Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 30, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Students to rally Friday against tuition hike
j Rally-goers will protest a
proposal to increase tuition
in 1993 school year
By Ellen Shaw
Emerald Contributor
Students, faculty iimi stuff from i-al
leges unil universities around Oregon
will railv on the steps of the State (iapi
tol in Salem Friday at 1 |> m. in response
to a proposed 1 «*«»:» tuition nu reuse id
SI .400.
Friday's rally will be .limed at per
suading tin’ Oregon Legislature to find
revenue replacement to make up tor tin
loss of geneml funds caused by Measure
Itudget cuts of S*>00 million last year
ri’sulli'd in reduced enrollment, program
cuts and Increased tuition at the t nicer
sity and oilier publii colleges and uni
In l'i'l.i. the budget will again !»• cut.
this time by St 'J. billion, said Oassandra
Wo/.niak, a student at Oregon State Uni
versitv who works for Students of-Ore
gon tallied to liesl tie College i'dui ation
Wn/ntuk s.iV' students at Oregon Statu
organized St )l IKt K m response to an ad
mintstraiive statement about possible
inis that proposed what OSI' would
lixik like in the year t XX) " She Mini ail
ministrators told students they have
more power to rhange things than the
admimstr.ition has
Brian (loop, a mu in bur of the I ’tu versi
tv's Student ( oalition lor Higher lahna
lion said ratlins arc "absolutely ( rui tat
in efforts to t ontrol tuition in<teases
Hoop said the legislature won't a« t in l.i
vor 111 higher rduiation until they are
lanvtni ni students .ire hurting bemuse
of I lilt I Ills
Ur ni i it In iillci l llio judgment ol our
legislature.' suuf Mull I ox, ASl'O slu
lifiil iifl.lirs conn! mu lor I 'in said I '.nv
lt.irti.iru Unhcrls understands the heeds ul
higher 1’iiiii ulloli till! Ii’.iiirrs sin li us
Hiuisi' Speaker Larry Campbell hiivu
been loss than sympalhetu
They wan I lo srr tiloiid in ill** streets
before they do anything. Hoop s.iul
Hoop ill ul C o\ also emphasized I hr
important r ol yoting lo control lilt* el
hi |s ul Mcustiri' % on our system ol high
!urn lo RALLY, H.iqo 5
Tiny bubbles
• I M. •
Hann-ichi Sunrise watches the bubbles blown by Poindexter the Ciuwr at the EMU
Poindexter, who usually works birthday parties and other events, came to hear the bands
featured Wednesday 'It's more ofsocial day than a work day tor me Poindexter said
Germans, Jews
discuss heritage
j Students of German and Jewish an
cestry meet to create better communi
cation and understanding
By Oaralyn Trappt*
f mor aid As social* f. cMr #
I hr same sort nt I'umomii problems m Uir Bolted
Sl.ilis thill hitvi* i ontnhtiled In lien Nazism and th<• risi•
n! pnhlui.ms like l l.iviit Duke .in' having the same rr
Mill in (Iffmiinv several (;i-rin.i11 students said Wed nos
11.1 v
,V. pari nt tin' University s Slioah Wn'l commrinoru
111 in nt I hr Jew who wrrr k 11 Ini 111 thr I li ill x . i n ■-1. I .rr
in.m .uni Jirwi-.li 1111i■ -111s mi l lor .i discussion ol Imw
thr VVorlil VV.ir II tragedies liavr .iffi-i In I tlnnr own hi rs
.Iini wh.ll I hr futuir III.II hold lor rrl.il Inns hrtwr. Ii the
I wn
| |lr (Irrill.lll -.Unlrlits will! atlrllllrd spnkr ol thr tlntl
hlr l.H mg thrir country now An mlhilion rtilr nl •(
pen nil and .i puhlii employers slrikr llial has halted
many ..miirs an aiding In rllinn Irimnns in lh.it
(.rrin.m graduate slmlrnl (.hfisti.in I t.ink ..nil hr lie
limes ( r-riiiaiii is on a dangerous tr.n k, but thr trim
hlr doesn't i iilnr as a surprise
I In n- are a onnmii protilrms, and thr proplr taking
thr hlalliii are the ours who are dillrrrnl, " hr said
Will'll [hr ri ol mu i y Is hail, people lend In III.line it nil
foreigners In the 1*1 Ills, they hi,mini il on the |rws
Another student Irnin (a rniany said lh.it one in 111 inn
people in lii immigrate In Uermany r.u h year, and re
i nil elections have seen the rise nl some right W ing
politic inns who I,ivor limiting the numhrr ol inunl
hrank said hr lliinks the situation i an hr i onlmll- i if
Torn lo SHOAH Ma p- I
Officers cleared in videotaped beating of King
j Verdict comes after seven days
of deliberation and ignites violence
in downtown Los Angeles
S1MI VALLfc’Y. Calif (Al’J Four white Los An
geles police officers were acquitted of all but one
assault charge Wednesday it) tfn- videotaped lieat
tng of blat k motorist Kodm v King A mistrial was
declared on one count
The verdicts, in the seventh dav ol delibera
tions, came after a year of political uproar
sparked by the graphic videotape ol a blue k man
being beaten by white officers, denounced in
many quarters as brutality The bac klash brought
down the Los Angeles police < hief
Scattered violence broke out on the i ily s large
ly black south side a few hours after the beating
"Mv client and I are just outraged." King's law
yer. Steve Lerman. said after the verdict. It sends
a bad message It says it's OK to go ahead and
beat somebody when they're down and kir k the
i rap out ul them
Pol it i; t: 11 u • I Daryl Cates. who was pressured to
resign after the heating, declined to comment <ii
re< tlv on the verdict
”1 ho not think there are any winners at till In
this situation," (lutes told reporters "I'm hopelu!
that this department v\ ill go forward
I.os Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley Blasted the
piry s dei islon
Today. the system failed us, tie said I oduy.
this |ury told the world what we .ill saw with our
own eyes wasn't a crime Today, th.it jury asked
us to accept the senseless and Brutal heating of a
helpless man
President Bush, at a state dinner m Washing
ton. appealed lor i aim
Several hours after the verdicts were an
nouneed, several hundred demonstrators rustled
the main doors at the police department’s Barker
Center headquarters in downtown l.os Angeles
Turn to TRIAL, Page *1
Violent protests hit L.A.
i.os ancklls (aim
Si altered violi'iu e erupted
following the acquittals of
four white policemen in a
blai k motorist s beatmg
Looters ravaged stores, four
motorists were beaten and
demonstrators rushed police
headquarters One person
was killed and at least 72
were injured Wednesday.
As the violence spread
across the residential and
business area. Mayor Tom
Bradley asked Gov I’ete
Wilson to send in the Na
lion.il ('.mini Wilson s.iiii he
would. Hr mi leys spokes
m. in. Hill Chandler, said
In the worst outbreak. an
intersection in prodornl
n. mlly lilac k South Central
Los Angeles was plunged
Into chaos, with looters run
ning free and motorists
pulled from cars and at
tacked Pollen and paramed
ic s were ordered to steer
Cits officials, me hiding
fum to PROTESTS. Page 4