Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1992, SUPPLEMENT, Page 2B, Image 17

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    Ai Pssst...
> ^ s Happy Halloween
4 S«v*nB A<> C«mput SJMe V- -.W1*.
843 E. 13th • 343-6613
S4TIRDAY <KT. 31st.
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I’rstwiltA | 720 I.. I Itlli
In* ajlb ; I u^eiie. Or
«k»<r sa:l-:i3i8
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1 ots of IKFH Barking!
‘Rocky Horror’ to play on Eugene stage
Have you ever been to a
movie where people yell
Slut1 whenever the
name Janet is said7 Or where
people do a dance called The
Time Warp in the aisles during
the closing credits7
II you haven t. then according
to Ians o! The Rocky Honor Pic
lure Show you re probably a
virgin Ri,' that can change if
you check out the a', night c ab
arel production ol The Rocky
Horror Show which opera, to
night and runs through Saturday
m downtown Eugene
in the world o' Rocky Horror
a virgin is someone who has
’ ever abended a • how ’ q ol the
lamed midnight movie
The Rocky Horror Picture
Show is not a horror tick but
rather a campy, trashy movie
that is usually • t-.own at midnight
and has acquired a devoted
group ol followers who dress up
as characters in the film and at
temp! to ad along with the mov
10 Those who are not perform
mg the movie yell remarks at the
screen, throw toast, rice, toilet
paper and shoot squid guns
The play. The Rocky Honor
Show, will be performed a! the
Downtown Cabafel The plot is
quite simple, according to C.ntlin
franklin, who plays Columbia
Brad and Janet, high school
sweethearts, have a Hat tire on a
deserted road and find them
selves in Frank N Fuller s castle
where they learn interesting
things about his sexuality and
Saturday's show, which not
so coincidentally falls on Hallow
een, will be preceded by a cos
tume party in which party goers
are asked to come as either
male, temale or sweet transves
tite, according to marketing di
roctor Mark langlie. who also
plays the part of Brad
A dance with ghoul muse
will follow the hour long perfor
mance and Halloween desserts
will bo served as well as bever
ages and hot food
Unlike other theatrical events,
audience participation is encour
aged and expected Director Joe
Zmgo wanted to play up the
campy humor of the original play
while at the same time taking out
some of the slow parts that the
movie contained
* M
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Photo by Kim Nguyen
Fans of The Rocky Horror Picture Show dress up like their favorite characters from the movie.
Part ot the excitement is the
interaction," Zmgo said It be
came a cult thing because the
movie is so bad
Because it is live theater, and
it's dangerous and rude to throw
things at the actors, the theater
has issued a list ol acceptable
items These aie squirt guns (not
high powered), flashlights, news
papers, noisemakers. balloons,
playing cards, pink rubber gloves
and toilet paper Anything else,
including alcohol, will be confis
Originally, the movie version
ol The Rocky Horror Picture
Show was not intended to be
such a Iree tor-all In lact, it
started out as a reasonably re
spectable play written by Rich
ard O'Brien According to the
booklet that accompanies The
Rocky Horror Picture Show 1Sth
Anniversary Collection the play
was based on a combination of
horror movies, Steve Reeves
muscle flicks and fifties rock n'
The collection was put out in
1989 and includes The Rocky
Horror Picture Show Sound
Track. The Roxy Cast Sound
Track and the International
Rdcky Horror Soundtrack, a col
lection ot songs that have noth
mg to do with the film, but are
are sung by some of the aclors
The original play ran success
fully for many months at The
Royal Court Theater Upstairs in
London after its opening on June
16. 1973 The cast contained ac
tor Tim Curry as Frank N Furter,
Richard O'Brien as Riff Raff, Pa
tncia Quinn as Magenta, Little
Nell as Columbia and Jonathon
Adams as the Criminologist
These cast members re
turned for the movie, pined by
then-unknowns Susan Sarandon
and Barry Bostwick in the roles
of Brad and Janet Rock singer
Moatloaf played the Rock N
Rollin' Lobotomy Biker Jon
athon Adams switched roles to
play Doctor Scott
Initially the film bombed ex
cept in Los Angeles where a
small dedicated audience was
returning for repeated viewings
The film was then re introduced
as a midnight movie But even
before becoming a late night
event, audience members were
singing along with the movie and
yelling comebacks at the screen
Thus began the ritual that still
follows The Rocky Horror Picture
The Bipu Theater in Eugene
ran the movie for many years but
discontinued it
Dictero w/ B ruch...
Tchaikovsky/ H am let...
AW of the /i’tf'1 Same> in Musu at
Ani Age. Meti them all at tlv Huh
Classical III
Ihkfxiity \at rinker IJ
Wfw ( out rr* Hal! H 00p m
h* l.tkrti, (aU
/.. kr: ;jn 41 i'J (trvttp Ai>, 4i\uUbtr
5 IK*
lUni Almf \!*. h Ihtnf* C* < **A*.t*r
f rrr ,»n*rrx prrttru. .VftM 4 rdHrOat I It* .« Viufxi l htf
hp . *>■>* and ptrvutai m-ilth Aitep
hmJh yanwrrd h
■JW trgMf rfcwml
(firmm thitm>m
f Hm 'Twin
We slopped running it be
cause it's a nightmare to show,
said Louise Thomas, manager ol
the Bijou Good copies are hard
to get, it's messy and people
wanted to buy advance tickets "
It you plan to attend any ot
the perlormances of Rocky Hor
ror. be sure to specify if you
want tickets in the participation
or viewing-only section An up
per section of the small theater
is reserved for those who may
not know the lines or don’t want
to be involved tf you want to
participate, however, but don't
remember all those snappy
comebacks, audio tapes were
put out that include them along
with the dialogue Check local
record stores
The Actors Cabaret of Eu
gene will be presenting The
Rocky Horror Show at the Down
town Cabaret, 966 Willamette
Street The show opens tonight
at 11 30 and will run until Nov
21, Friday and Saturday nights
only Tickets are $8, except tor
the Halloween show, which is
$10 Look for the coupon being
run in the Emerald good for $1
off. The Halloween costume par
ty begins at 10 30 p m For tick
ets or information, call 687-5000
or 683 4368
( arm h cnclon
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