Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 06, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Living in the lime(stone) light
Pt*j*e tay *>* PMfcfty
Alana Feldman, a senior line arts ma/or smoothes her limestone block before etching a
drawing Feldman will use a grease pencil tor the drawing and etch it with mine and
Posters target
parents owing
child support
j Deadbeat parents owe $500 million
dollars in support payments in Oregon
By Daralyn Trappe
Emerald Associate Editor _
"VV.iiiti'd posters may conjure up images ul Old
West attempts to round up bank mbliers hut a new
twist on this method ul locating i nminals will likely
help many < hildren in Oregon
I he t hild Support Program of the state's Adult and
Kami I v Services has issued posters that have tnfonua
lion idanit parents yyho have negler ted to pay i hild
AImiiiI MI.001) people in Oregon .ire identified hy AI S
as ’ absent parents" who are behind ill payments
|'he first posters hx us on 1-4 ol the worst offenders
About 1 t 1 posters ol eui h of tile I t parents yyent out Ml
late l)e» ember to i iMintV distru t attorneys otlii es. Sup
port I nlort euient Division olfit es and various advoca
i y groups I hese parents owe a total ol more than
S-tOM.iltxi to their i hildren. said t lien Jaeger. AI S pole
i y analyst
These 14 are either people yye i an t Iih ate or people
we have located and then they've disappeared, hu ger
Hie posters are up hi many oltues already Many
have photos, and all have physual descriptions, the
last known or i upat ion and address, and a brief state
ment uImiiiI the payment problem
|anger said the National ( hild Support Kntoriemeu!
Agein v began the poster program two years ago and
has used it successfully ever since Several states now
Turn to WANTED Page /
ASUO officials will
attend Inauguration
j Invitation catches
Bobby Lee, Karmen
Fore by surprise
By Tammy Batey
Fme*aid Associate £d<io*
When ASUO President Bob
by Lee first received a crisp
white invitation in ttie mail
asking him to attend President
elect Bill Clinton's inaugura
tion. he had his doubts
"I didn't believe it even
though it said it was an offii ml
invitation. ' Lee said 1 thought
it was just a generic invitation
But the invitation is indeed
official and Ian* said both he
and ASUO Vim President Far
innn Fore, who was also invit
ed. plan to attend.
Lee said they won’t use inci
dental fees to pay for the trip
hut will use money from their
parents They're also working
with (.errv Moseley, vice--pro
vost for academic support and
student services, to determine
flow much money the Universi
ty can shell out so they can at
tend the event
At presstime on Tuesday.
Moseley said he was willing to
buy plane tickets that day for
Lee anil Fore to ensure they can
go to the 52nd Presidential In
Turn to ASUO Page 3
Student commits suicide during break
jAli Earl Ferguson allegedly
shot himself in the head with a
12-gauge shotgun
By Matt Bender
lme<ald Reporter __
A University student committed suit ide by
shooting himself in the head with a 12-gnuge
shotgun in his Eugene apartment during
Christmas break, according to police reports.
Ali Karl Ferguson, from Anchorage. Alaska,
was found dead in his quad apartment on the
1800 block of Harris Street by a next-door
neighbor on the morning of Dec 27
Winn Cushman, who iived in the same quad
as Ferguson, said he noticed Ferguson s door
was open and that music was playing. Cush
man said he got suspicious ami went into Fer
guson's room and found his body.
Polite don't know the exat t limn of death,
lint FP1) Sgt Dennis (Inker stud the Ixidy tip
pen rot I to lie fresh and that Ferguson probably
died that morning or the previous evening
No one in the area reported hearing any
shots fired. Baker said
Ferguson, 20. was an avid ImkIv builder and
is listed in the University Student Dire* lory as
a psyc hology major
According to polite reports. Ferguson was
last seen on Christmas Kve
Baker said Ferguson left a personal note to
his mother, hut the note did not give police
any dues about why he committed suicide.
Friends ant) neigh (tors of Ferguson told po
lice that they did not know why he took his
life. Baker said. According to polite reports,
fellow residents in Ferguson’s apartment com
plex described Ferguson os tpiiet and with
The sun might j*-ek out
briefly today, but expet t
mostly cloudy skies and i old
weather through the end of
the week.
High 18. low 25
ANDALUSIA. Ala (API A ! g tnav be mans best friend, but nol iwci-s
sarilv an inmate s
When Jason Davis was arrest''.! Ness Years Kve un drunken-driving
charges he was a< i ompanied by his small mixed-breed dog. The hour was
late w hen troopers brought Davis and Ins dog to the jail
Covington County Sheriff Wilbur Milt hell said the (ailer didn't know
what to do with the dog. so Davis was permitted to keep it in the cell
Hut ome behind bars, the dog bit two inmates. Mitchell said
He said they were |us! nicked while playing with the dog, but were
treated at a hospital as a precaution
Kl. PASO. Texas (AP) - The John Hancock Howl s overnight
rating w js h-ss than hop'd for by its sponsor but the game
in which Havlor defeated Arizona i!0-15 ouldrew the Change
The Ham (x k Bowl ended up w ith a 4.5 rating compared
with the Orange Bowl s 4 1.
)ai k Mahoney, lohn Hancock Financial Service* spirts
marketing exe< utile had said before the game that he hoped
its rating would equal last year s number of fi t) when Illinois
and UCLA played.
'Considering we had two institutions from smaller mar
kets. those numbers are good.' said co-director Tom Starr