ZOTJCO Sc? OO OFF Converse Shoes »OZ SUBSHOP I • FREE DELIVERY (Mu*U menbon coupon) 1225 ALDER . 345-2434 * J ERIC ENGLUNI) SCHOLARSHIP $2,000 lo enable a I'nlverdly of Oregon graduate lo pursue graduate studies al the I of O or elsewhere In American literature or history or a related subject. Apply to the Knglish Department by April 6. I I I The Hot Raspberry "Ruffle ✓ ✓ Mmnim1 lust think of it1 Double espresso, t ream ,ind raspberry. Now just drink it' I $175 Ursularlif $2.00 Offer npinr» 1 H*ii FALL CREEK H A K FRY X C a /> 881 East 13th Avenue next to the UO Bookstore Open Mon f n 7 30 9 Sat 8-6. Sun 9-3 484-1662 I ill ( lint nltilt lliillh \ • I h til l Slltt/)/<1 ( ocke. who is from the Standing Rock Indian Reserva tion in South Dakota, will begin at 7:30 at the Dougherty Dame Theatre in tier linger Annex "Through my music and dance I wish to give voice to the beauty of the land." Locke said "I wish to help define the role of the human spirit in relationship to the immensity of this illim itable hoop of life.” Michael Wolke. Locke's agent, said for part of the 90-minute performance Locke will play melodies on Plains and Wood land courting flutes He taught himself how to play the flute, which produces a sound similar to that of singing birds. 13 years ago "He also will sing songs in the language ol Lakuta, tell stories and perform a hoop dance using 28 hoops." Wfolke said, The 28 hoops depict things such as flowers, butterflies, Kevin Locke, a Sioux Lakola Indian, will perform with his 28 symbolic hoops tonight. stars. tho$3 Blind Lemon Pledge plus guests Thursday >«. h$3 The Guardians Friday m i>$4 The Gits A Dick Did Music Starts at 10pm Mon-Sat Music starts at 8pm Sundays