When only the best will do... 485-8226 1917 FRANKLIN BLVD. Close to Campus IMPI (>\MI N I OIM’OKTUNI I > 1 Editor-in-Chief «>l iht* OREGON DAILY EMERALD ThrOttyjpn Daily Emrrald, IN tndcprfhEmi tfudmi nryrfpaprt ,n thr Imrrrvity ol Orvgon, it Iurrrnfit 4cn-pttng appN atoms UK thr position at fdih« UK thr |WV*4 *.Kilt'll. war Eligible i andidati' must hr rdhsf an undrrgtaduatv vtudtfH jl thr Lnivrrttty nuutlnl !i* a minimum ul «»cndlt hours prr trrm in thriviK thr lour *adt-mii ijuartrri Ol hit of hrf term 4s Editor, or 4 graduatr 'I.lit rot 41 thr l nivrrstts lonnlisl tof 4 minimum ol thm-1 wdtl h>urs jm u-rm in Ihnr ol thr tour * adi-m* quarMs ol ht» at hrf Mm as Editof All applicants mutt hr in good * admin ManJinj; I(bigim Daily Emerald o published by 4 nonpnail corporation which operate tndrp'mdently ol thr University Thr pnmjrv |uirp*»r ol thr ODE it to provide rd Ovation jnd training tof students in ail asfwsts at nrw-sptiper oprt4tiofi bt setting 4 campus rudiitn r with nrwv rdihmal and ads-nhsing cuntrof Thr Editor at thr ODE, who rrpvfts to 4 10-prfson volunteer Board ol Ditvslurv, hat ntpomiMitv tot all editorial operations and all editorial content ol thr nrwtpaprt Trim ot oltur it |une H. I«1 thruugNiut thr last ittur ol Spring trrm I'NI and it pnnslnl ht an orientation period which begins no late than Mai I and ntmdt through iuttr 7 Thu n a pod pvwihun Intmuted patlirt thould pul up an applnahon pailrt which includes a job ili-v upturn at thr ODE tronl drtl in huitr WO I Ml 01 tall Mh SSIl tor mofr information Completed applications mutt hr returned to IN' ODE Board ol Ihrrttort in IN' ODE ollurby SOOpm. Erulav. April 2, l*ci An individual will br tloMl by IN Btwrd on Apnl 20 IW [V t UriVn Unify I mnkt n it faual I lppevfirarty I mpfctyrr and n awliny laumJ 4