*+++ ++*+**+*****< MUC HAMIT [53 VTOOMWfTWt Bmunmmnm ***ordinator Mo nique McClellan said The delegates will observe two minutes of silence for the Earth before President Fer nando Coilor de Mello opens the conference al the Rtocentro convention complex. 25 miles west of downtown Klo next to an aulo speedway The proceedings are closed to the public but will be televised live on u government channel. Bush has refused to endorse a climate control convention that called for reducing carbon dioxide to 1990 levels by 2000 Eu ropean leaders eventually accepter! a draft that omits dates or levels. The United States produces about one fourth of the world s carbon dioxide, a gas some scientists say adds to global warming. "The climate control convention was supposed to be the jewel in the crown," said Joshua Kariiner, Greenpeace's top coordina-/ tor for the summit. "Now, II looks more like a rhinestone.” Across town on Guanabara Bay. a gather ing of ecological non-government organiza tions will take ploce in Flamengo Park. The Global Forum is expected to draw 12,000 participants from 164 countries. Some 5,000 groups will be represented, in cluding Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Federation, members of the Baha'i religion and the YMCA. .Sen A1 Gore. D-Tenn., will attend. For mer U.S. Rep. Bella Abzug, D-N.Y., will be part of a feminist ecological group. Actress Shirley MacLaine will Introduce a speech by the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual lead er of Tibet. Our twice, ayear, 20% Off Safe is on now through June 6^/ (Don 't Miss It! Everything is 20% Off: inSportszvear in Electronics in (general(BooIq in^Art & Softool in (gifts & Sundries ‘Except: Coursebookf, film & practising, tobacco products, class rings, academic rrgaba, computers, educational software, some electronics items, and sale priced items. Limited to stoefem band. Kff further discounts. 13tfi & 'Kincaid • 346-4331 • M-Sat p 1 . .^ DESPERATELY SEEKING birth fat her, 6'4" blond/bluc eycd, 43-44 years old Attended OSU tn 66-67. Could be at U of O now. My name is Kayrrnc. I was bom Oct 24. I‘>67, Multnomah Hospital. I’ortland OR If you have information plcuvc rail Kayrrne collect, anytime at (510)531-6207. k~--. Cash For Textbooks Mon Sat Smith l amil\ Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 n i i i ® (*except small cones) 8 i to . Cagipus ! SUBSHOP • 1225 frlder . ! 345-2434 ? L Not v*;«] cm delivery or with any other discount* of coupon*. One coupon per customer Empire* 6/12/92 J Looking tor a good doot? Chock the Emoroki ADS