IM»id Gunning for 9 I'm writing to encourage a group of students io sin k with their guns on Nov 3 This group ts the handful of conservative students attending the University The group that believes the last thing America needs is a lax-and spend liberal in the White House A group votes for charai ter, straight talk and integrity They are students who see the importance of morals and ethics in America These stu dents know that homosexuality is unnatural because they sim ply see how our bodies are de signed They will vote yes on ballot Measure < ScKrtarun Ihnncr lluftil V>.*5 I he Classical Indian music weekends •Offrr espirt** Ik Inker .'I\1 THE TAJ MAHAL f Ctrtfflt Of irxi* !.'•*> A Oak Si 'jreJ*f Ov*’p*'» " A ;oy UVt oil in students & stall with ID & this ad. OJ. •'«*>. -/Vl i‘A »■* B I’tttn •> l.xJO'W '.fc MS 'W'W'H «.wt) » v» w Simla* n. ■ :h.| «W * !» ywv'»M •*•, AtMO {Kit * '?. > ftut*» < U»(\|vK»« Stfonyiw i'i.l.iriljj (IUM> ■ " |t •!... .!'!.! Klhl m. \t TtjSty Jul'lij i -iir jjv ,iis if J-»isuJ !■ il tl'O . in ! ntn Vuiifs many . ( uf y r Pifllawad moons tho» ttv> m i miosIkhhsv mo of or y<•T0(»#<1 COUNTYMERSURES 20 01 - VES (Alton Baker Park no gotf course) STRTE MERSURES 5 and 6 VES (Shut Clown Troian Nuclear Power Plant) 7 - VES (Split Boll Taxe») 9 - NO! (OCA Homophobia measure) JUDGES t auren Holland Endorsed — — — — — — — — — — — — • i . — — — — — — — — — — — YES! I want to meet the December 31st \ deadline to give my FREE tOA CJedl! for peace | I Enclosed is: $ \ I would like a receipt sent to me I I'Nwto rj . fry 1 , njf f«*t Nh » )- t*» I i‘.« ► 1 •». J « ^ ■ i\ y> -%g Stott* ,1 i .uttgut- tO* f >trn ) ^ I Nome_| j Address-jj | City_State-Zip- I J Phone(s)- | | i’tfKnt) wtfte vast ■ to ‘ )PW'» P A < j I Mc.»l To P**H AiVeOlkS fi | 4**4 Atfcinxjtto. Euyt^m 0(7 9/401 jjj | Authorized and paid for by Student Insurgent, Suite 1. EMU | i_i Why We Support Eben Dobson v* We believe Lben is uniquely qualified to provide progressive leadership, bringing people together in pursuit of common goals. Lben will work hard to create family-wage jobs in ways that meet our environmental standards. The Lane County Labor Council and AFSCML Local #1724 agree that Lben will he on the side of working men and women. _ u* By supporting Hben Dobson we aft inti our commitment to human rights, reproductive choice, the environment, and the working people of Ward 3. Nancy (iallayjhcr, Might to Privacy 1 l)r. Sarah llrmlrick\«»n I Dvin a Khrman, City Councilor, Ward .1 ® tlrrtchrn Miller,former City Councilor Kitty I'iercy, Pro-choice leader PAID TOW AND AUTHORIZED BY DOBSON FOR CITY COUNCIL . PO BO* 18 18. EUGENE, OH JACK BILLINGS.Tr»«*ur»f