Pending trade war worries European Community ’ A_ - - - -J ■KMilWi BKU.Shfc.LS. Belgium CAP) Eu ropean Community negotiators •..ih) Wednesday they will moot with their I S counterparts within a week to trv to avert a trade war mat could damage struggling economies on nout mu.-, of the Atlantic The announcement signaled the 12-nation bltx has at least temporarily bridged differenc es over dealing with U ,S demands for further tuts in subsidies paid to W: farmers flrilain, Germany and others have urged tom promise, while I rani e lias pressed for retaliation The flush administration has given tin1 KG until Dec r. to resolve the dispute or fate import taxes on S $00 million worth of Huropean products, mostly Trench white wines The United States and other nations argue tiie subsidies keep huropean farm prims unfairly low in world markets C.ommunity leaders say they will respond with puni tive duties on a similar amount of US gtxxis That might bring further at turn by the 1 mted States anti trig gi»r a tariff war that would c.ul t»f gcKxis frorn b