Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 01, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Big Brother” has
eye on Oregon
When George Orwell wrote his foreboding novel
1984. he was attempting to warn the world about the
dangers of communism and fascism. The phrase "Big
Brother is watching you" was meant to warn people
about losing their individual freedoms. However, some
crackpots in Springfield have apparently taken Or
well's book as a blueprint for their own new order.
Flyers distributed last week by appurcnt supporters
of Ballot Measure 9 warn opponents that, "whatever
you do. we will be watching you." Such ominous lan
guage symbolizes the rapidly growing battle lines being
created by Measure 9.
The Oregon Citizens Alliance, sponsors of Measure
9, claim that its intention is not to promote discrimina
tion. but to prevent homosexuals from gaining special
rights. It claims that, as a Christian group, it will con
tinue to love homosexuals but not their lifestyle.
Assuming the OCA is telling the truth, it must real
ize that there sue people who do not shsrn: a similar
"love" for homosexuals. Rather, they hale homosexu
als and uses the guise of Christianity to mask their evil.
The flyers warn homosexuals and their supporters
that soon "all the real people" of Springfield will take
back their city. Opponents of Measure 9 are given the
option to "stay for that if you want to. or ... go west to
Eugene." Apparently, this "Silent Majority," (S and
M?) as the distributors of the flyers call themselves,
have hired the same public relations firm as Serbia.
Ethnic cleansing has come to Springfield.
- To be fair, some opponents of Measure 9 are just as
guilty of committing inexcusable acts of vandalism and
harassment against the measure's supporters, the most
recent example being the drawing of pink triangles in
front of the homes of Springfield City Councilman Ralf
Wulters and conservative activist Loretta Neet. Both
sides arc also apparently guilty of smashing several
While the actions of those people opposed to the
measure can be attributed to simple fear, the actions of
those in support of the measure can be attributed to ba
sic hate. What makes the supporters' actions more rep
rehensible is that they claim to art in the name of God.
These self-appointed judges of morality huve cast
so many stones that not only are they apparently with
out sin. but are destined for sainthood, assuming the
starch from their brown shirts doesn't wither away
what's left of their limited brains.
While it is easy to poke fun at the neanderthal
communication efforts demonstrated by the Silent Ma
jority. its ominous threats of violence must be taken se
The people of Oregon must decide if they want to
live in an Orwellian police state or a free and just de
Oregon Daily
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Waparwra: Oww Alan. Unt) Baucum Man Bandar. Sarah Clark Donna Gann. Uu
KnaotM. Damian Mciaan. Suva MM*. Enck Sudancka. Jarr,inarm Woga
Copy Mara: Juaw Bronx. Amanda Farma. Akaa Farrart. Mary Warn, TMM lAjtaat. Tnara
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Darkroom Taefcntoiana: laa Haggerty, MM Mom. McnaM ThompaarvAgumr. Todd m
AdveMelng Shawn Barvon. Scon Dana. Janrwlar Huckma. Jana Irow. Chna Kanon. Tom
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Stark contrasts mark election 92
Clinton’s approach
best for America
By Brian David Bogart
Thf halls of the White House must be gasp
ing for a breath of fresh, cool air. Did you
watch the Republican (invention? Did you
hoar our president describe the difference be
tween liberal and conservative views? He. a
conservative, said: "Theirs is to look inward
and protect what wo already have Ours Is to go
forward.” This statement, besides being another
Republican falsehood, defies the very definition
of lilwinil versus conservative politics.
If you saw it, and If you heard it. you know it
was a convention of the pettiest of insults in a
world of serious issues. It was a forum for
blamo-laying and superficial rhetoric on an
evangelical scale. And in the middle of this, our
president said, "I know Americans are tired of
the blame-game."
Yes. we are, and we're tired of Bush knocking
us down, tying us up, slapping us around, lying
to us, taking us nowhere and being what every
president should never be — a rich, blind, aim
less. human hot-air machine. Wo can do batter,
and we can do bettor now.
And by the way, If you're only mildly con
cerned about the future of our heullh tare sys
tem and the future of our social security system,
you probably have no idea what they're current
ly like untier Bush.
Under the Bush administration. I have been
forced to suffer the symptoms of two perma
nently disabling injuries while being denied the
proscribed corrective surgorios Additionally. I
lost nearly everything I owned and was pushed
into bankruptcy during "a waiting jieriod for
evaluation,” even though the outcome was
found to have been predetermined by the White
Regarding the first injury, 1 was told, "though
your condition has been verified, we are deny
ing benefits, as you are capable of performing
work not Involving the use of your hands."
My case worker confirmed this to me bluntly:
"You gotta lose an arm and a leg to get any ben
efits these days!"
The second Injury was diagnosed last March.
It is progressiva arthritis of the left foot. Imme
diate surgory was recommondod. But toll me.
how can a minimum-wage earner afford to take
the necessary time off from work? It won’t bo
oasy using a cane with disabled hands, yet
somehow I can already imagine the Bush ad
ministration's advice. “Stop complaining. You
are still capable of holding tho cane with your
And so, in my opinion, any president who
says, "America is the land where the sun is al
ways peeking over the horizon." displays an in
credible tendency to avoid reality And I'm sor
ry. but my world is real, my pain is real, my
needs are real.
Mr President .. . your Ups, my foot. Rood my
As we seek to establish a sustainablo founda
Tum to CLINTON. Page 3
Republicans want
less government
By William D Wit!
Tho Republican Party convention hold this
August in Houston demonstrated a re
newed commitment to Republican princi
ples. While not evory speaker nor every dele
gate shared a complete unanimity of beliefs, it is
nevertheless true that a powerful message came
forth. This theme was ovident in tho platform,
the speakers, the delegates and tho atmosphere
on the convention floor.
It is equally clear that tho message coming
from Houston was radically different from tho
message that came from New York during the
July Democratic Party convention. Rarely in re
cent history have two candidates and thoir poli
tical purties expressed such divergent and dis
tinct messages. This is healthy for American de
mocracy because voters are given a clear choice
on tho future direction of their country.
Republicans approach critical issues very dif
ferently than Democrats. I will address this in
four general areas: economic policy, social poli
cy, moral direction and foreign affairs.
Republicans believe government is too big,
too expensive and too porvasivo. The more gov
ernment tries to do, tho less effective It be
comes. Furthermore, by its very nature, govern
ment is an inefficient provider of goods and ser
Freedom is enhanced when tho poople re
strict government to doing only those things
that individuals or private organizations are un
able to accomplish themselves. Instead of gov
omment-conlrolled manipulation of the econo
my, government should provide minimal eco
nomic regulation. This will create the condi
tions whore individuals can be empowered and
motivated to holp themselves.
These views tan bo seen in the Republican
party's rail for a balanced budget amendment. It
can also be demonstrated in the Bush Adminis
tration's call for lower taxos and lower spend
ing. By restoring fiscal discipline to a bloated
federal government and at the same time in
creasing incentives to work, earn and invest, we
will build a more prosperous future for all
Republicans believe that the private sector is
best suitod to solve social problems such as
health care, education and homelessness. Tho
role of government should bo to facilitate pri
vate-sector initiatives and responsibility.
Health care is a good example of this tenet.
While the Democrats espouse either a central
ized national health care system or a coercive
"play or pay" program on employers, the Re
publican message calls for tax breaks for lower
Income people so they can best select and pro
vide for thoir own health care needs. Solutions
lie in enhancing individual choice and respon
sibility, not in providing centralized solutions
that are then imposod on the people.
In the field of education, Republicans believe
that monopolistic public school systems are cer
Tum to BUSH. Pag* 3