Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1993, Page 6, Image 17

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► Berkeley guy
gets overexposed
Sw.icUM l has ihr ( .hum Dome and Indiana l
ha* Hobbs K ini'hi but thr mmi famous »< on on i ant*
pus th<sr dasv mas t« l of ( ahfurnia IW-ikrlrs s
\ndirs% Martmr/. I hr Naked (•»
Mattine/ has garnetrd notoricts nationwide In
pi ou sting eonjormits m his buthdas Mill
Ihr human bmh isscix tx-antifiil Ii s li.igtt lh»ti
people «c if a* ugh and warn intontral n. \ass
Marline/. a IV i krlcs |uilioi
IVtvoen bo fuutoi .ind senior u .ih in high * bool.
M.it line/ iMrg.in to < hallrngr sshat hr < .ills middle
< hw salurs ih.it vtmr foi ionlotnuh Hut« hallrngr
tnsoisrd attending t lavs in ihr buff, raving nothing
but .1 hat kpat k and sandals
"People air vn\ attachrd to normalcy dir roles
vst air assigned to through Western st\Ic sixtah/a
tion hr v«\s
Mat 11 nr/ > mol III * as t oiif llird to his hotltr
bts auxr of thr lugfi tost «»t tines itt< tilted l*\ appeal
mg naked in puhhi. fmt aJtrt a vt«»rv about him lan
in I Hr l huh ( ahfotmatu Hetkrles s student newtpa
per in September thr rhrtom majoi from
( ujk itino, ( all! Iki amr thr h* u* t»f intense media
()u Vpl 10, hiodrs tif |4>ui nalists tuinrd out at
die- tiimrisitN s Si)j4in 1 I’la/a. vshne Marline/ Inf
Martinez, aka The Naked Guy. le on a streak.
other lotat nudist group* in a nudr-ui hsri since Martinez has Ixth a ‘2-Mimii a<las, sesrn-das a week nudist, atti at ting the
miriest i»t talk shows like / hr MatUH WiUuims Vu«n and /h* Wuun /,"iwh Viand maga/incv m< lulling \r.i\urrk ami PwtoU,
whit li have Irrii jllrniivr t« > his dot u tnr
< >n the homed out. however. Marunc/ ha* found ii((l<* ssmjMihs lot hi* uuv Having sjxrnt uumilrvN houis studsmg thr
legal and nmial asjicc t* «i| nudism, Maiimr/ ha* waided off the thirats of < u* and utmersits jwr fai rd disapproving
onlookrts and learned ho* in gel used to the weather
Mthough he sass die laws air \ag\K and ambiguous, puhlu nudism in ( alifornta is illegal Ihis has lot krd Marline/ in a
lengths t onllit l with I«h al of f it ials Sint e late ( K tol»n Mai tine/ has fx*rn susj tended from t laws foi sit dating lW*i krlrs
( hancellot ( hang I in I irti s edit t prohibiting public nudits Officials sa* the regulation is not a knee jet k response to
Marline/ “ 1 he uniseisits jwdus banning puhlu nudits is not sin* tls in rrsjxinse to Mai tine/ viss Pat Mt Broom. puhlu
i elations of fu ei t« u the uniseisits Mt Broom wa* unable toe omiTlent on the status t «f Mai tine/ s expulsion heal ing
But I he Naked (.us is undaunted
“I knew that il 1 pm suet l ms nudits and goal of making nudits legal l would base to U* expelled " ■ AJrx luresik. />ui/>
(uhjorman, l\ of (altfomia, Berkeley
MU1UA2AC. rtXANT! V S »;Tnr;
► Fart book is a gas
"A tail is the- its of an impiisonrd turd." and if vou irfuM4 to
hrai its plea and |h ilitrh h< »ld it in. \< >ii t mild dir
Honesth \ nrvs iMMik afx»ut flatulation gives thr unabashed
vt oop nil how in liandlr gaseous dile mmas
Iho l of Michigan piofevviis, Kite S Rabkin and hugrne VI
Sthnman. took it ujxm thrmsrhes to blow thr lid off thr suhfec t
I hr\ wtoic a book < a I let I lt\ a ( mis \ \tud\ of Flatulnur, whit h e on
.* tains moic infonnation about fails, }x»op, gas. 1k*I< firs and hit
^ ( ups than thr average |X’ist»n crvri would want to hrai
Ihr authots explain how thr l s t altle populatic»n could pi o
vide enough gas to suppU thr energv nrrtls of \rw York ( it\.
