Ai Pssst... > ^ s Happy Halloween 4 S«v*nB A<> C«mput SJMe V- -.W1*. CAMPUS SHOE REPAIR 843 E. 13th • 343-6613 [REE SK,\1E REVEAL IE VOl'RE L\ COSTIME! S4TIRDAY l«* (lollies I’rstwiltA | 720 I.. I Itlli In* ajlb ; I u^eiie. Or «k» in Musu at Ani Age. Meti them all at tlv Huh Classical III Ihkfxiity \at rinker IJ Wfw ( out rr* Hal! H 00p m h* l.tkrti, (aU 687-5000 /.. kr: ;jn 41 i'J (trvttp Ai>, 4i\uUbtr # Lijum 5 IK* lUni Almf \!*. h Ihtnf* C* < **A*.t*r f rrr ,»n*rrx prrttru. .VftM 4 rdHrOat I It* .« Viufxi l htf hp . *>■>* and ptrvutai m-ilth Aitep hmJh yanwrrd h ■JW trgMf rfcwml (firmm thitm>m f Hm 'Twin We slopped running it be cause it's a nightmare to show, said Louise Thomas, manager ol the Bijou Good copies are hard to get, it's messy and people wanted to buy advance tickets " It you plan to attend any ot the perlormances of Rocky Hor ror. be sure to specify if you want tickets in the participation or viewing-only section An up per section of the small theater is reserved for those who may not know the lines or don’t want to be involved tf you want to participate, however, but don't remember all those snappy comebacks, audio tapes were put out that include them along with the dialogue Check local record stores The Actors Cabaret of Eu gene will be presenting The Rocky Horror Show at the Down town Cabaret, 966 Willamette Street The show opens tonight at 11 30 and will run until Nov 21, Friday and Saturday nights only Tickets are $8, except tor the Halloween show, which is $10 Look for the coupon being run in the Emerald good for $1 off. The Halloween costume par ty begins at 10 30 p m For tick ets or information, call 687-5000 or 683 4368 ( arm h cnclon r You )u»t got tut with thr .ulvrrtlsmg (wiwi i ol tlir Oregon DiUly KiiK-r.ikl Put it to work for you ( .ill our ,ul ik-partinrnl .it A712 ..Emerald PH |S01|J4tJ7l2 FU iWlj Ml il.’l PO BOX JtSt, EUGENE. OB »7«0J