Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 01, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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Earth Summit to begin Wednesday in Rio
w '
lifii/.il (AP) -- The Earth
Summit opens Wednes
day with two minutes
of silence for an endan
gered tilanel and a mis
sion to agree on how to save It
Tho 12-day United Nations (Conference
on Environment and Development would be
the biggest mooting of world leaders in his
tory But It's not clear what tho Juno 3-14
mooting will accomplish or oven who exact
ly is coming
The U N. press office says 142 heads of
state or government have confirmed their at
tendance. The Brazilian government says
President Bush is expected for less than
48 hours at the summit portion of the con
ference starting June 11. He Joins his col
leagues from Europe. Canada, Japan. China
and other nations.
A 35,000 member security force has
swept Rio, a city of 0 million, of the beggars,
urchins anti vendors that normally swarm
the streets Residents have commented on
the relative lack of street crime.
The world leaders are to sign documents
including a general statement of ecological
principles and the so-called Agenda 21. a
controversial list of measures for environ
mentally safe growth into the 21st century.
But they have been unable to agree on
who will pay for the cleanup, which U.N.
summit coordinator Maurice Strong has es
timated will cost S125 billion a year.
Optimists hope for a breakthrough con
sensus on goals or funding But many ecolo
gists accuse the Bush administration of
blocking progress and watering down the
During conference negotiations, which
begin Wednesday, some 700 U N officials
and T5tJ0 delegates from 185 countries will
pul the finishing touches on the documents
lo be signed. U.N. press cx>ordinator Mo
nique McClellan said
The delegates will observe two minutes
of silence for the Earth before President Fer
nando Coilor de Mello opens the conference
al the Rtocentro convention complex. 25
miles west of downtown Klo next to an aulo
The proceedings are closed to the public
but will be televised live on u government
Bush has refused to endorse a climate
control convention that called for reducing
carbon dioxide to 1990 levels by 2000 Eu
ropean leaders eventually accepter! a draft
that omits dates or levels.
The United States produces about one
fourth of the world s carbon dioxide, a gas
some scientists say adds to global warming.
"The climate control convention was
supposed to be the jewel in the crown," said
Joshua Kariiner, Greenpeace's top coordina-/
tor for the summit. "Now, II looks more like
a rhinestone.”
Across town on Guanabara Bay. a gather
ing of ecological non-government organiza
tions will take ploce in Flamengo Park.
The Global Forum is expected to draw
12,000 participants from 164 countries.
Some 5,000 groups will be represented, in
cluding Greenpeace, the World Wildlife
Federation, members of the Baha'i religion
and the YMCA.
.Sen A1 Gore. D-Tenn., will attend. For
mer U.S. Rep. Bella Abzug, D-N.Y., will be
part of a feminist ecological group. Actress
Shirley MacLaine will Introduce a speech
by the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual lead
er of Tibet.
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