Feelings of relief expressed at post-election rally I PtfeKk t*j> Participants at a rally in the EMU courtyard Wednesday expressed relief at the failure of Ballot Measure 9. but warned the OCA may attempt a similar measure in 1993. By Tammy Batey Emerald Associate f diior Voters have defeated Ballot Measure but the work, to girt gny-rtghts laws passed is just beginning, speakers saiii at a post-election rally Wednesday About 60 people cheered, ( lapped and chanted In the KMU Courtyard to cele brute lh(' defeat of Measure '» Measure 9 would have amended the Oregon Constitution to label homosexu ality "abnormal" and "perverse Marlene Orest her, direr lor of the Of fice of Student Advne.ar v. said d Meas ure 9 had passed, she would have put a sign up on her office door that would have rend "This office will not abide hv any law that promotes, encourages or fa cilltates discrimination on the t>asis of sexual orientation " Hut Drescher said she was very exi ited such action wasn’t necessary "We won. Let's hear it We won. and that's what ts Important." she said "Love, courage and intelligence won aver hale, fear and ignorance The event was hilled .ts a post-election rally where students could voii e their re actions to the election results. espe< ially Measure 'I Only one speaker didn't specifically mention Measure *1 Sally llryun. a Uni tarian minister, said she was happy the Domex ratic lu ket won its bid lor the presidency. "I think I speak for everyone when I voice my sense of relief, joy and antiri put ion of the future." she said "Some very good < undulates were elected and some very had measures were defeated C,on\ i have hope for the first lime in lli years A new democratic president means we can gel legislation that is pro gay. pro-lesbian passed.'' said Jennifer Hills, the 1990 91 ASUO president The months preceding this election have lioen a "living hell" for many Meas ure 9 opponents, said Scott Seibert, treasurer of Oregonians United Together In contrast. Novemfier is a month for i el ehration "I think it's a great month to have Thanksgiving in.” he said "We’ve limit something that will lie around longer than we are" Oregon Citizens Alliance members say they’ll (nit a measure similar to Measure Your shoe ^solutions... CAMPUS SHOE REPAIR 843 E. 13th • 343-6613 GENTLEMAN'S ENCORE Qualify Rasaia Clctnmg (of Man and Woman ol Discnmnaling Tasia 1111 WILLAMETTE • J4J4179 E xperiencod CRIMINAL DEFENSE HUGH DUVALL Veultod & Clark, Allot rteys PC 345-3333 • ut'lt-nst' • lUfj.il Slops f» s • Ih»*fLf ^*fu>pltfl • Assault. H.irassmt'fil • MlP f .ils«* Use Of l D "Price quote by phone" Willie's enchanting old house* provides a beautiful setting for fine dining Our moderately priced menu is sure to please with a delicious assortment of veal, beef, chicken, fresh Oregon lamb, pastas and fettucines ( T ry Willie's today Fine dining at affordable prices On the t orm* ot t awreru c and 7th Must l«fl W 7th Ave. 4B5-0601 EQUUS by Peter Shaffer University Theatre November 6, 7, 12, 13. 14, 19, 20, 21 • 8pm University Theatre Box Office 346-4191