Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6. 1993 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 75 Living in the lime(stone) light Pt*j*e tay *>* PMfcfty Alana Feldman, a senior line arts ma/or smoothes her limestone block before etching a drawing Feldman will use a grease pencil tor the drawing and etch it with mine and Posters target parents owing child support j Deadbeat parents owe $500 million dollars in support payments in Oregon By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Associate Editor _ "VV.iiiti'd posters may conjure up images ul Old West attempts to round up bank mbliers hut a new twist on this method ul locating i nminals will likely help many < hildren in Oregon I he t hild Support Program of the state's Adult and Kami I v Services has issued posters that have tnfonua lion idanit parents yyho have negler ted to pay i hild support AImiiiI MI.001) people in Oregon .ire identified hy AI S as ’ absent parents" who are behind ill payments |'he first posters hx us on 1-4 ol the worst offenders About 1 t 1 posters ol eui h of tile I t parents yyent out Ml late l)e» ember to i iMintV distru t attorneys otlii es. Sup port I nlort euient Division olfit es and various advoca i y groups I hese parents owe a total ol more than S-tOM.iltxi to their i hildren. said t lien Jaeger. AI S pole i y analyst These 14 are either people yye i an t Iih ate or people we have located and then they've disappeared, hu ger said. Hie posters are up hi many oltues already Many have photos, and all have physual descriptions, the last known or i upat ion and address, and a brief state ment uImiiiI the payment problem |anger said the National ( hild Support Kntoriemeu! Agein v began the poster program two years ago and has used it successfully ever since Several states now Turn to WANTED Page / ASUO officials will attend Inauguration j Invitation catches Bobby Lee, Karmen Fore by surprise By Tammy Batey Fme*aid Associate £d