Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 10, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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    Make Dead Week
a truly dead week
When is Dead Week? The University says it is tins
week But for most students, it's this < oming weekend
The purpose of a dead week is to give students a
chance to prepare for final exams without the stress of
quizzes, exams and project deadlines
At the University. Dead Week is no different than
any other week, with some minor exceptions. Instru<
tors cannot assign work during Dead Week that is not
already on the syllabus, and no examination worth
more than 20 percent of the final grade mav be given.
Big deal
ASUO President Robbs Lee intends to ask the Stu
dent Senate to submit a resolution in fanuan to c henge
the makeup of Dead Week The proposal would ask
that classes be made optional during Dead Week, and
no work or exams would be due
An ideal Munition
would be for classes to
have ortlv review sessions
during I lead Week At
tempting to teach new ma
terial right tiji until finals
Week fails on two
grounds: Students iack
time to absorb the new
material, and they are so
busy trying to absorb it.
they forget the old materi
al. In short, it's a lose-lose
There is another solu
tion devalue final ex
If instructors
believe final
exams are so
important, they
should give
students the
opportunity to
prepare for them
in a serious
ams Finals typically account for a significant percent
age — sometimes f>0 percent or more — of a student's
final grade.
If final exams a< counted for a lesser pen entage. the
need for a dead week would virtually disappear.
This should not he taken as another complaint
about students being overworked. Rather, it is a call for
providing an atmosphere; conducive to education. As it
currently stands. Dead Week is closer to "hell week"
for most students, and many are too brain-dead to even
think about finals.
Instructors could easily make all final projects, pa
pers, etc. due the; week before Dead W<*ek. There is
nothing magical about Dead Week assignments that
would be lost if they were due a week earlier.
If instructors believe final exams are so important,
they should give students the opportunity to prepare
for them in a serious manner.
Each instructor should also remember that he or
she is not the only one giving a final Students have
several exams to prepare for Under the current system,
students have about one to two days to study for an
exam — not a lot of time to prepare for a test that ex
sentially determines students' final grades.
flu; Student Senate and the University Senate
should seriously consider the Dead Week proposal. It s
in the best interests of students, instructors and the
University Think about it.
Oregon Doth
PO BOX 31 *9 EUGENE OltEGON 97403
T**» O»goo Dafy f '''•'*1 « p.<V4h«d fia->y Monday through f •*»ay during school
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Nawa f drtor
tditorial Editor
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J*»H Paaidy Sport• Editor
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Mopa Niw uy'
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Associate Editors Tammy Baiay Sfialarv Government Act-**?*** Darafyn T'app* Comma
rwy CoIsaan PohllQ. f4ph#r l <Jucj*on,Adm*n*ttiUton
Nawa Slaft Chaatar kwr Mandy Bducum. Mar Bandar Juat-n B'own Sa'an Qmr\ Mag
Dado>pn Amy Davwnpon Amanda Earn* Arc* f ana* Tarawa Muntamoar l 4a
14a Maun Oarnan Mcl aan SJava Mma t.ffcn Mu*** K m Nguyar T’*rj I :i*n
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A, V* MAH W,lf\T IS ftS
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I’fA getting cramps."
Study abroad
!'m writing lo Ini you know
what .1 great experience ii for
eign study program tan be I'm
spending rnv junior year in
Quito, E< u a d <j r with t h e
OSSHK program iinti having
■i blast I can't begin to toll you
how nint h I'm learning In
more than |usl Spanish
Through studying .it the uni
versity, volunteering lor under
privileged children and living
with my la undoriaii family, I
have a new perspective on life
I've seen that lifestyles of peo
ple around the world tan be
very different, especially from
the view of a less-developed
country, and I have gained a
greater appreciation for my
Ecuador is treautiful and has
lots of geographic diversity
I've been able to visit the jun
gle. the coast, the mountains,
anti I plan to see the trillapagos
Islands as well During my two
month break between semes
ters. I w ill be able lo visit many
countries in South America, In
cluding (dole. Argentina. Boliv
la. Brazil and Uruguay
Immersing mvself in a new
culture has been a challenge,
but it is tile best wav to learn a
foreign language My ability to
communii ate in Spanish tias
improved immensely One as
pet I ol mv ( lasses I really enjoy
IS being able to talk to students
from Japan. Oermanv and other
countries m our common lan
guage Spanish I have hullt
friendships I hope will last a
long time
I would encourage anyone
who is remotely interested to
pursue a study abroad program.
