Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1992, Page 3A, Image 3

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Gunning for 9
I'm writing to encourage a
group of students io sin k with
their guns on Nov 3
This group ts the handful of
conservative students attending
the University The group that
believes the last thing America
needs is a lax-and spend liberal
in the White House A group
th.it votes for charai ter, straight
talk and integrity
They are students who see
the importance of morals and
ethics in America These stu
dents know that homosexuality
is unnatural because they sim
ply see how our bodies are de
signed They will vote yes on
ballot Measure <l, not be< atise
they are bigots, but because
they want to keep homosexual
ity out of the classroom and
away from the unguarded
youth ol Oregon
I commend your stand and
ask you to keep hope Governor
Clinton hasn't slithered into the
White House yet
Aaron James
Not all bigots
1 have no doubt that each of
us in the campus community
have encountered some degree
of hostility over our personal
stand concerning ballot Meas
ure 0. regardless of our stand
concerning the measure I. for
one, have encountered a num
ber ol these conversations (or
shall I say confrontations). The
main reason I am .1 Christian.
Hello, red flag yes, a Chris
tian It's a loaded term
I know Christians are narrow
minded I he\ are bigots They
hate homosexuals, liberals,
women, Hindus, sei ular music,
sex, evolution, etc It has been
interesting to see how. in tin1
past lew weeks, as I have ills
cussed mv views on Measure ll.
it is assumed that I am pro ha
tred, pro-discrimination. and
just plain stupid because I am a
Christian It is not true
Not all Christians support
Measure M Not all Christians
hate those who live different
lifestyles I have heard the
phrase, "Don't judge me be
cause ol mv sexual preference "
Might I ask tile same, "Don't
judge me because of my reli
gious preference "
Christians, think before you
speak. With Measure d, we
have done some incredible
damage to the souls of humani
ty We have gone too fur In our
hatred and judgmental atti
tudes Yet. could ! not say the
some thing for just about oil of
humanity ' Yes we need to cou
rageously fight for what we tie
linve in. lull don't emotionally
slaughter another person in the
fight Let us instead educate
ourselves and examine our per
sona! beliefs, regardless of what
we believe
Instead of tearing down other
people, let us instead build our
lives upon spiritual integrity
(spirituality Is used in a broad
way) "Let us lie quick to love,
and quit k to he kind (Irish
Lisa Kolbuss
No concern
When considering the reli
ability of arguments and adver
tisements respecting the clo
sure of Trojan, voters might
take note of the follow ing quo
tation by Kobert Short, presi
dent of i'GE. from the Daily
Asturian on April 20, 1979
"We are not concerned about
Three Mile Island Nothing
happened, nobody got hurt,
and we've iiad worse things up
here that nobody ever knew
about, back in 19-iti or some
lime "
Bayard McConnaughey
Come together
I saw the hatred this morning
with my own two eyes Signs
being held on Franklin Houle
vard that said. "Yes on ')
slop homosexual spec lal
rights "
Queers do not have spc< nil
rights nor want them; what we
do want .ire . pnd rights What
a trying shame that these peo
ple are hating and tearing based
on r losed-mmdedness and ig
norani e
What is this world coming
to? Control, dictatorship, hate,
violent e and separatism Are
we living m an age of hard
hearts and advant ed minds that
have progressed fur beyond
love, at (.uptime e and communi
ty7 Are we allowing for greed,
tear and hate to enter the vul
nerable souls who are seen lung
lor something to grasp onto,
someone to guide them as lilt
ler did the Nazis'
The Berlin Wall has been
knot ked dow n and rebuilt right
here in our own hat kyard We
need to talk with these people
one on one and let them gel to
know us so they tan under
stand what we’re all about
-* “ ■****—
As a woman who is open to
lovit (tho lag you ran plane on
me is bisexual if you want), 1
will not stand here and give up
on breaking down the wall I
will keep trying to melt the
hale w ith love We must not lei
our faith be lost
II ballot Measure <) passes,
we must be ready to come to
gelher in revolution, no si bool,
no work, we will make the stale
shut down
II Measure u does not pass
we must still unite and figure
wavs to continue education and
awareness so this kind ol hate
will never find Us wav into our
so< iely again
Remember to vote' Mo on
hate Tuesday. Nov t
Deb Swar/man
Fast track
I am writing in regard to your
story "bugenc continues In
draw vv orI<i class athletes''
(ODE. Oi l ;!7) I disagree with
many things slated in the arte
In the lirst paragraph, Steven
sun Truck at Havward Field is
said to lie slower than the trai k
at Santa Monica Some of the
fastest rat es ever i untested
have taken plat e on Stevenson
ton k After all. Hayward is the
site of the World Champion
ship trials this spring and the
NCAA meet again in 19'Hi. not
Santa Monica
As well. 1 know of no other
tits where I tiin walk out my
door and tic at a sawdust or dirt
trail in minutes Maybe the ()r
egon men have not won a < ross
country title since t<)77. but
what about the women's stjuatl,
as well as the trat k titles In
which the men captured na
tional honors in t'IM-1
I bis is also combined with a
long list of All-Amerit ans anil
individual national t hampitins
Oregon has finished in the top
five m t russ country six times
suit e 1 '177 .inti III times in
irat k since tout h Kill Dellinger
has leil the team
To me as a runner, it is obvi
ous why world class runners
fiot k here coaches like Del
linger and Tom Heinonen have
proven records and t an pro
duce ( hampitins Most people
don't question Notre Dame
football when it is ranked in
the top 20, so why is Oregon
cross country being questioned
when it is in the top 10 on both
men anti women's polls?
