Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1992, Page 16, Image 32

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    SUSA* MX* l
l»t<Mkdomh m ihc families and ! jusi
le.illv worn ahmit ahortietns whrtt* a
» hi Id » an gt*l an .iImhihui vmiIioui
fNtff rst«ftl1 < kim ni wh< ii that < hiid t ail’t
c vrll ge t an aspirin m v*»m» m hunts
uilh< ml pare-iil.il H'lisciii S4> | have- a
\crv < 1<M! ^ in m\ mind. anei vihuc
piobahls nghf. 11 «• n«»t a puputai
iMisiOnii Bui m this nfiiee l:>*mulii(h
1 m s|m aklllg In \«»u M ill ha\e l<» make
ile < tsiuns that aim l I*ijnilai \ml so I
liolll kltnu iv he I lie l im pe>MMe»Jl \% »11
he Ip nt hint in the final analwiv inn it
inttirs lioili the he ail ami if comes
fiMiii vcuu lung in honm the numlx in
of .ilioiiioin t It .t t ai< tiring
|m i leji me el
(t If \tm had tif outline the tUfjnnur\
,4. you * f outlined severat hrrr in lei ms of
bilking about the dtffrrrtue hetueen ytmnrlj
and (*nvT9Mn ( hniati what dr, you offn
the IS to 2d sent old musket that Hill
( baton dor\ not?
“You arc addressing yourself lo a
very important audience... and
thanks for giving me this
\ W.-1I I «i
v*\ onr »ti«*%|
iH io 20-\< .11
olfls h.*\f*
hr i «,* Io 1 iiic
l>t * II M IV
III >I € h < Oil
i ci nr«i ah< mi
iiim Umi ".»i I
think th.it
p.ii 111 u I a t
ill.i*i niiMiii s |i.min i s in
('iivmtiimriH.il pi«»tet lion. not ohnai lr*
I lirliru 1 ti.it vse ntii ha\c both
erivitonmental |»n art lion and < ««m« *i»ui
gi oft th \\ < i< set aside t (*it.on
1 iiMimimrnuih smmd ulMimt Hacks
tm othhoir drilling anti set 1 think tli.it
vvr 1 an do sonic: offshoir drilling and
land di tiling that s t 0111 patiblr ftith a
sc mud emiinmmnt
So 111 > virft !*m tin tut ure is k* « j>
building on this retold, set aside a
(rit.im amount of |tul»lu lands, and
wv it as I sav dour nmir than I In'lirst
am ottiri adimnistf at ion on that Hut
Kmk totnpatibh voth the■ m.»ikrt \N* tr
lac rd noft with a drt isioil on the
endangered sprues Will. I m als». fat rd
ft it It problem* that \mei it an families air
ha\ mg making ends mo t \nd I'm living
to lind a halantc lx list e n sound
mi mmmental pi at tit r and not tin owing
a lot of Xmeritan families out of ftoik.
toi example on behalf of the spotted
oft I So I guess tilt insist 1 is m the
future build on ftliat vse \e done and
tontiillie t *» hr the global leaders and
then 1m- suit* that wan emiitniment.il
drt isioiis an hast d tm sound m lent t
(J \h I'rrudrnt ? \bi>t turn i\ <ittnlhrt
untHUtd’it iwut lo udlrtft dutirnh \\ tth the
<*/ KrpuMicans stnmg thn ir p\*r
, hi*ur, iU> \<m hrbtir \latiCr <*n this mu<
< an hurl \ott tn V . * mlm *
\ I don't know thr .inswn to that I1n*
most torn! Mil\«*v 1 saw had .1 h»it 11«»11
ivmu* tuitnbrt 'JO in trims of how | tropic
dn idr what thru Intuit s air 1 hr
(issues) vhii \r hrrtt asking mr about
have .til piricdrd attoitioii in trims ol
how proplr votr. so that s thr litsl point
Srt ondb I ma\ havr takrn an un|>opu!ai
|M>Mtton. hut I lake It out *>t tolivt iriltr
\tul I hasr to do what 1 think is t t^ht and
I am appalled at thr million live
a I *utious rvei\ \rai I’m appallrtl at thr
gioui> o\ri the* ages 111c i .kiIv ovn tin*
last «i< i adrs ha\r lx « n mote VM>int(!
