Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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ThrOttyjpn Daily Emrrald, IN tndcprfhEmi tfudmi nryrfpaprt ,n thr Imrrrvity
ol Orvgon, it Iurrrnfit 4cn-pttng appN atoms UK thr position at fdih« UK thr |WV*4
*.Kilt'll. war
Eligible i andidati' must hr rdhsf an undrrgtaduatv vtudtfH jl thr Lnivrrttty
nuutlnl !i* a minimum ul «»cndlt hours prr trrm in thriviK thr lour *adt-mii ijuartrri
Ol hit of hrf term 4s Editor, or 4 graduatr 'I.lit rot 41 thr l nivrrstts lonnlisl tof 4
minimum ol thm-1 wdtl h>urs jm u-rm in Ihnr ol thr tour * adi-m* quarMs ol ht» at
hrf Mm as Editof All applicants mutt hr in good * admin ManJinj;
I(bigim Daily Emerald o published by 4 nonpnail corporation which operate
tndrp'mdently ol thr University Thr pnmjrv |uirp*»r ol thr ODE it to provide
rd Ovation jnd training tof students in ail asfwsts at nrw-sptiper oprt4tiofi bt setting 4
campus rudiitn r with nrwv rdihmal and ads-nhsing cuntrof
Thr Editor at thr ODE, who rrpvfts to 4 10-prfson volunteer Board ol Ditvslurv,
hat ntpomiMitv tot all editorial operations and all editorial content ol thr nrwtpaprt
Trim ot oltur it |une H. I«1 thruugNiut thr last ittur ol Spring trrm I'NI and it
pnnslnl ht an orientation period which begins no late than Mai I and ntmdt through
iuttr 7 Thu n a pod pvwihun
Intmuted patlirt thould pul up an applnahon pailrt which includes a job
ili-v upturn at thr ODE tronl drtl in huitr WO I Ml 01 tall Mh SSIl tor mofr
Completed applications mutt hr returned to IN' ODE Board ol Ihrrttort in IN'
ODE ollurby SOOpm. Erulav. April 2, l*ci An individual will br tloMl by IN Btwrd
on Apnl 20 IW
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and n awliny laumJ 4 <wwr. nUnnity Stmt avripii. 1
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The University of Oregon
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Texas cult shootout kills five
WACO. Texas (AP) — A
fiente Run Iuiitle erupted Sun
day as more than 100 law
officers tried to arrest the
leader of a heavily armed reli
KIOUSI uit At least four feeler
al agents were killed, and ( ull members said one
follower died
At least 14 agents were wounded in the 45-minute
shootout nt the isolated compound of the Branch
Davidians' sect about 10 miles east of Waco. Sev
eral sc* t members were also reportedly wounded,
officials said.
The buttle began when federal agents hidden in
livestock trailers stormed the main home of the Sts t.
witnesses said The agents had warrants to search
the compound for guns and explosives and to arrest
its leader, Vernon Howell, said les Stanford of the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fi mantis in Wash
After a cease-fire was negotiated, ambulances and
helicopters removed wounded agents as other law
enforcement officers remained one antped nt the
scene. ATF officials said four agents were killed
and 14 were wounded.
At nightfall, the standoff continued.
"It sounded like a war zone, people were lieing
hit, you could hear people screaming with the
agony, the pain of it," said John McLomore. a
KWTX-TV reporter who witnessed the shootout.
The ATF estimates that 75 people were in Branch
Davidians' group, olmut a third of them children.
Howell, who < laims to be iesus Christ, has led the
nearlv fit (year-old cult since the mid-WWIs
The itssault t ami- one dav after the Warn Tribune
Herald began publishing a series on the cult. The
paper quoted former members, saying the 33-vear
old Howell may have abused the children of group
members, ns well as « laiming that Howell lias as
many as 15 wives
Howell denied the abuse accusations. Ha and his
wife. Rachel, were married in ld84 when he was 24
and she was i4
ATT spokesman jack Killorin in Washington said
the assault had been planned for several weeks,
although he milled. "1 think the newspaper's inves
tigation set up heightened tension.”
The cult's fortress, called Mount Carmel, is dom
inated by a lower with lookout windows facing in
ail directions Guards reportedly patrol the 77-acre
grounds at night.
According to witnesses, federal agents hid in live
stock trailers as they drove up to the compound. As
timm National Guard helicopters approached, the
too law officers stormed the main home, throw
ing concussion grenades and screaming “Come out!"
For a moment, there was no response. Then the
shooting began.
"It was a large barrage ot gunfire troiTPseveral
places in the house at once.” said Dan Mulloney,
a KWTX-TV news photographer who followed the
agents onto the compound.
For the next 45 minutes, officers traded shots with
cult members
"I cannot tell you what went wrong. It appeared
as though they were waiting for us." said Ted Roys
ter. head of the ATF office in Dallas.
"We realized we were at risk going in as com
pared to other situations." Royster said. "We knew
this was very dangerous."
Two helicopters were hit by gunfire during the
shootout, and a TV news van and a newspaper pho
tographer's t ar were also hit
Mcl.etnore said o couple of agents were shot
inside the compound, whose walls were riddled
with bullet holes
Eleven of the wounded agents were hospitalized
and three were treated and released, officials at two
hospitals said
Clinton details his college aid plan
national service program Presi
dent Hill Clinton will unveil
today is a pilot for his ambitious
college aid initiative, designed
to offer a modest 1 .1100 slots this
summer but expanding to as
many as 150.000 hy 1997
Under the program, students
could perform national service
right after high school and then
borrow for college, or borrow
first and pay the loans off with
one year of service for every two
years of assistance
In advance of his visit toduy to
Rutgers University in New Jer
sey to promote the program.
Clinton tried to rally support
both in his Saturday radio
address and in an essay pub
lished in Sunday's Sen York
"It's a plan to invest in our
country's future, a call to action
and to responsibility that will
involve one of our most pre
cious national resources, our
young people." Clinton said in
the radio speech.
In the newspaper. Clinton
said "national service is an idea
as old as America " He com
pared his plan to Lincoln's
ilornesteud Act, which gave pio
neers title to land they settled.
Truman's G! Bill and the peace
Corps founded by President
In the budget he will submit
iu April, Clinton will propose
$9H million for the program in
fisial 1994. which begins in
Then.Clinton proposes 51 bit
lion for fiscal 1905, $1.9 billion
the next year and $3 billion in
fiscal 1997.
Administration officials said
the $1 billion in 1995 would
fund roughly 50,000 slots in the
program, at a cost of $18,000 to
$20,000 per student Partici
pants would receive small
stipends for such community
service as helping in drug and
health t limes, public schools
and on police community
In bis newspaper article, Clin
ton envisioned 100,000 slots in
fiscal 1997. but advisers have
said the number tould be as
high as 150.000 depending on
the ratio of students who choose
to do their service before attend
ing college to those who choose
to do it after.
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