Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 12, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Pending trade war worries European Community
’ A_ - - - -J
BKU.Shfc.LS. Belgium CAP) Eu
ropean Community negotiators
•..ih) Wednesday they will moot
with their I S counterparts within
a week to trv to avert a trade war
mat could damage struggling economies on nout mu.-,
of the Atlantic
The announcement signaled the 12-nation bltx has at
least temporarily bridged differenc es over dealing with
U ,S demands for further tuts in subsidies paid to W:
farmers flrilain, Germany and others have urged tom
promise, while I rani e lias pressed for retaliation
The flush administration has given tin1 KG until Dec
r. to resolve the dispute or fate import taxes on S $00
million worth of Huropean products, mostly Trench
white wines The United States and other nations argue
tiie subsidies keep huropean farm prims unfairly low
in world markets
C.ommunity leaders say they will respond with puni
tive duties on a similar amount of US gtxxis That
might bring further at turn by the 1 mted States anti trig
gi»r a tariff war that would c.ul t»f gcKxis frorn b<Jth
sides ,m<i could affect thousands of jobs
Although farm lobbies are strong tn most of the Euro
pean Community nations, particularly m 1 ranee, influ
ential ftritlsh and Cermari industrial groups, which fear
a trade war would further sluvs imnomies. apparently
had the last word
"What the world econoinir situation requires at the
moment is cairn discussion and not saber milling, said
firitish Prime Minister John Major, who < urrontlv holds
the community's rotating president \
" There is an urgent need to come to terms with the
Americans," said K< spokesman Nicn Wegtor "There
is a very good reason to believe that ii deni tan be
made." he added
Hut there was no sign the lit had changed its bargain
ing position of resisting going beyond the subsidy cuts
adopted last spring
However, officials said chances for an agreement im
proved after lit. farm Commissioner Kay Mac.Sharrv
agreed to resume Ins role in the negotiations
Macsharrv. an Irishman, quit last wwl and accused
EC Commission President. Jacques Delors. of interfering
to protect French interests Delors. a French Socialist,
has appeared conciliatory in recent days
Cermany also seemed lo pressure Franco into a more
accommodating position, raising the specter of a loss of
trade if no deal < an be made
If we withdraw into Fortress Europe and the Ameri
cans withdraw into the United States, that would be an
idiotic form of politics." German Chancellor Helmut
Kohl said Wednesday after a meeting with Major
MacSharrv and EC Trade Commissioner, Frans An
driessen. hope to meet sewn with their U S counter
parts, Agriculture Secretary, Edward Madlgan and
Trade Representative, {Faria Hills
The meeting could come as early ns this weekend,
hut most likely will be early next week, officials said
EC agriculture ministers, traditionally the toughest in
refusing concession on subsidies to their ') million
farmers, are to meet in Brussels next week
Mexicans protest election fraud
(Al*) Angry protestors on
Wndnosday socked and
burned the state electoral
commission officii In this
border t itv uft«*r guards I lent
demonstrators protesting «l
I<*ged vote fraud
Opposition party loaders
wore trying to on tor the
building when they were
pushed hiit k by truncheon
w I elding guiirtis, said Isidro
Canales, who witnessed iho
Tito demonstrators Imtjime
enraged after a woman was
badly beaten, witnesses salt)
Ignoring tear gas. they at
tat ked the building and set
fire to it
Opposition supporters.
who started a si i - in t uosoay
in (ho city Kh 1 i across tK«? Kio
Grande from Brownsville,
Texas, sun) they would con
tinue to protest until the re
suits of Sunday's election In
Tamaulipas state were de
clared fraudulent
"This is only tiie begin
ning,” said opposition sup
porter Alejandro HI a/
Police posts bombed
BCXiOTA. Colomblu (AP) — The government blamed leftist re
bels for bombings that killed one person and wounded more than
to. and said Wednesday that it might offer large rewards for the
i apture of guerrilla leaders
President Cesar Gaviria's administration already has promised
SI 4 million for information loading to the arrest of drug lord Pablo
The national police chief. Con. Miguel Como/., said rebels set the
nine bombs that went off at police posts Tuesday and Wednesday
eight of them in Medellin He suggested two rebel groups may
Ik- working with the Medellin cocaine cartel
The bomb in the southern c ity of Cali during rush hour Wednes
day morning injured alrout 25 people, three seriously.
Attention Environmental i|
Studies Minors
Advising is available
Mom. A Wt‘d. 9:30-11:30 or by appointment
( iimc to (ho Environmental Studies ( enter, Condon Hall 104.
Information i om orning c lassos lor Winter and Spring.
: r Students interested in pursuing an
Environmental Studies Minor are welcome
during advising hours for details.
; - Students wishing to graduate this year
should contact the adviser to discuss final
course plan.
Duck Call
is Coming...
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chance to get some
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/ Public speaking
r / Writing articles for the Well Now
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You must apply to participate n Peer Health
Advising,HEP410&510. Pickupyour
application m Health Education, Student Health
Center, or cal 346-4456 tor more information
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