Oregon Daily THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1992 Students to rally Friday against tuition hike j Rally-goers will protest a proposal to increase tuition in 1993 school year By Ellen Shaw Emerald Contributor Students, faculty iimi stuff from i-al leges unil universities around Oregon will railv on the steps of the State (iapi tol in Salem Friday at 1 |> m. in response to a proposed 1 «*«»:» tuition nu reuse id SI .400. Friday's rally will be .limed at per suading tin’ Oregon Legislature to find revenue replacement to make up tor tin loss of geneml funds caused by Measure 5 Itudget cuts of S*>00 million last year ri’sulli'd in reduced enrollment, program cuts and Increased tuition at the t nicer sity and oilier publii colleges and uni versities In l'i'l.i. the budget will again !»• cut. this time by St 'J. billion, said Oassandra Wo/.niak, a student at Oregon State Uni versitv who works for Students of-Ore gon tallied to liesl tie College i'dui ation l.SOUKCb) Wn/ntuk s.iV' students at Oregon Statu organized St )l IKt K m response to an ad mintstraiive statement about possible inis that proposed what OSI' would lixik like in the year t XX) " She Mini ail ministrators told students they have more power to rhange things than the admimstr.ition has Brian (loop, a mu in bur of the I ’tu versi tv's Student ( oalition lor Higher lahna lion said ratlins arc "absolutely ( rui tat in efforts to t ontrol tuition in