Pair to play last games Saturday By Jayson Jacoby £p .' .i : .. *ts Ret 'if They don't 1 <»ik ,it all like sisters but spend five minutes talking with Traces Simmons ami Kim Manning anil you'll ho uunim ed they're n laied The two started playing softball t'oge.tlier in the fifth grade. and this weekend they'll takr the Reid for thy last time as teainmates when the Ducks ( lose out their season at home with two double headers Oregon will start w ith a J if) tw-in full this a! ternoon'against Sacramento Slate at Howe Held, followed In an 11 00 am dnuhleheader Saturday against third-ranked-0 .la It lorn, ia By the time Simmons and Manning reached Koseburg High School, both had ailtam ed enough to play on the varsity as freshmen That w as the point w here it bet ami' inure than just recreational " Simmons said I think that w as the big turning point I he Koseburg ( u.e hat the tune Id Talon said he. had wall lied the pair before they reached high st hoof and wasn't, surprised, at their sin t ess i'll'-, d played i lot ol summer league hall,' : . said They looked" like: they had the skills n : the,baVkgmuni! said iiutli showed a ran; competitive streak '-veil .0 that age ■■■•They're both highly a uili'pei i: eg people,: he ■.aid ; imagine they re i ; unpe't11;yy o tb'e" dinner table They have great talent lor lea.lerslop. both After stand. Oree, We’ve always fought like sisters, but we’ve always come out of it like sisters,I think it meant a lot to us to play together.’ Tracey Simmons. 'Oregon... C'C.rm aym milled util v four errors Wit.-:; I look ha: k .it my !t esh? I :i . lege tl reminds me til mv freshman year in high m she said ! here •, no v\ in, i expei ted to {>I,i% i- ..t Iresiiman in high >,t ho, I .ind we Uith did .. ,1 .ilon .so'id It, wasni surprised Ills dormer stars stepped right in .it the N< A A .lev, U hatever the ( tiallenge. they .' • g to :m-1 there, he s lid I he higher till- 1 e.| ,-Ilium . 1"'V el. the h.irder thev go St inning sill, through ,i .;; ■; ■ !,, : soph,, more season. w in'll she batted .’0« Site hitting i iareer-lx-st ti’H tiiis year Like I said' I di(ih’! have any exp'ix tatiotis illV freshman vear Ms sophomore V>;a.r t felt 11W, I h.ul to do |Ust as good as the sear before or I would get cut or whatever I put s,, mu; It pres : sure on mvselt " It's hard ■■when everyone is saving you'c I . t ;in,-. i,l) pi,lots under what von did i is! year said S i:; : nuns, who hatted a . areer h gh .tug her sop 1 anore season everyone s eon, erned aisilll it ant then v on re concerned about it All you VS ., •. ■ , , very tone you go lip tin-re ts get a adds And : !*i\ against some ot thi' top players ‘ I'm in clilii company tins weekend bci .uisr there are going to bo .1 lot of good players in tin’ tournament." Lyons said "I have to play some i areer rounds to win After Lyons, the Dili k s need seniors Stalk Aldrich. Doug D ut dot t ea ll . J a tltes Chrisinun and Troy I'umiya to step up and make sure It is not the final tournament ot their i areer Walk on Kan ds Mi < harken is ill till the ti mil spot for th.e I )m ks t ' S(: and 1 *lth ra nked Stanford are the other top contenders in the held who will !«• trying to pull oil the upset “We have to putt il we want to lie In i (intention," (latdlnal head touch Wally l loodss in said "Putting is a menial frustration that can grow on you, hut sse feel if sse had putted heller, we could have won a less tour nanumts I'he individual rai e will include tfnee of the top live amateur go I lets in (tie coun try Pile favorite to ss in is tsso time Put; 10 duller ot the Year I'li i i M > . ai I he top-ranked amateur in the country sshu has already ssm: i i’tiA lour event and is ; onsidered by many to be gull's next superstar Mu kel a at ss i in the i onlerenee title in 1'ITO Arizona's Mannv /.I'tniiin and David Ueiganio should also he near the top ol the leader hoard won las! season s i (inference title and is looking to Int nine the first player to win hat k to hat k titles in over III) years NEED SOME URGENT CARE M ON THE WEEKEND? Urgent C are Services at the Student Health renter are provided on weekends at the Following times: SATURDAY Sam to 8pm SUNDAY 12noon to 8pm Please uv the l 'rycnt ('are entrance located on Beech Si. U of () Health Center 346-4441 (|xess t)