(hit ago. I o\ \ngrlrs, Philadelphia and lVtioit Mien showcase
art with tfirtnrs of farts and ire nr literatus who consideird Haiti
Irnt r to lx* a iruh |met it topic
I lie- fxMik. while loaded with valuable medical infonnation. is
written in a t onvriNational inannri am jxittvinouth tan applet i
ate* llumol and medical mfoimauon unite at last m (Ins fartri s
hihlr ( >nc t haptc i is all hut drdit atrd to a man whe>sr laits weir
odoi le ss In aus< fie- inhaled thrill into his anus I Ir headlined .it
the Moulin Rouge* in Pails, doing le ss attiactive tilings such as
putting a tUitr in himv'lt so he t ould \in^ .mil pla\ mtiMt Mimiltaneoush
Kahkm va\> the idea I»»t the I*m»\ exploded IrlHrru them at a New N eat s ^ala 1 I veaix a^«» It was < ompleted
m two veal v hut Ik i any ol the- liable suhjei t matte!. it took 1 ‘J \eais lor the piofexsoix to find a puhlishet “It is
an idea suppievsed in a jnihte mh kin . Rah km \a\s ■ Vicki Cuhcr. Vfcife/Sru, Arizona .Stair U.
► At least it wasn’t
another Quayle joke
If you vav you're going 10 WM the president, you'd
better mean it.
Just ask Bowling Greet.* State II. sophomore Terry
Newell. Newell and several friends were sitting around
their local Taco Bell one morning last fall when Newell
allegedly joked about killing former President George
Bush when he came to Bowling Green later that after ■
But a security guard on duty at Taco Bell apparently
didn't find the threat as amusing. He turned Newell in
and the Ohio student was charged with disorderly con
duct while intoxicated and thrown in the county jail.
*1 was just kidding," Newell says. “I said, 'Yeah, I'm
going ui assassinate him when he comes in’ and the cop
overheard it and look it seriously,"
Rafael Calzcda, a special agent for the Secret Service
in Northern Ohio, says the guard was obligated to turn
Newell over to the authorities. "Any threat made
against the president of the United States is a viola
lion," Galzeda says.
Newell, who pleaded no contest to the charge, tried
to attend the president’s rally later that day, even
though the Bowling Green police and Secret Service
agents advised him against it. Newell was escorted oil
the grounds by the Secret Service shortly after hr
entered the rally area. *|The incident] was just a bad
joke that went too far," he says. "I had absolutely no
intention of killing anyone." ■ Eileen McNamara, The
8C Neum, Bowling Green State U.
► C'mon, have a heart
Taking care of a parking tkkrt proved a meaty bur
den for a Virginia Tech undent after hr removed two
|A bilb from a half-conked sheep's bran to pay his fine.
j.R. McMillan, a Tech senior, was sentenced to 16
hours of community service for his creative method of
*1 was trying to make a political statement,*
McMillan says. The statement was that parking officiate
were heartless
McMillan wanted to get creative in settling his park
ing ticket and grabbed the handiest thing in the refrig
erator. And having a pre-vet student as a roommate
paid off when that item was a sheep's heart. McMillan
boiled it for a half an hour, stuffed it with two $6 bilb
and took it to the treasury management office to pay
the fine.
He arrived at the office, pulled the cardiac cash carri
er out of a plasm bag. slit it open, removed the money
and handed it to a cashier.
She refused to accept it
McMillan told her the currency was genuine and in
good condition and by federal law the had to accept it.
She responded by railing the police.
The law arrived and questioned the sanitary aspect of
carrying money in a hunk of meat. So McMillan took a
bite out of the heart and spit it into the bag.Tve tasted
worse.* says McMillan, who taued cuttlefish and Wow
fish as an exchange student in Japan.
After speaking with police for a short time, McMillan
left the office with his formerly pulsating purse. A week
later he was charged with disorderly conduct and
found guilty at a district court hearing in July. But if
McMillan completes hb community service in Jarman
and shows good behavior, the disorderly conduct
charge will be dropped. ■ Matt Hancock, (MUgmto
Tima, Virginia Tech