Make Dead Week a truly dead week When is Dead Week? The University says it is tins week But for most students, it's this < oming weekend The purpose of a dead week is to give students a chance to prepare for final exams without the stress of quizzes, exams and project deadlines At the University. Dead Week is no different than any other week, with some minor exceptions. Instru< tors cannot assign work during Dead Week that is not already on the syllabus, and no examination worth more than 20 percent of the final grade mav be given. Big deal ASUO President Robbs Lee intends to ask the Stu dent Senate to submit a resolution in fanuan to c henge the makeup of Dead Week The proposal would ask that classes be made optional during Dead Week, and no work or exams would be due An ideal Munition would be for classes to have ortlv review sessions during I lead Week At tempting to teach new ma terial right tiji until finals Week fails on two grounds: Students iack time to absorb the new material, and they are so busy trying to absorb it. they forget the old materi al. In short, it's a lose-lose situation. There is another solu tion devalue final ex If instructors believe final exams are so important, they should give students the opportunity to prepare for them in a serious manner. ams Finals typically account for a significant percent age — sometimes f>0 percent or more — of a student's final grade. If final exams a< counted for a lesser pen entage. the need for a dead week would virtually disappear. This should not he taken as another complaint about students being overworked. Rather, it is a call for providing an atmosphere; conducive to education. As it currently stands. Dead Week is closer to "hell week" for most students, and many are too brain-dead to even think about finals. Instructors could easily make all final projects, pa pers, etc. due the; week before Dead W<*ek. There is nothing magical about Dead Week assignments that would be lost if they were due a week earlier. If instructors believe final exams are so important, they should give students the opportunity to prepare for them in a serious manner. Each instructor should also remember that he or she is not the only one giving a final Students have several exams to prepare for Under the current system, students have about one to two days to study for an exam — not a lot of time to prepare for a test that ex sentially determines students' final grades. flu; Student Senate and the University Senate should seriously consider the Dead Week proposal. It s in the best interests of students, instructors and the University Think about it. Oregon Doth PO BOX 31 *9 EUGENE OltEGON 97403 T**» O»goo Dafy f '''•'*1 « p.y Monday through f •*»ay during school ya*r and fu«*d*y and Thursday during tha vummt* t>y ih« Oogo” Da-fy I mar am Puft;«ah j Co Inc al IN* Urwvararty of Oagon I ./gan« Oago-" Th*» t opura fi»^(hi» or na 0’ papa** n protecuta:vpn Amy Davwnpon Amanda Earn* Arc* f ana* Tarawa Muntamoar l 4a 14a Maun Oarnan Mcl aan SJava Mma t.ffcn Mu*** K m Nguyar T’*rj I :i*n $haw fetch** Shtndwr Erica St.jdarecKa. fetoncn Su«tor Mh.«hm» Thompson Aguiar Amy Van Toy Todd W*tt»ama. Jaoqua» na Woga, Haaihar /.rpauar Ganaral Managar Judy M ad Advadiamg Or act or H-yan R C oppadga Production Managar Mt* ■«.« Moat Advertising Shawn Barvar Scort Dana. Janmiar Kuchma. Jana Bow* Ch,n Karol* Tom l •met' Jaramy felaaon G^«an Or Dutlm Start* Sharon Var Ang l ogar Sharon Sauva Suaan Updag*an Distribution MaOacca Broofca Kmr Van Gordar Anthony Wy^ « Buamaaa Ka,r> Carpono Suparvwor Judy Connotiy Production Ingnd W*4a f^otAiChon Coor&nslot Kmi*na G-anga* I3*e McCooo S!«*> feNcha* Jann ‘ar Roland. Jano.i** Sm/tn Anna 5»raoh*naon Nawa room ....14**311 Display Advartising 346-171? Buamaaa Office.. 14* *51? Classifiad Advertising 346-4143 A, V* MAH W,lf\T IS ftS . ft'.H*. f*i !O >‘»Vt A t^ftlS*. • * *»> ^ *V %. . ►* ■V A' I’fA getting cramps." IS Study abroad !'m writing lo Ini you know what .1 great experience ii for eign study program tan be I'm spending rnv junior year in Quito, E< u a d