MENS 0Nn HAIRCUTS ic NawfUrtW'S ffitilham re info call 346-4373 TUITION Continued from Page 1 system These ili'i islons come in the looming shadow of .in i'\pi i Ini 20 pen ent drop in state funding for higher education in the i•»«*Inrn mum Present unit fullin’ students have .1 tremendous sl.ik.i- in public input iinii the resulting dm ision; tlu-v mu Id lx- uskixi In pay up to 100 pi-n i-nt of flu- (ost of tfudr i-dui hIion lieglnning in (.ill 100.f Oregon undergraduates uri> already struggling lo puv til percent of their total t-dur ational costs, up from 2H pm 1 n! lust yi-ar, representing .in in crease of Dili- Ifiird Tin- si.ill’ hoard is i-xpi-i li-d lo r.iisr luifion fins (.ill by another on percent .if On-gun, Oregon St.ilr iind Port lurid State. and ri peri ent at tin- four regional colleges in Monmouth Ashland, I.a (inindi- and Klamath l ulls Tin- tuition committee will ask the puhh; lor input on thri-i- tuition alternatives (ipliiui 1 No tuition mi 1 rasa • annual tuition stays at '(HI • 1 ut enrollment liv 20 pi-rcrnl • stu.i' Uts pay .Ut ju’ii ml nt-.a at, < Iptmn 2 Small tuitinil ini 1 rasa • . 111 i t>d S ■ ■ 103 0-t S 1.0(H) fiy IOO 1 0ri • 111 I’lita! Inu Tit hi 1 0 ),. n I'll! • hiudants pay 43 | !00.t 01 ‘>2 pin i-n! hy 1 out US Oplinn 1 l arge tuition ini 11'.isc • aim u n I. I ir; i r a is. ! t Si ■ (till • 1 ut 1 -:;: 1.. dm-nt !>\ 'iip.;,:; • !dmi! s pay ’111 | :.!;!• d,. ' l uesduy s mi-i'llng in iuigene IS Si hrduh'd at l.ani' ( ommunitv (.oilegu 10(H) 1 tOlli Ave from 1 to i p m tn K min ton on tin- south sub of fin’ f orum Uuildmg While fill’ stall’ ho.inf dm idrs limy to di al w ilt) a budget shortfall on (fin stain system level, the University administration and budget of fir e is de 1 iding how to deal w ith shortfalls on file 1 ampus level Plans are already in the works lot tin- loo t os budge!, taking into ai count tfie worst 1 asr si etiar to a 2U percent redurtion from the cosl of run ning the programs in plate at the end of the too; 0 3 f 11 e n n1u m We will not cut major programs, departments or colleges. This time, we’ll handle it differently.’ Myles Brand. University president A happier out< aim: wmilii include potential 1(1 peri.ent "adbai ks" nr a spin ial legislative session resulting m a tax restructuring plan 1 diversity President Myles Brand discussed the 1’ei l us budget prut ess and the timetable at a sp'-Mu! meeting ui the University Assembly I r 1 day afternoon The assemblv includes faculty members ari l Student senators Brand said a spei nil session il called by Gov Barbara Roberts, would probably be early this summer. and a mail Bn ballot i mild be sent to ()r egon voters ill September However, otistai !es him king ,1 special session tm iude dis.igrt •■in- lit on tax relurm strategies i>e ! wee:; k y i y gr■ • ips cid i high lev id ,d resist,!r.; e to tax :e' .rill by Oregon Voters, partICU larly m the Portland metropolitan area Ir addition Brand said the recall petition against Gov Roberts is taking up some of the time and joins she could be giving to a new tax plan and a sjiei ial sesse ai In construct mg the Ibbt ur> budget. due m late tab ol fee. Bland said several faculty and stu dent gr ml ps W ill b'1 i ollSU Ited II! ibis the set Olid phase of (uts following Measure V Brand said the University will make no more verlu al cuts Ue will not cut major programs, departments or colleges lie said bills time, we'll handle li differently " Ihe University will instead downsi/e arid make i uts in non academic areas Brand said the Uni versity s individual si bools and colleges may be given the option of making their own reductions, which could include reducing, combining, or eliminating prog-.mis w ithin eat I) college G K A I) l A I h S I l I) I N I S G R A n l A r 1 N G S I'NIORS °0 $ 1 5 9 [HT month i ‘'.Mi! n sinRM MMK IM'(H H Arc >.>u icc111n^ ready t.> graduate fr.-m * -4 year degree program * Or are \ -u currently enrolled m Graduate S. h If ci, y ou may q ualtfy f ..«r (i Vi \i '» College < iraduatc Program kl 11 H HI K( 11 HI RCll K V:; 1 1 % * .: *> < * 4 S v : r- : •ROMANIA CincodeMayo Celebration -TODAY Pablo Avila - i n' .«!»,)j. f rant nco Gate la - mu* -j, «* <• r»*> iwje Opening MlbA ot Meuco Art [x.hibt -TOMORROW - - - - Children i P*mp«ctiv«i Kult Kolkoaft Yolanda lopox - . *• <*»■» -i t; * <•»>.»*.«» w’, 6 OCtpm V 00pm l 2 3 f*oc #*c McjiA ot Mexico Art Exhibit RIGHT ®N TARGET Oregon Daily EmCl'aM 346'37 1 2