Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 28, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    Ducks take fifth in
touqh Pac-10 play
By Sieve Mims
Err.ftf aid Coni' itcA)'
Led hy a senior in her Shu I
match anti two freshmen coni
peting in their first Conference
championship, the Oregon
women's golf team finished
fifth in the Pacific-Ill Confer
ent o (diampionships III Tempo,
An/ . last ys eekemi
Oregon senior Leigh Hornung
made a big push to get into the
\( ,\A Ohampionships in lit
ing a ID-over p.ir J*> to finish:
in a ninth-place tie with team
mate Shannon Mater Hornung
is hoping to earn an individual
berth ill the national ; Campion
ships Init must now wait a t on
pie of days for her ranking
I'he most pleasant surprise
lor the Ducks was the play of
fresh men Shannon Mare ,, ml
Karl \ Mills Ha re paled ! he
Dm ks m the opening round
with a 2 over par -' I nid Tin
ished in 1 Oth pla e. and Mills
fired second and third round
7(>s to finish in a tie for 70th
plat e
I’m very happy with tlu
play of out freshmen. Oregon
head coach Renee Baumgartner
said Th e y pi a v ed soli d
throughout the tournament
five teams went into the
tournament ranked in the top
1 ! in the country. so the Dm ss
set a goal to deleat one ot those
Umhis and finish in tho I<>p fl\ • ■
(Irogon rc.n hod th.it it > tl by ■
foaling ' lib rankod ■ St in d '»
.Tlif i >i;. kx xh> it .s hi i.' fi
i ord JlIH in tin■ sd< : !nl round
to tinno ’A Ithlll -t.I.!-.; shut ot:
third jii.ii o 1 Inn hid.- t .1 hit in
tho fm.it rtiutul shooting •> to '
but still j'inishod oight
shots OUt (l| M'lntlfl pi,II 1'
/ vs is f . U 1 j 1 i,1 \ ,-d r0.1!! v
woII H.uimgtirttvoi -..mi Our
goal was to finish ill till' top
fivti, and wtr did
An/ufti ran in iv with; tho
to.iin titio dofoating rutinor up
\muna St.it>' by Id shuts I ho
VV 1S, 1 ( a!' vs oro iod to, 1 milV id;;
,1 i 1 I: 1 111 [1 , Mi \ ' ilk i
soronst.mi, who sin4 a ’ irh.lor
p.ir .11 1 lor tho toiirn.iiriont
Oregon ' si .1 son is livot,
tmltho'. is ojiliiiusni surround
ing noxl so,ison i iio litn ks will
lose four sotimrs iiul thoy havo
throo rodshiil players roturnirig
along with four iroshruori vs ho
have signed for next vo.ir in
r.ludod among next vo.ir's Irtish
in.m i I o s is l.i'.mno Wong (rorn
Los A ago les. 1 p l.i v or vs tin
Bailing.irtnor said is "a blue
1 hip prospoi t"
Next yoar should ts' 0x1 it
ing Wo hav i so.mg playors
who will play right away
Bauniga r I nor s.i ; W o .iron t
losing too Inin fi vs o 1 an t ro
piai o
Oregon places 4th at
weekend golf tourney
By Steve Mims
Emerald Confribulor
Thu Oregon men's gull team
rebounded from ii [ioor opening
round to finisli fourth .it the
U S Intercollegiate in I’.ilu
Alto, Calif , lust w rekerid
The Ducks struggled in the
first round with a -AIM begin
rung the tourn.mient m ! tlb
place They refiounded quit k 1 \
shooting .1 JIM in Ifie second
round iirid .1 JHti in the fm.d
round to edge out 1 resno State
hv one shot for fourth pi.u e
We dug ourselves ,1 hole
early, but \v e e .1 me ba 1 k
strong, Oregon lo ad coach
Sh,m n \Ichor said
()nt e again the Dui ks were
led bv pimor Jeff l,\ons. who
sfiot a ».‘# in e a Ii of the final
tvso rounds to hmsti m a tie tor
tflird at J ! 1
Oregon's Doug DuCTuiteau
and James Chrisman finished
tied lot Ifith jilace with M over
par J J 1 s Du( diateau came hack
from an opening round 7'i to
i.lsl tvs u
.hinit even |>.ir (i v. r ih
Thini r.isiki .s Ati/.m.i vv. ,n
thi' ttMin title bv hnn^ .in 1 1
un.ti par 27 i in tin' Im.11
round to tiinsh at HA ! breaking
tin' !«urniimi*nl record the
U ::.ii ah. ,i v ■■ u iM u.
foul finished 111 M-l 011(1 e ven
shots behind An/on.i, followed
try M-< ofMi rttuiui leader I’ai lilt
in third
An/ :.i s M.iiiiu /■ ; ;: i. ■
Irndetl his individual 11!i ■ with
,i let;!: ief 20 7, two shuts
,1 he.il! ot I’,H 11II s I tlOtil.1 s
1 ,in,/.erman. vs ho is tanked
,inning the top five amateur
golfers in the i o.iutrv finished
i■. the :,ivs an; it.■ ,o i! ;he S' .
[el s tvs vs so. ago
Thu field for tin- tournament
,s is strong as it mi hided ev cry
*,i{ if it It) team n. • [it for An
r.onu State
Oregon will next . onipi t>- in
the 1 *.i( 111 ( 10 ( on 1 iiri'ii. e
Championships in Corvallis
tills VV eekelld
rTT” ni
g] Open I'hiu the Sumnin ! (S'
fllapletm Inn
StJ ani Urtakfaat
413 f ast 1 3th Avenue
i ujjene, l 'rr^un ^7*401
(503) 344-8807
Also available lor:
• t irnup hookings open
lor (iraduation weekend
• Parents Weekend
• Willamette Valle> bulk
Weddings • Reunions
Meetings * i unctions
tin Nimiimj
Wo r\-v Tr rv.o ' ^ '
I University Theatre Productions
| 1991-1992 Season
■‘My loveliest
comedy! Enchanting
and heartwarming,”
says William
by William Shakespeare
May 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23
8:00 p.m. Curtain • Robinson Theatre
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"A must see!!"
“Wish I had written it. "
-Sir l ram is Huron
jun#pf-.Kk* Unn« funded < fn>m 'mine ^ w«» *»*1 !?» #• 4 K ■ • w*vl h i«*rtw»ily tuUteh/m 1 ■ludert In. »*■< (#*.«%
Weasel’s World
Kraig Norris
* - * rnt
:. . I ' N •* • f." f
Ht toy Z TH ::
,l 1'** «* -I
r* t *• .1 va*' : v '
*’■:*.* *ak *,* <v.
; {*•’_ AN' 5 > l ~
A *, V
TH‘ "A/ ' '
? A I
' v.:>
Neal Skorpen
Oscar the Freshman
A R£
'/s/0/ IV,
r£ ■‘-o yoM,
' ! i rHA'i*C,y
r~<- i •-osl f