Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1993, Page 28, Image 37

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    Movie Previews • Lights, Camera, Action: When Campus
Becomes Set • A'Humanistu? UFO Flick • Video Releases
Minim Hurruant, I <>l Miami
An earls look at some of tin- vkhho-Ik
relrased |(rlii' from Hollywood shorts a
mixed hag I fu se air ihr lli< ks that get
taught betssren (hr sir* of vuminrr anil
winter bltxkbustrrs and are released too
rarlv to fx- rrmrmherrd ai < Krai time In
this mix. therr should lx- a film to suit any
one's tastes — me hiding a\ul fans of thr
/■ rutin thr 11th series And if vou air a |avin
lanatir. this mas lx- sum last rhamr loser
fihxxl ami guts get in thr ssas of tern-agr
CR4 (Uni vernal Studios)
Vou knuss him as Nat \ on Su/uiduy Vighl
/air. sshrir hr dons an alio and some plat
loi m shoes But ( hi is Hot k is not i om
plaining about thr limited time " I hr- Man*
is gising him anymore K<x k stars in a film
lain|HMining thr burgeoning ssoiltl of tap
miisii Rot k, who t o -wrote the s< ript,
fronts as a rap lover who assumes thr iden
tity of Ins towns most notorious criminal
< Ihr is Elliott finally got a life and co-stars as
a (oumalist dedicated to dix miieniing the
mitadsrniurrs of Rix k's “gang of three '
(on side ling the ext client suuevsof S.N / s
last movie spin-off, Hiivne's 1 Solid, this mas
lx- onr worth It Miking at
Mad Dog and Glory (l nivrrsal Studios 1
fins film is directed by John
Mr Naughton. the same man ssho graced
usssith thr celluloid masterpiece of Hmr\
I’mtrmt of a Vrio/ Killn (Whew, he's real Is
outdone himself.) fsrn the high ialibet
talent in the film probably won’t save it.
Robert Dr Niro, Bill Murray and I’ma
1 h ui man star in (his mobster link in
whir h Dr Niro cases Murray s life and is
rewarded ssith a week ssitli Glory
(1 hurman). I inseltown seems to have
responded to the Ycai of the Woman fis
making trmalrs objrr Is in high-stake lx-ts
in several recent films, including
//mirymoon in legos and thr upturning
huUtmt Ihopouil. latse, of tourer, compters
all, except perhaps mob vengeance and
the incredibly boring, rlaik and flat
Comedian Dante Leary taka* a break from MTV to appear
In The SandkX, a flick about growing up.
nmriii.li) performances of late
Friday the I.Ath: Jason (<ors to Hrll (Not
line Cinema)
Yeah, light Whatevri vou <l«i, vtail lor
(hr vidro. Fvrn though ihr Mudlo insists
thiv will Ik- the hut, vou <an lx- sine 11 will
milk lilts loi 1 $ parts Kvrrvthing allei the
fii si Jason slashing spree has lesemhled lit
lie more than a imniiieiii.il loi a meat
grindri Mavbr the creative direc tors loi
lllls series should go to hell with Jason to Ik
sure he siavs there.
Bom Yesterday (Hollywood Pictures)
I he plotlines id Afv hur lady and
ISymalum i rrtaiiilv weie not bom vesteithiv,
hut apparently the i lassii formula has
spaw ned anothet version of the ( keek myth.
Melanie (.nllith plavs the ex-Vegas showgul
whose lough edges and lack ol etiquette
must Ik- correc ted Ix-lmc she tan lobby the
lohhvists m Washington who will hail hei
husband t|ohn (axidman) out ol a tin.mi i.tl
quagmire Don Johnson plavs the hired
I- mils Pom t ailed in to train the vk 1.1I misfit
The Sandlol (Twentieth Century Fox)
\ comedy hv duet tor Davit) Mickey
h s.«ns deals vuih the tough t hoi< rs how
must make on thru road tovs.ud manhood.
In this film it is the ever so [topulai join-a
gang-or-a-team dr< lsion
I hr merits ol this venture will weigh
heavily on tlir (plains ol the v ript and how
well Ivans is able to lend a light, lomedli
tour to the subject. I hose fat tors, along
with strong prrfuimames front the capable
|amrs fat 1 [ones and Dents I ears', < ould lie
the difference between I hr SanAlot liritig a
sot t rvs or a flop
Kit h In lane (Metro Goidwyn Mayer)
This storv tenters on a deserted hus
band. Ins two daughters and son-in-law and
how thrs react to then ( hanging lives and
challenges dies face after the departure of
then mother wile With an ensemble ol
talent, including Albert Fumes, Jill
( lavburgh. Piper Laurie and Ksle
M.ul aihlan. the film should Ik- hard to
l et's hope Kuh In /.tier will rise above
tx-mg another dull American melodrama
and gise audiences an exprriemr rich ill
originality. q
on the set
Fire m the Sky a Paramount picture stated tor release this month is a UFO (tick defying its roots
to little green aliens will exit their craft with ray guns blaring — instead the flying saucer plot takes a
Robert Patrick
backseat to emotions
“It s more ot a study in tuiman relationships' says actor
Robert Patrick, who plays a togging crew leader named Mike
Patrick best known tor roughing up Arnold Schwarzenegger
m Terminator 2 Judgement Day says the film locuses more on
the reactions to what happened
The movie is based on a 1975 UFO incident that divided the
small town ot Snowflake Aiiz and fascinated the nation Six
loggers are working when Travis Walton (played by 0 8
Sweeney) disappears supposedly the UFO s doing
As a result of that blunder, I get trve days on Chateau UFO says Sweeney who has been in
Memphis Belle and The Cutting Edge
The Wm unfolds around Walton's account of his alleged kidnapping and how the small town citizens
shun those who return
Regardless of whether the townspeople bought the story, the director hopes moviegoers will
*tt s a humanistic take to a sct-ft " Robert Lieberman says 'Rarefy do you sit down to watch a sci
fi that turns into a drama ’• Jake Berg, Oregon Oa/fy fmera/d. Uof Oregon
video calendar
A brief look at March releases
Ot Mica and Man. Metro Goldwyn Mayer 3/3 Smglas, Warner Bros. 3/3, Whispers in the
Dart, Paramount Pictures 3/3. Mindwalk. Paramount Pictures 3/3. Wind, Columbia Pictures,
3/10 Last ol the Mohicans. Twentieth Century Fox. 3/10 Babe's Kids, Paramount Pictures
3/10 Mediterraneo, Touchstone Pictures 3/17 Crossing the Bridge. Touchstone Pictures
3/17 Mr Baseball, MCA Universal 3/17 Candyman. Columbia Tri Star, 3/17. Mistress, Live.
3/17 Mr. Saturday Night, New Line Cinema, 3/24 Captain Ron, Touchstone Pictures. 3/24
Pure Country. Warner Bros 3/24 Pinocchio. Disney 3/24 Under Siege. Warner Bros 3/31:
The Player, New Line Cinema 3/31, Stalin. Metro Goldwyn Mayer. 3/31
“Between flops I’ve had a few hits.”
—Peter Bogdanovich, director of the upcoming
The Thing Called Love, on his string dl bad pictures
since The Last Picture Show and Texaeville.