Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 10, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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Sioux artist will share vision
By Jeff Hamilton
f Cont'OutQf
A Sioux Ukotl Indian artist
and educator will share* his
vision of balance and diversity
through music and dance
Kevin l>ocke. who is from the
Standing Rock Indian Reserva
tion in South Dakota, will begin
at 7:30 at the Dougherty Dame
Theatre in tier linger Annex
"Through my music and
dance I wish to give voice to the
beauty of the land." Locke said
"I wish to help define the role of
the human spirit in relationship
to the immensity of this illim
itable hoop of life.”
Michael Wolke. Locke's agent,
said for part of the 90-minute
performance Locke will play
melodies on Plains and Wood
land courting flutes He taught
himself how to play the flute,
which produces a sound similar
to that of singing birds. 13 years
"He also will sing songs in the
language ol Lakuta, tell stories
and perform a hoop dance using
28 hoops." Wfolke said,
The 28 hoops depict things
such as flowers, butterflies,
Kevin Locke, a Sioux Lakola
Indian, will perform with his 28
symbolic hoops tonight.
stars. th<! sun ami an eagle. The
hoops represent unity, and the
four colors represent the four
directions, four seasons, four
winds and four complexions of
people’s skin.
In the final phase of the
dance, the 2H hoops will he
interlocked in a shape that sig
nifies the fragile balance of
Locke's visit to Eugene culmi
nates a celebration of Native
*1 wish to give
voice to the
beauty of the
Kevin Locke.
Sioux Lakola Indian
Amerit^n culture in the Eugene
Locke's performances and
touring have increased substan
tially in the past few years.
"Kevin became more involved
with his elders, learned from
them, and taught what he
learned to children," VVolke
said. "As he learned more he
began to do more. It just kind of
grew, and for the past four years
or so he's been touring all the
Locke has performed through
out the United States and Cana
da. as well as in Spain, China
and many African countries.
Locke released a recording of
his music last year, and in 1993
he said he plans to release a cas
sette of himself reading tradi
tional stories. He will also bo
featured in a series of books
from Time-Life.
Planetarium begins show
A new program catted "Voyages of the Mind"
Imgins showing this week at the Lane Education
al Service District's Planetarium.
"Voyages of the Mind" takes the viewer back in
time to see differing views of the heavens as seen
by three cultures: Chinese, Egyptians and Native
The program will be presented Thursdays and
Fridays at 4 p m. and Saturdays and Sundays at 2
p in , through May 9, at 2300 Centennial Blvd.
Admission is $3 for adults and $1.50 for children
13 and younger. For information, call 687-STAR.
Habitat offering assistance
Low-income families who want to build a new
home can apply to Springfleld/Eugene Habitat for
Humanity through the end of February.
Habitat is a non-profit organization that helps
low-income people build their own homes. It is
supported by individuals, businesses and church
es who provide volunteer labor, management
expertise and tax-deductible donations of money
and materials
Selection is based on a family's financial need,
willingness to become partners in the program,
current housing situation and ability to make
house payments.
A selected family must put in 500 hours of work
on the construction of their house or another Habi
tat house. Habitat tries to help people whose annu
al income is between 50-60 percent of the median
household income for the area. For example, a
family of three to four people may qualify if their
combined annual income is between $15,000 and
The deadline to apply is Friday, F'eb. 26. Appli
cation forms are available by writing to Spring
field/Eugene Habitat for Humanity. P.O. Box 488.
Springfield, OR 97477, or by calling 741-1707.
Poets honored
A statewide poetry contest recognizing this
month's National Black History Month has hon
ored 13 writers, including one from Eugene.
Lance Bailey, a graduate student at the Univer
sity who works at the Oregon Department of Land
Conservation and Development in Eugene, grew
up in the southern United Status and wrote a poem
titled "We The People.”
Bailey was one of 270 who entered the competi
tion. sponsored by U.S. Bank, the Portland Trail
Blazers and The Omgonian.
n »
StuAmts for Equal Access
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