SUSA* MX* l l»t | have- a \crv < 1*mulii(h 1 m s|m aklllg In \«»u M ill ha\e l<» make ile < tsiuns that aim l I*ijnilai \ml so I liolll kltnu iv he I lie l im pe>MMe»Jl \% »11 he Ip nt hint in the final analwiv inn it inttirs lioili the he ail ami if comes fiMiii vcuu lung in honm the numlx in of .ilioiiioin t It .t t ai< tiring |m i leji me el (t If \tm had tif outline the tUfjnnur\ ,4. you * f outlined severat hrrr in lei ms of bilking about the dtffrrrtue hetueen ytmnrlj and (*nvT9Mn ( hniati what dr, you offn the IS to 2d sent old musket that Hill ( baton dor\ not? “You arc addressing yourself lo a very important audience... and thanks for giving me this opportunity.” \ W.-1I I «i v*\ onr »ti«*%| iH io 20-\< .11 olfls h.*\f* hr i «,* Io 1 iiic l>t * II M IV III >I € h < Oil i ci nr«i ah< mi iiim Umi ".»i I think p.ii 111 u I a t ill.i*i niiMiii s |i.min i s in (' pi«»tet lion. not ohnai lr* I lirliru 1 vse ntii ha\c both erivitonmental |»n art lion and < ««m« *i»ui gi oft th \\ < i< set aside t (*it.on 1 iiMimimrnuih smmd ulMimt Hacks tm othhoir drilling anti set 1 think vvr 1 an do sonic: offshoir drilling and land di tiling that s t 0111 patiblr ftith a sc mud emiinmmnt So 111 > virft !*m tin tut ure is k* « j> building on this retold, set aside a ( amount of |tul»lu lands, and wv it as I sav dour nmir than I In'lirst am ottiri adimnistf at ion on that Hut Kmk totnpatibh voth the■ m.»ikrt \N* tr lac rd noft with a drt isioil on the endangered sprues Will. I m als». fat rd ft it It problem* that \mei it an families air ha\ mg making ends mo t \nd I'm living to lind a halantc lx list e n sound mi mmmental pi at tit r and not tin owing a lot of Xmeritan families out of ftoik. toi example on behalf of the spotted oft I So I guess tilt insist 1 is m the future build on ftliat vse \e done and tontiillie t *» hr the global leaders and then 1m- suit* that wan drt isioiis an hast d tm sound m lent t (J \h I'rrudrnt ? \bi>t turn i\ \opu!ai |M>Mtton. hut I lake It out *>t tolivt iriltr \tul I hasr to do what 1 think is t t^ht and I am appalled at thr million live a I *utious rvei\ \rai I’m appallrtl at thr gioui> o\ri the* ages 111c i .kiIv ovn tin* last «i< i adrs ha\r lx « n mote VM>int(! a)mm11 that tluitt am other **t»|» Ih <.him it’s then plane I, the if lilt* as thr\ I«*»k at it \ net I would sa\ be* athr of ln\ and mu edutalion no lit us will resonate out three* oner |h «•} >U understand wr \r got thru I I also think win n 1 talk alxMit faintlv vaiut -s and strength of \mri u an families families fit t lit nil t Hint* in the* neighbor hot k! or families ftrr to c In him where thrv want thru kids to go to m htMtl ot families her to i house t hild i ate for thru kids hi faiinht s that air going to so a wrlfatr trloitn program ail of these things (U*M|4iH*u to stn-ni'inrn me ihiiiuv 1 nun* voting pr«»|)U have* an mu it si in I think. ibrv .ur quilt* I.uihIv-oiiniirti and so whrli I talk about those kinds *»t t hangrs whit h would result in safei ntighboi hoods and sounder family jii.u u< t*N 1 Ih !ir\r dial will liavt a sitting aj»|K*al but dir biggest out ilu biggest out of ait is what 1 was talking aU >ui in trims <»l jobs anti dial s win it* wr get bac k initi (mi nlm alion, om job irti anting \ntl i would just ask dial e ve I v bod\ lakt* a bald look al lilt* dll It* 11 nt rs • m i in it an uni' pt ogiam till whrtbri laving and spending is dir wav loti ratr |obs in the* private* sectoi oi vsbt tlit i less govnuinriil sj»euding and le ss lavrs is die wav lo }>lo\ldt* jobs I happen to dunk we urrtl moir capital anti investment in die pnvate set I* »i \nd you don't get H bv laving people mote Si a Wf got sol Ilf i I11K (title if IK f s t »n (bat < >ut (J // / louUi fust gft a (junk <>ur word tfrtsum y genei aling woi k atv mo t hoit e should sole toi me be< .him* I hi* othei side is on record as wanting lo tepcal Roc v \\ ade Nc.ili I i«nil Kill*",.. IUh^, •.>•.«« «V;t* dot sn't control tin ii position. Iheit position is < 1111c i a ( .tint lidno nt to ban all ahoiiions m icpcal Rik \ W'adt* and !t*i the states do it (/ ho you think that a college education should h> is math a right as a K through 12 educationf \ Yes (> So, ilo you think states should fund Undents education at in slate 11 the states so the\ < an put more moncs into s( hoiaiships In setting up this national set vice 11 list 1st talketl a hour w hit h would notk sen thiieieittls than the was the piest nt student loan system winks l ntlei the National S< isne l.uM, sou t ould hoiiow the tnotu*> sou need to go to * ollege and then soul !• »an i epasmetil would he slim inn d based on a maximum percentage of voiit income aftei sou go to woi k l udi Mmi son i epaid it dial was. it would mas out as a t rrtain pen rutage of soul in< oinc \nd then s\< would gise students the option i >1 ( > \haitwn is an i mpnt hint issue. especially this 'i rat to the i allege a mil r tii r with the mu lout's of that audit tite being pro i hour I hi MfU believe, as *Tm mill} eoneerned about the things a fleet iii£ voting people... I think im generation owes >on better than vou’ve been gettiir." _1_:_:_ harbttui hush dues, that ubttfiwn should f* a ptrnnU issut at id tud a fwidu u l ourf j \ Yr.tli ! suppoit thr plot holt t jioMliun hut I think that's h.mih a tail tjucstmn tin you In ask in thr wax \mi ask it miu v («entgr hush .met l >an Ouavlt* have xu|)|^uird a Republican platloi in xs hie It 1 alls toi a ( amendment to han all ahortn ns \t»cl xou know, ttic*v tan t have it hoth vxaxs l he x t an t go around and hast* ally take this anti choice position toi then political pmpoM's and thru do intrmrws and sax tht X It- pi