a)mm11 that tluitt am other **t»|» Ih <.him
it’s then plane I, the if lilt* as thr\ I«*»k at
it \ net I would sa\ be* athr of <nti
leadership. the* fr.il of lUlt Irar wai is fai
le ss than it was I also think thru*"s a kern
mtt ii n| m the* future, and I think otu
emnonmrntal |M>ln\ and mu edutalion
no lit us will resonate out three* oner
|h «•} >U understand wr \r got thru I I also
think win n 1 talk alxMit faintlv vaiut -s and
strength of \mri u an families families
fit t lit nil t Hint* in the* neighbor hot k! or
families ftrr to c In him where thrv want
thru kids to go to m htMtl ot families her
to i house t hild i ate for thru kids hi
faiinht s that air going to so a wrlfatr
trloitn program ail of these things
(U*M|4iH*u to stn-ni'inrn me ihiiiuv 1 nun*
voting pr«»|)U have* an mu it si in iii.it I
think. ibrv .ur quilt* I.uihIv-oiiniirti and
so whrli I talk about those kinds *»t
t hangrs whit h would result in safei
ntighboi hoods and sounder family
jii.u u< t*N 1 Ih !ir\r dial will liavt a sitting
aj»|K*al but dir biggest out ilu biggest
out of ait is what 1 was talking aU >ui in
trims <»l jobs anti dial s win it* wr get
bac k initi (mi nlm alion, om job
irti anting \ntl i would just ask dial
e ve I v bod\ lakt* a bald look al lilt*
dll It* 11 nt rs • m i in it an uni' pt ogiam till
whrtbri laving and spending is dir wav
loti ratr |obs in the* private* sectoi oi
vsbt tlit i less govnuinriil sj»euding and
le ss lavrs is die wav lo }>lo\ldt* jobs I
happen to dunk we urrtl moir capital
anti investment in die pnvate set I* »i \nd
you don't get H bv laving people mote
Si a Wf got sol Ilf i I11K KftlllCIlt.il (title if IK f s
t »n (bat < >ut
(J // / louUi fust gft a (junk <>ur word
tfrtsum <if*mt two thifigs atui
\ Vhii niran mv attswris air ton long'
( 4 III If • HI
mii fat e of w lial we (.in do with solai .
with wind power, with me i ham■, w ith
ethanol I line's all kinds of alternative
|m i\m i si >y<l < < s_th.ll wr nerd In look at I
think wr nerd to at hirvr .it least
Y tit opt atl lev els of rungs rff it ieiu v in
out fat toi n n and offu t buildings \i
home I wtmid work on furl rf tit n in \.
