn to FIRE. Page 5 Prnxooy Ja»« 8*9 This couch was ona ot many Items destroyed In the tire. Education network set to transmit j Statewide broadcast system will make long distance education possible By Scott Andre I-rum a simill television sluciio in the northwest corner of knight Uihrary, .1 professor simultaneously lei.lures students in Ontario. Mend. Coos Hay. Kosehurg and Medford Near the end of 1 lass, the students 1 all in quest ions to the professor, who in turn provides answers and clarifies nnv points of 1 onfusion. A scene from the far-off future of higher edu< utiou in Oregon? Not quite educators 1 .ill it "distant e od\n ation and lilt' technology required to make it a reality is already in pint e in the form of |;|) N’t. 1 Oregon's slateyvide telei innmunu alums sy stem Here at the University , administrators and ediu alors are considering using I I) Nf-ri to teach students in distant 1 orners of the state, hut ohstai les remain A statewide network l-.slahlished hv the Oregon Legislature in 1