Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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    MENS 0Nn
NawfUrtW'S ffitilham <r|k
‘••■'t.j'i Mnr-rmt 10', 1
Datignw f';n(;-p«f Cui»
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Continued from Page 1
those m the crowd
University students ill the nillv givi' t!n•
spotlight to students from other c olleges
iirid universities bee ause the Kugene iire.i
h.is received more Measure media alien
lion, said Student Senator Brian Hoop
I’aul Ivans. Western Oregon State t.ol
Inge's student body president, urged the
i rowd to turn its anger into something posi
We want a tax slruc lure that ne-ets the
heeds of everyone. " iivnns said And we
have the [lower to enai t positive change If
(Iregon warils real i hnnge, nothing ■ m (iod s
green earth ran slop us And it starts with
eac h of us understanding our own sue ial n
Bontlle Staeliler statew life faculty senate
president said the state is now r.e d t ’Hi
in the nation in higher education am! is
slipping w ith ear h Measure S tmpa ■
i ew people teah/cd that higher ' dm a
’.so J ; ■ : ! ! I . d t l | C serve I ■ s t i i • ; flit ! I \
i»% i r
Measur e S Stael - r - I »
'io prog!.mis Wi ' Mio fi- -.iiv .m-1 slat!
V\ «• I 000 :.s . i i. I..r.: • -• 'Or*
({on 1 he. v\ -i--tii* gre.ii-.-sl las'- of ,i!
Scull Palmar, u former <)Si' student and
founder of Students ofOregon t oiled in
Kes{ in* I ollege Idiu! allon. v;; e.■ .dual f. vs
the i u!s have affected edn alien a! all lev
els. as well as stale serve es and as-ds'eime
Palmer ask' d Oregon < ill/.f*ns I . po-stion
the kind id Stale I he y vs aril III i: ve in
( 1 he has) made me ashamed embar
fuss, i and afr.e ! ' 1’aimer s • d W !. ,1 have
vs i . me U ha! kind id peopl. have vs e
allow el irselves It* het unit' Are vs e I he
kind el people vs lu will, allovs ear ' till Iren
to m.Her and do nothing
I’a liner said Ml IS an has . lie ■ ' slal.d
for thoughtlessness and hlaiant disiegard
for human rights
Palmer •».i:il Karr ri : i!:imn. diversity is
SIR’S, hi’.ilth rare drug and alcohol abuse
ari- a;. : . : j ,. • r - ■ » • - ■ - - i .
I*a liner p mietl to the words printed on
the wall nl tie i.i; tni building tli.it sav. A
free still*’ is formed and is maintained in
11.t■ volunlarv union of the whole people
■ane I • under tin’ imdv of : iw •• t. a
th1' niifsiri w ell.ii.• and the sharing o! hen
ef its
Then la .ski’d lawmakers In live up to
the words
A .’Ir , I. a. Harbata Koiierts was ill i a
drnnde 1 rid.i ,. an assistant. Marilyn Kaiser,
assured the rtmvil Roberts would get die
! i immii'ii.i you for hemg so informed.
Ka;ser s iid 'Your [dan :s on large!, t .1 \
have to convince others
Roberts has said she w ill not < .ill a spe
rial session until Oregonians are n id\ '
i misiiier serious changes in the tax sir ...
lure and until they believe all the e\< ess
and waste has first been cut out of the budg
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Continued from Page 1
system These ili'i islons come in the looming
shadow of .in i'\pi i Ini 20 pen ent drop in state
funding for higher education in the i•»«*Inrn
Present unit fullin’ students have .1 tremendous
sl.ik.i- in public input iinii the resulting dm ision;
tlu-v mu Id lx- uskixi In pay up to 100 pi-n i-nt of
flu- (ost of tfudr i-dui hIion lieglnning in (.ill 100.f
Oregon undergraduates uri> already struggling
lo puv til percent of their total t-dur ational costs,
up from 2H pm 1 n! lust yi-ar, representing .in in
crease of Dili- Ifiird
Tin- si.ill’ hoard is i-xpi-i li-d lo r.iisr luifion fins
(.ill by another on percent .if On-gun, Oregon
St.ilr iind Port lurid State. and ri peri ent at tin- four
regional colleges in Monmouth Ashland, I.a
(inindi- and Klamath l ulls
Tin- tuition committee will ask the puhh; lor
input on thri-i- tuition alternatives
(ipliiui 1 No tuition mi 1 rasa
• annual tuition stays at '(HI
• 1 ut enrollment liv 20 pi-rcrnl
• stu.i' Uts pay .Ut ju’ii ml nt-.a at,
< Iptmn 2 Small tuitinil ini 1 rasa
• . 111 i t>d S ■ ■ 103 0-t
S 1.0(H) fiy IOO 1 0ri
• 111 I’lita! Inu Tit hi 1 0 ),. n I'll!
