Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Page i
are aiming out for ltin first
lima often worry aliout what
their families will think
"It fain lie a lot to boar," he
said "Students wonder. ‘Are
my parents going to write me
off or stop paying my tui
tion’’ It's not just a fantasy
fear Sometimes that’s the re
ality ”
Coming out is a lifelong
and even daily process, and
coming out to yourself is the
first step, said Jackie Bal/.er,
University coordinator of
educational and support ser
vice’s. Bailor's Job is lo raise
awareness on campus about
gay, lesbian and bisexual is
"Il can happen ai any
time." she said "Someone
can be married for 15 years
and wake up one duy and de
cide she's a lesbian and get a
B a Iz o r said ovnryone
comes out in their own way
and at their own time
"There are some people
shouting il from the rooftops
and some people sharing it
with three close friends," she
Fhe A*»an and Pa* dU Amarst an Htwdaaat I'nioa will have a m«r*mg in lb* > ounsabng
■ wiinr lomilii at 0 for information, tall >4114142
Alpha Phi Omega will hara a mawung tonight at S in the dining itwm near the (*dar
Rooms in lha KMl
Students erf (oh* HutWJmg RrM^aa will have « moating In lha Johnson Mail «*>nfc*mma
room today from 11 K> a m lo U VI j* m for Information <all *4*» W9
( »rt U k.' internal tonal will have * mambar ship information moating sn lha i-ndar R »m f
of ihi- KVfl' tonight *1 7 '<1 For mom information.« a11 4*4 <«**u
I hr woman'* ultimate Inui will hava a mandatory mwijn* at the V.ulhbank field*
tonight at *> All woman atr w**li <>m«
I Hr ( alhidw Sewman < .awl at will hava i natv-( Saturday* at S p m Sundays at W a m 11
a m and 7 W p m and dally at V10 p m It is located at IhWi Km«aid Strawi
IK# WraUv foundation will begin lit tail uwm HihW study moetjrv^s today at 11 **» a m
The Waaiay fuundaUon t* located at 12J© Kincaid $t Meetings arc led fey fjsmj.ua Paster
Janet Cromwell Fof Information. rail >4#v 4W*4
A. admit* Advising and Student Servsra* will have a wodtht^ today at .1 JQ |j m in 1M
Oregon Hail lha topic of the workshop will be ‘ Apjdytng to i-radu#u> Sshoor* and will
c over ways to find lha right graduate u hool. when to taka entrain® «*mi and whara to get
information on program* for information, tall »4ft 1211
The A mart* an So* aMy «f Magatme Photographers will have a aiido show today at 7 p m
in KM) Willamatia The topfe of lha jmaaanuuon will Ha "The Art of Outdoor Photography "
Fur mora information, t all 14« AMS'*
lknt*ilin* tor tubmitung hi Alt lo (he K mat aid ftont deal, Kh4U Suit* lOO. it noon iho day
before /njtet> sUon hi Alt run lha day at rha evenr un/eaa (ha avani r*4«i fU+tm ha/ora noon
Auric a* at events with « lianmUon or admission t hsrj/* wiII not ha * j a/Uad »am/w»
avents and iho*® uhmiulmi nearesl lha ftuhl it all an data will ha given fwiorlty The K me raid
reserve* rha righr to «*f»r for grammar and sryfe W A/s run an a s/*a.a arar/ah/a ha si a
Peter DeFazio
Les Aucoin
LGBA leads awareness days
By Chester Allen
Emerald Reporter
Hop. Los AuCotn and Rep.
Peter Do Fazio will lead a group
of speakers at noon Friday dur
ing a Campus Coming Out Dav
rally in the LMU courtyard.
Sponsored by the Lesbian,
Coy and Bisexual Alliance,
{'.umpus Coming Out Days will
take place today and Friday
“Coming Out Days will holp
eradicate the invisibility of
guys, lesbians and bisexuals on
campus," LOB A co-director
Troy Shields said "When peo
ple learn how many gays and
lesbians there are at the Univer
sity, they will rorognize us as
people und not someone to
Sarah Ross, LOBA co-direc
tor, said Campus Coming Out
Days is part of the fourth annu
al Oi:! 11 National Coming Out
"We are holding our coming
out days Thursday and Friday
because the national day is on a
Sunday when no one is around
the University," Ross suid
In addition to Friday's rally,
the LUBA Is sponsoring a dis
cussion group on coming out to
fumilv and friends Thursday at
11:30 a.ttt. in the liMU Ben Lin
der Room. Sarah Ross and Troy
Shields will join Jackie Balzor,
coordinator of educational and
support services, on the discus
sion panei.
Balzor said participating on
the panel is very important to
"The purpose of coming out
days is to celebrate the struggle
and pride of being an out gay,
lesbian or bisexual." Balzer
said "All of the activities will
show the value of diversity in
our campus community.”
Thursday's events will con
clude with a dinner social and
showing of a video in the Ben
Linder Room.
Ross said the dinner will give
pooplc on campus a chance to
meet each other.
"The dinner will give stu
dents an opportunity to com
municate and tell us what they
want the LGBA to do,” Ross
said. "It's important that all the
now people on campus who are
away from homo for the first
time make connections and
know they are not alono."
The video. Love Makes a
Family, will explore gay and
lesbian family life, Ross said.
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