natural gav alternative rnrtgv and
i«him iaatn»n (dohalh. that would gut
us. if wr dir! that, the levnage to take
some leal initiatives to ndm r global
wanning I agi ee wit h Sena tot (»oi r that
shf 11umbel oiit jnoblem lot tin world
is the global warming problem, and n s
a big problem heir at horn* I hr
second thing to follow through on is the
management of all kinds of wastes and
plain old gaibage just solid waste is a
big pait of n \\« i< going i * * have to
find wavs to deal with this, if sou have
ha/aidous waste oi Iuxk waste then the
opposition builds up even more So it is
< leaf that we ought to invest a lot of
moiic\ and piovide a lot of tax
incentives tor people to rorne up w'itli
technologies that leducc the
piodut lion of waste ptodm tv ill tin 111 n t
plat e and that 11 t \» It mot e of It A lid
that will piovidr a ton of new jobs toi
fiigh wage, high skilled wot kei s
( ) I hi<\r air d lol <</ plttn\. a tui of them
mvotvr a lot of motir\ nod I m fu\l
\ I disagter \b*st of that will hr
dour m tlu private set toi What we
want to tltt is pttwide market incentives
f«*t the private set tot to do this and we
want to pi ov i«fc jnint i eseart h anti
development luttds I d flow some* of
that inoiirv m from the defense t uts
into < oiiimei t i.tl irsraich and
development Hut most of this work in
going to Ik* done in the pnvatc set toi
\nd keep in mind most of this will he
l< »l> genei aling woi k
atv mo t hoit e should sole toi me
be< .him* I hi* othei side is on record as
wanting lo tepcal Roc v \\ ade Nc.ili I
i«nil Kill*",.. IUh^, •.>•.«« «V;t*
dot sn't control tin ii position. Iheit
position is < 1111c i a (onstitulion.il
.tint lidno nt to ban all ahoiiions m
icpcal Rik \ W'adt* and !t*i the states do
(/ ho you think that a college education
should h> is math a right as a K through 12
\ Yes
(> So, ilo you think states should fund
Undents education at in slate <alleges and
universities in tht same uniys as tfu K through
12 fntfdti education and fmt them on a level
fdastng field with jaftan and ( mount\f
\ Well. I think ai ( « ss to a t ollcgc
ediuation should be uimeis.il. basic alls
so people have the letjuisite (iedentials
to get into tollegt I don t think the
moncs should keep them limit getting in
and staving in Now. tin if is not enough
iimnn todas to pa\ lot all the costs tht
wa\ ss« do toi k (hiough I J So what I
want to do is to (otitinue to uu tease the
si holaiship luntls as inut h as we « an
thnmgh iht IV1I gi ants tederalh and lake
a lot of the opeiatmg ptessure «>11 the
states so the\ < an put more moncs into
s( hoiaiships In setting up this national
set vice 11 list 1st talketl a hour w hit h
would notk sen thiieieittls than the was
the piest nt student loan system winks
l ntlei the National S< isne l.uM, sou
t ould hoiiow the tnotu*> sou need to go
to * ollege and then soul !• »an i epasmetil
would he slim inn d based on a
maximum percentage of voiit income
aftei sou go to woi k l udi Mmi sssiein.it
son i epaid it dial was. it would mas out as
a t rrtain pen rutage of soul in< oinc \nd
then s\< would gise students the option i >1
( > \haitwn
is an i mpnt
hint issue.
especially this
'i rat to the
i allege a mil
r tii r with the
mu lout's of
that audit tite
being pro
i hour I hi MfU
believe, as
*Tm mill} eoneerned about the
things a fleet iii£ voting people...
I think im generation owes >on
better than vou’ve been gettiir."
harbttui hush dues, that ubttfiwn should f*
a ptrnnU issut at id tud a fwidu u l ourf j
\ Yr.tli ! suppoit thr plot holt t
jioMliun hut I think that's h.mih a
tail tjucstmn tin you In ask in thr wax
\mi ask it miu v («entgr hush .met l >an
Ouavlt* have xu|)|^uird a Republican
platloi in xs hie It 1 alls toi a
(.nnstttiilioti.il amendment to han all
ahortn ns \t»cl xou know, ttic*v tan t
have it hoth vxaxs l he x t an t go
around and hast* ally take this anti
choice position toi then political
pmpoM's and thru do intrmrws and
sax tht X It- pi<M hour Sti J think thrx
want it hoth waxs l n mr sax I am
pto-tholtr. I am u nr i| m\ ot a I lx
Mipjxutixr ol Kik-x \\ ailc I do think
there air loo uianx abortions in
\ met it a and I think we ought to make
an ellott to irtiutt- then) So it thr
prnplr who t air about tins issue. who