Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    Pair to play last games Saturday
By Jayson Jacoby
£p .' .i : .. *ts Ret 'if
They don't 1 <»ik ,it all like sisters but spend
five minutes talking with Traces Simmons ami
Kim Manning anil you'll ho uunim ed they're n
The two started playing softball t'oge.tlier in the
fifth grade. and this weekend they'll takr the Reid
for thy last time as teainmates when the Ducks
( lose out their season at home with two double
Oregon will start w ith a J if) tw-in full this a!
ternoon'against Sacramento Slate at Howe Held,
followed In an 11 00 am dnuhleheader Saturday
against third-ranked-0 .la It lorn, ia
By the time Simmons and Manning reached
Koseburg High School, both had ailtam ed
enough to play on the varsity as freshmen
That w as the point w here it bet ami' inure
than just recreational " Simmons said I think
that w as the big turning point
I he Koseburg ( u.e hat the tune Id Talon said
he. had wall lied the pair before they reached high
st hoof and wasn't, surprised, at their sin t ess
i'll'-, d played i lot ol summer league hall,'
: . said They looked" like: they had the skills
n : the,baVkgmuni!
T.ai.on said iiutli showed a ran; competitive
streak '-veil .0 that age
■■■•They're both highly a uili'pei i: eg people,: he
■.aid ; imagine they re i ; unpe't11;yy o tb'e" dinner
table They have great talent lor lea.lerslop. both
After stand.
We’ve always fought like
sisters, but we’ve always
come out of it like sisters,I
think it meant a lot to us to
play together.’
Tracey Simmons.
'Oregon... C'C.rm aym
milled util v four errors
Wit.-:; I look ha: k .it my !t esh? t.it: v.e.ir I :i .
lege tl reminds me til mv freshman year in high
m iio.il. she said ! here •, no v\ in, i expei ted to
{>I,i% i- ..t Iresiiman in high >,t ho, I .ind we Uith
did ..
,1 .ilon .so'id It, wasni surprised Ills dormer stars
stepped right in .it the N< A A .lev,
U hatever the ( tiallenge. they .' • g to :m-1
there, he s lid I he higher till- 1 e.| ,-Ilium . 1"'V
el. the h.irder thev go
St inning sill, through ,i .;; ■; ■ !,, : soph,,
more season. w in'll she batted .’0« Site hitting
i iareer-lx-st ti’H tiiis year
Like I said' I di(ih’! have any exp'ix tatiotis illV
freshman vear Ms sophomore V>;a.r t felt 11W, I
h.ul to do |Ust as good as the sear before or I
would get cut or whatever I put s,, mu; It pres
: sure on mvselt "
It's hard ■■when everyone is saving you'c I . t
;in,-. i,l) pi,lots under what von did i is! year said
S i:; : nuns, who hatted a . areer h gh .tug her
sop 1 anore season everyone s eon, erned aisilll
it ant then v on re concerned about it All you
VS ., •. ■ , , very tone you go lip tin-re ts get a
adds And
: <r s is ,.ik feet ' ■ lie-! o!
it in oi t hardship
.. hold and again alter her
\ | V ■ ; . lather
was in high SI hoof One of
d ef si.l l ess at
\ 111 i
Weasel s World
Kraig Norris
Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen
.J. t ^
Golfers ready for
Pac-10 showdown
By Steve Mims
S ,r*i*.uJ Contnttutiy
Two favorites. three top
i ontenders .uni five spoilers
male up lh<* field for the I’a
i ifii 10 Conference Men's
Coif Championship in Cor
vallis tmi.IV
Top ranked Arizona Slate
and No I Arizona are the
clear favorites for the 72
hole tournament, which lee
off this morning at Trysting
Tree Coll i Curse and contin
ues through Sunday The
W i Ideals a ml Siin lies l Is
have finished in first arid
second at eu< h of the past
three championships, with
Arizona winning Iasi season
Oregon, ranked 10th ill
the country is one of the top
contenders in the held, and
lie- Out ks lee! thev are ready
for a run at their first ever
i onh-reiea title
"I think we'll do well,
Oregon junior Jell Lyons
said ICrrvune is practii ing
hard and hitting the ball
One advantage the Ducks
have over the V r i znn a
schools is course fnmiliarlK
( begun played in tmirnu
nu-nts it Trvstlng Tree in
l'l‘«) and ',u*ll. hut Arizona
and At t/noa Stale hav e lies
tT seen tile 1 nurse
U . hat e alls ays pla\ed
the course well." Oregon
head i oat it Shawn \tt her
said W won the Oregon
State tournament two years
in a row
Tic !hick's ill man -aptad
is lad hy Lyons, who lias
[tint ed 111 lilt- top five at four
of lus last five tournaments
The conference champion
ship is a ing tournament lor
Lyons because it gives him a
chatuto |>!*i\ against some
ot thi' top players
‘ I'm in clilii company tins
weekend bci .uisr there are
going to bo .1 lot of good
players in tin’ tournament."
Lyons said "I have to play
some i areer rounds to win
After Lyons, the Dili k s
need seniors Stalk Aldrich.
Doug D ut dot t ea ll . J a tltes
Chrisinun and Troy I'umiya
to step up and make sure It
is not the final tournament
ot their i areer Walk on Kan
ds Mi < harken is ill till the ti
mil spot for th.e I )m ks
t ' S(: and 1 *lth ra nked
Stanford are the other top
contenders in the held who
will !«• trying to pull oil the
“We have to putt il we
want to lie In i (intention,"
(latdlnal head touch Wally
l loodss in said "Putting is a
menial frustration that can
grow on you, hut sse feel if
sse had putted heller, we
could have won a less tour
I'he individual rai e will
include tfnee of the top live
amateur go I lets in (tie coun
Pile favorite to ss in is tsso
time Put; 10 duller ot the
Year I'li i i M > . ai I he
top-ranked amateur in the
country sshu has already
ssm: i i’tiA lour event and
is ; onsidered by many to be
gull's next superstar Mu kel
a at ss i in the i onlerenee title
in 1'ITO
Arizona's Mannv /.I'tniiin
and David Ueiganio should
also he near the top ol the
leader hoard Zerm.in won
las! season s i (inference title
and is looking to Int nine the
first player to win hat k to
hat k titles in over III) years
Urgent C are Services at the
Student Health renter are
provided on weekends at the
Following times:
Sam to 8pm
12noon to 8pm
Please uv the l 'rycnt ('are entrance
located on Beech Si.
U of () Health Center 346-4441
(|xess t)