EDITORIAL Big Brother” has eye on Oregon When George Orwell wrote his foreboding novel 1984. he was attempting to warn the world about the dangers of communism and fascism. The phrase "Big Brother is watching you" was meant to warn people about losing their individual freedoms. However, some crackpots in Springfield have apparently taken Or well's book as a blueprint for their own new order. Flyers distributed last week by appurcnt supporters of Ballot Measure 9 warn opponents that, "whatever you do. we will be watching you." Such ominous lan guage symbolizes the rapidly growing battle lines being created by Measure 9. The Oregon Citizens Alliance, sponsors of Measure 9, claim that its intention is not to promote discrimina tion. but to prevent homosexuals from gaining special rights. It claims that, as a Christian group, it will con tinue to love homosexuals but not their lifestyle. Assuming the OCA is telling the truth, it must real ize that there sue people who do not shsrn: a similar "love" for homosexuals. Rather, they hale homosexu als and uses the guise of Christianity to mask their evil. The flyers warn homosexuals and their supporters that soon "all the real people" of Springfield will take back their city. Opponents of Measure 9 are given the option to "stay for that if you want to. or ... go west to Eugene." Apparently, this "Silent Majority," (S and M?) as the distributors of the flyers call themselves, have hired the same public relations firm as Serbia. Ethnic cleansing has come to Springfield. - To be fair, some opponents of Measure 9 are just as guilty of committing inexcusable acts of vandalism and harassment against the measure's supporters, the most recent example being the drawing of pink triangles in front of the homes of Springfield City Councilman Ralf Wulters and conservative activist Loretta Neet. Both sides arc also apparently guilty of smashing several windows. While the actions of those people opposed to the measure can be attributed to simple fear, the actions of those in support of the measure can be attributed to ba sic hate. What makes the supporters' actions more rep rehensible is that they claim to art in the name of God. These self-appointed judges of morality huve cast so many stones that not only are they apparently with out sin. but are destined for sainthood, assuming the starch from their brown shirts doesn't wither away what's left of their limited brains. While it is easy to poke fun at the neanderthal communication efforts demonstrated by the Silent Ma jority. its ominous threats of violence must be taken se riously. The people of Oregon must decide if they want to live in an Orwellian police state or a free and just de mocracy. Oregon Daily PO BOM 1'!>9 tUGtNt OHIGONttMOJ Tha Oragon Da«y EmaraPJ a puMahad daily Monday through Friday during lha tchoa yaw and Tuaaday and Thundw during lha unmar by tha Oragon Da*y E mar aid Puwanmg Co Inc. a tha Unrvaraay o' Oragon. Eugana. Oragon lha E maraM oparaaa mdapandandy or Via Unnaraay wth oflioaa a Suaa MM a lha Erb Mamona Uruon and a a mam bar at lha Aaaocuaad Praaa Tha EmaraM a prwaa proparty Tha unlawim ramowa or uaa ol papan a proaactxatta by Mm EdMor Pa Maach Nmi Editor Erawrtol ErStor QrapMM Edno* JtoaBwg UwnrFWtor JunPm*y Freya Horn DOnRMM EdRwM E«ter nvm Jnw Sport* EiM*r OamCMitomMu rapra ti •: Tim Ron Btudatd OMInniirtlWhM: Timmy Bator Community: Tim Ns* Mgltai Eduoatlan'ldmlniilritlta: Collin Ponkg Mto:RmiDiC* Waparwra: Oww Alan. Unt) Baucum Man Bandar. Sarah Clark Donna Gann. Uu KnaotM. Damian Mciaan. Suva MM*. Enck Sudancka. Jarr,inarm Woga Copy Mara: Juaw Bronx. Amanda Farma. Akaa Farrart. Mary Warn, TMM lAjtaat. Tnara Moat. Elan Shan. Cnraa Stag*. Marian Suaor. Amy Van Tuyl Ptmlagraphtra: Kim Rguyan. Mena* BNndMr Graphic AnM: Hnatnar ?*bauar Darkroom Taefcntoiana: laa Haggerty, MM Mom. McnaM ThompaarvAgumr. Todd m AdveMelng Shawn Barvon. Scon Dana. Janrwlar Huckma. Jana Irow. Chna Kanon. Tom iaach. Jaramy Manor. Oman On. Oualin Siadw Sharon Vai. Angm WtntPmrm Cteealtad Pager McOrm. Manpgar Barry Logan. Sharon Sauna. Suoan Updagra* Buaktaaa: Kathy CarOona. Suparvanr Judy Connoly Production Ingnd Whan. PrcdUcaon Coonkruaor Knar mo Grangar. Daa McCoOb Stacy Mtcha*. Jannrtar Roland. Jam,tar Smart. Anno Stapnanaon. Oaratyn Trappa Cinifil UrntQtf RMdi Advantarng Dlroctor Bryan R Coppadga Production Managar McroM Root 3SF v'Vtxu*u/e)Or\ior^tu«fc iws ?DM06»H