• hiudants pay 43 |
!00.t 01 ‘>2 pin i-n! hy 1 out US
Oplinn 1 l arge tuition ini 11'.isc
• aim u n I. I ir; i r a is. ! t Si ■ (till
• 1 ut 1 -:;: 1.. dm-nt !>\ 'iip.;,:;
• !dmi! s pay ’111 | :.!;!• d,. '
l uesduy s mi-i'llng in iuigene IS Si hrduh'd at
l.ani' ( ommunitv (.oilegu 10(H) 1 tOlli Ave
from 1 to i p m tn K min ton on tin- south sub of
fin’ f orum Uuildmg
While fill’ stall’ ho.inf dm idrs limy to di al w ilt)
a budget shortfall on (fin stain system level, the
University administration and budget of fir e is de
1 iding how to deal w ith shortfalls on file 1 ampus
Plans are already in the works lot tin- loo t os
budge!, taking into ai count tfie worst 1 asr si etiar
to a 2U percent redurtion from the cosl of run
ning the programs in plate at the end of the
too; 0 3 f 11 e n n1u m
We will not cut major
programs, departments or
colleges. This time, we’ll
handle it differently.’
Myles Brand.
University president
A happier out< aim: wmilii include potential 1(1
peri.ent "adbai ks" nr a spin ial legislative session
resulting m a tax restructuring plan
1 diversity President Myles Brand discussed
the 1’ei l us budget prut ess and the timetable at a
sp'-Mu! meeting ui the University Assembly I r 1
day afternoon The assemblv includes faculty
members ari l Student senators
Brand said a spei nil session il called by Gov
Barbara Roberts, would probably be early this
summer. and a mail Bn ballot i mild be sent to ()r
egon voters ill September
However, otistai !es him king ,1 special session
tm iude dis.igrt •■in- lit on tax relurm strategies i>e
! wee:; k y i y gr■ • ips cid i high lev id ,d
resist,!r.; e to tax :e' .rill by Oregon Voters, partICU
larly m the Portland metropolitan area
Ir addition Brand said the recall petition
against Gov Roberts is taking up some of the time
and joins she could be giving to a new tax plan
and a sjiei ial sesse ai
In construct mg the Ibbt ur> budget. due m late
tab ol fee. Bland said several faculty and stu
dent gr ml ps W ill b'1 i ollSU Ited
II! ibis the set Olid phase of (uts following
Measure V Brand said the University will make
no more verlu al cuts
Ue will not cut major programs, departments
or colleges lie said bills time, we'll handle li
differently "
Ihe University will instead downsi/e arid make
i uts in non academic areas Brand said the Uni
versity s individual si bools and colleges may be
given the option of making their own reductions,
which could include reducing, combining, or
eliminating prog-.mis w ithin eat I) college
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Pablo Avila - i n' .«!»,)j.
f rant nco Gate la - mu* -j,
«* <• r»*> iwje
Opening MlbA ot Meuco Art [x.hibt
-TOMORROW - - - -
Children i P*mp«ctiv«i
Kult Kolkoaft
Yolanda lopox - .
*• <*»■» -i t; * <•»>.»*.«» w’,
6 OCtpm V 00pm l 2 3 f*oc #*c
McjiA ot Mexico Art Exhibit
Oregon Daily EmCl'aM 346'37 1 2