Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 05, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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    Feelings of relief expressed at post-election rally
I PtfeKk t*j>
Participants at a rally in the EMU courtyard Wednesday expressed relief at the failure of
Ballot Measure 9. but warned the OCA may attempt a similar measure in 1993.
By Tammy Batey
Emerald Associate f diior
Voters have defeated Ballot Measure
but the work, to girt gny-rtghts laws
passed is just beginning, speakers saiii at
a post-election rally Wednesday
About 60 people cheered, ( lapped and
chanted In the KMU Courtyard to cele
brute lh(' defeat of Measure '»
Measure 9 would have amended the
Oregon Constitution to label homosexu
ality "abnormal" and "perverse
Marlene Orest her, direr lor of the Of
fice of Student Advne.ar v. said d Meas
ure 9 had passed, she would have put a
sign up on her office door that would
have rend "This office will not abide hv
any law that promotes, encourages or fa
cilltates discrimination on the t>asis of
sexual orientation "
Hut Drescher said she was very exi ited
such action wasn’t necessary
"We won. Let's hear it We won. and
that's what ts Important." she said
"Love, courage and intelligence won
aver hale, fear and ignorance
The event was hilled .ts a post-election
rally where students could voii e their re
actions to the election results. espe< ially
Measure 'I
Only one speaker didn't specifically
mention Measure *1 Sally llryun. a Uni
tarian minister, said she was happy the
Domex ratic lu ket won its bid lor the
"I think I speak for everyone when I
voice my sense of relief, joy and antiri
put ion of the future." she said "Some
very good < undulates were elected and
some very had measures were defeated
C,on\ i have hope for the first lime in lli
A new democratic president means
we can gel legislation that is pro gay.
pro-lesbian passed.'' said Jennifer Hills,
the 1990 91 ASUO president
The months preceding this election
have lioen a "living hell" for many Meas
ure 9 opponents, said Scott Seibert,
treasurer of Oregonians United Together
In contrast. Novemfier is a month for i el
"I think it's a great month to have
Thanksgiving in.” he said "We’ve limit
something that will lie around longer
than we are"
Oregon Citizens Alliance members say
they’ll (nit a measure similar to Measure
<t on the Imiilot by the end id 199.) Sei
bert said, and suggested gay and lesbian
people i an < ombut the ( K A U'sl by com
ing out
being open ulxmt who you are is just
thi’ most important thing you can do for
the next two years, he said
i’lare Mathison Itowie, minister of the
Presbyterian Campus Ministry, said
Measure 9 did cause sunn good in the
community I’he measure united many
people and groups who .ire normally di
"Anytime you have the Catholic bish
ops and the LCBA on the same side ol
the issue. It Is a coalition of uncommon
alliance." she said What we have a
( fiance to do is to create an open com
munitv that is tolerant
The t (immunity must ( onlinue to sli< k
together, however, il it is to defeat any
other OCA initiated measures. Mathison
Bowle said
Continued from Page 1
havlors that do not warrant “special minority privi
leges,” but the group does not object to people engaging
in them “in the privacy of their homes and within the
confines of the law," Neet said.
Neet said the CX;A's attempt to “draw a line between
private and public policy was misconstrued in news
The media were “by and large against us." and the
measure's opposition received twice as much coverage
as the CX:A. Neet said.
"I found that very frustrating because I never had a
chance to counter what they said,” Neet said.
The CX'A will propose another initiative to umcml the
Constitution Ixx iuiw any suet esstu 1 measure would lx1
morn permanent than a lessor law
"It doesn't do us any good to go In statutory law Ini
cause the Legislature will just overturn it." Nuot said
Noel said the (XIA will rewrite the measure, removing
what they believe voters found objectionable She said it
is too early to determine the content of the new measure
because the group's leadership has yet to discuss possi
ble changes.
"With revamping the measure, we ll do a lot Iletter in
the next election round." Neet said
Peggy Norman, campaign manager of the No on 4
Committee, said she's surprised the OCA announced its
plans to propose another measure so stain after Measure
4's defeat
"I think it's outrageous .mil really disrespectful ol thu
voters," Norman said
Norman said she doesn't beliove the margin of defeat
contributed to thu (H.A's decision to propose a now
''l;rankly. I guess if wit had bouten thu (MIA (1*1-1, thu
(MIA still would not have gotten thu message," Norman
said "I guess they're just not amonnble to logic:
Norman saul the No on *t Committee formed for the
sole purpose of defeating the initiative und had no plans
lo function beyond Nov II She said the committee will
meet next week to discuss the OCA's announcement to
propose another measure
Neet said the (KIA will lie more silt t essful with the
new measure Irecuuse she Ixdloves Measure Ts support
extended beyond right-wing Christians
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