I can guarantee your life will
never lie tile same
Kristin Hansen
International Studies
Live and learn
In regard lo Kelli Congelli's
letter about ber registration
mishap (ODE. Dc( -1). poor me
Wuh Wah
Paul Brown
Nail Boyca
Health Education
Imagine that
The onl) thing greater than
|im Blanchard's attitude [ODE.
De< 4) is his imagination
Scott Naucler
I would like lo respond to tho
loiter from Stas Stavrianeas
(ODE. Dec :i) regarding the Irtc
tuns given by Professor Ronald
VVixman on Nov tfi This was
an extremely informative and
well-balanced discussion of the
Serbian invasion of Bosnia-Her
/.egovina for those who were
not there, let me make it clear
this was a lecture, not a debate
or public hearing
Prior to the lix tun Greek na
tionalists distributed a propa
ganda leaflet Although
VVixman permitted this, he dis
claimed any connection to the
leaflet before beginning his
VVixman categorically stated
he was restru ting his talk only
to Bosnia-Her/egovina, and
that he would not discuss Slo
venia, Macedonia or even the
Scrhian/Croutlan issue.
Stuvrianeas said VVixman
"deliberately misled Ills audi
eni e on this particular subject,"
referring to tho actions and po
sitions of Greece regarding
Macedonia This is absurd
VVixman never discussed any
position on that subject
(dearly these Grcs-k national
ists wanted to present their de
mands bv using VVixman's lei
lure as a "captive audience " I.
and many others in the audi
ence resent such grandstand
ing furthermore. I resent their
new lai tic ol using this bogus
attai k on VVixman to gain atten
Isn't it interesting that if
Stavrianeas is so concerned
uixiut pn'senting his views on
Greece, instead of writing a let
ter to the editor discussing
those issues, lie used this forum
to attack Professor VVixman 1
would challenge him to present
his views for others to critique
Maybe he knows ins views will
not stand up to public: scrutiny
Melissa Holtz
! consider myself a loyal and
faithful Emerald reader. Every
trip to the library sturts off with
a rather detailed hut sometimes
unnecessary browsing of the
I know 1 am not alone in the
feeling that the comics in the
classified section are very en
tertaining to read "Garfield"
and "The Far Side" are great,
hut 1 respect and enjoy the car
toons written bv University stu
dents and alumni the best.
One thing is troubling me,
though What happened to
Weasel's World'"' 1 recently
purchased the 'Weasel's
World" Ikiok at the bookstore
Many of my friends agree that
Weasel is trul\ Inspired So I
appeal to the Lmorald bring
bat k tile Weasel
Keith Moring
The Asian/blac k forum may
or may not have lieen open to
all people, but Emerald report
er Tammy ltatey wasn't open to
i ross-culturul understanding
She had half her storv written
before she came The attempt of
a vote to determine whether
she should be there was not
meant to exclude whites, but
the frequent white perspective
of domination and ignorance,
which sin1 brought anyway
A close Asian friend of min'
had invited me to attend the f i
rum I declined because 1 was
aware the forum was meant to
encourage positive coilimunli a
tions between African-Ameri
i alls and Asian-Americans It
had little to do with Native
American, (Ihicano and. least
ol all, white perspectives
Croups of color rarely have
the opportunity to address is
sues between one another be
cause they art' so preix cupied
with constant white racism
from what 1 heard, 1 think
Halcv misinterpreted what was
saui She look offense at the
generul feeling of media mis
Also, it may tie hard for her
to distinguish between what
people were asking tier to write
and what the internalized ex
pectation lor tier as a white per
son told tier to do But what
she produced limited tier own
and many of her readers' un
dersta nding
Batey doesn't understand
why a Chinose-Americun felt
uncomfortable expressing her
self freely at the forum, or us a
reporter, her purpose In being
there. Nor does she understand
the definition of respect If the
white media is going to send "a
member." they should send
someone who does know, so
there won't tie personal con
Sven Orozco