Movie Previews • Lights, Camera, Action: When Campus Becomes Set • A'Humanistu? UFO Flick • Video Releases By RICHARD S. WFASTER Minim Hurruant, I <>l Miami An earls look at some of tin- vkhho-Ik relrased |(rlii' from Hollywood shorts a mixed hag I fu se air ihr lli< ks that get taught betssren (hr sir* of vuminrr anil winter bltxkbustrrs and are released too rarlv to fx- rrmrmherrd ai < Krai time In this mix. therr should lx- a film to suit any one's tastes — me hiding a\ul fans of thr /■ rutin thr 11th series And if vou air a |avin lanatir. this mas lx- sum last rhamr loser fihxxl ami guts get in thr ssas of tern-agr libido. CR4 (Uni vernal Studios) Vou knuss him as Nat \ on Su/uiduy Vighl /air. sshrir hr dons an alio and some plat loi m shoes But ( hi is Hot k is not i om plaining about thr limited time " I hr- Man* is gising him anymore K