Jason Humble
Cross country team
(.Inder New Management!!
Full Lunch BufTel
MonKri S4.75
Nr^rlartan I unch lluffcl
Full Dinner Buffet
Kn A Sal $' ■><
ScKrtarun Ihnncr lluftil V>.*5
I he Classical Indian
music weekends
•Offrr espirt** Ik Inker .'I\1
f Ctrtfflt Of irxi* !.'•*> A Oak Si 'jreJ*f Ov*’p*'» " A ;oy
UVt oil in students & stall with ID & this ad.
OJ. •'«*>. -/Vl i‘A »■* B I’tttn •> l.xJO'W '.fc MS
'W'W'H «.wt) » v» w Simla* n. ■
:h.| «W * !» ywv'»M •*•, AtMO {Kit * '?. > ftut*» < U»(\|vK»«
Stfonyiw i'i.l.iriljj (IUM> ■ " |t •!... .!'!.! Klhl m. \t TtjSty Jul'lij
i -iir jjv ,iis
if J-»isuJ !■ il tl'O . in ! ntn Vuiifs many . ( uf y r
Pifllawad moons tho» ttv> m i miosIkhhsv mo of or y<•<iis
N) Ui3 SP (0) BB
Ruth Bascom
Z::ir]S Z Qi ':L'! H <w.D IL
Utird 1
Keuin Hornbuckle ,a»
I' i Strongly Endowed * «
. riTjTd-^
Nancy Nathanson
20 01 - VES
(Alton Baker Park no gotf course)
5 and 6 VES
(Shut Clown Troian Nuclear Power Plant)
7 - VES
(Split Boll Taxe»)
9 - NO!
(OCA Homophobia measure)
t auren Holland
— — — — — — — — — — — — • i . — — — — — — — — — — —
YES! I want to meet the December 31st \
deadline to give my FREE tOA CJedl! for peace |
I Enclosed is: $ \
I would like a receipt sent to me I
I'Nwto rj . fry 1 , njf f«*t Nh » )- t*» I i‘.« ► 1 •». J «
^ ■ i\ y> -%g Stott* ,1 i .uttgut- tO* f >trn ) ^
I Nome_|
j Address-jj
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| i’tfKnt) wtfte vast ■ to ‘ )PW'» P A < j
I Mc.»l To P**H AiVeOlkS fi
| 4**4 Atfcinxjtto. Euyt^m 0(7 9/401 jjj
| Authorized and paid for by Student Insurgent, Suite 1. EMU |
Why We Support Eben Dobson
v* We believe Lben is uniquely qualified to provide progressive
leadership, bringing people together in pursuit of common goals.
Lben will work hard to create family-wage jobs in ways that meet
our environmental standards. The Lane County Labor Council and
AFSCML Local #1724 agree that Lben will he on the side of working
men and women. _
u* By supporting Hben Dobson we aft inti our
commitment to human rights, reproductive
choice, the environment, and the working
people of Ward 3.
Nancy (iallayjhcr, Might to Privacy 1
l)r. Sarah llrmlrick\«»n I
Dvin a Khrman, City Councilor, Ward .1 ®
tlrrtchrn Miller,former City Councilor
Kitty I'iercy, Pro-choice leader